
  • 网络South of the Ocean
  1. 旧时,梅州地区许多客家人或由于生活所迫,或由于政治原因,或由于土客械斗下南洋谋生存求发展。

    In the old times , many Hakka people in Meizhou went to the Southeastern Asia on account of the hard life or the political reasons .

  2. 特兰达是我在《下南洋》里面扮演的角色。她是一个比较有贵气的德国姑娘。

    So ," Te Lan Da " is the name of my character from that Xia Nan Yang tv soap I was filming the other night , where I play the oblivious German wife of the major villain .

  3. 在特殊的历史文化背景和自然地理条件下,这种受到南洋文化影响的新建筑式样是对以中原传统民居建筑为模板而发展形成的琼北民居建筑的丰富和补充。

    In the special historical and cultural backgrounds and geographical conditions , this new style of architecture culture in Southeast Asia is on the Central Plains traditional residential architecture as " template " and the development of the formation of northern Hainan Island enrichment and supplement of residential buildings .