
  • 网络lower urinary tract
  1. 目的:观察经尿道前列腺电切除术(TURP)在治疗晚期前列腺癌相关的下尿路梗阻中的意义。

    Objective : To investigate the role of transurethral resection of the prostate ( TURP ) in the treatment of lower urinary tract obstruction due to advanced prostate cancer .

  2. 结论明确NVB与周围组织器官的关系,为下尿路手术中避免损伤海绵体神经,减少医源性ED有重要意义。

    Conclusions It is essential to identify the exact relationships of NVB to its adjacent organs to avoid injury to the cavernous nerves during lower urinary tract surgery and prevent from iatrogenic ED.

  3. 应用MRI测量的前列腺形态学参数与下尿路梗阻程度的相关性研究

    The correlation between the severity of male lower urinary obstruction and prostate morphological parameters measured by MRI

  4. 同返流、输尿管远端或下尿路梗阻引起的肾积水及正常肾脏检查结果比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    The results of PUJO were significantly different from those of hydronephrosis due to reflux , lower ureteric or lower urinary obstruction , or The normal kidneys ( P0 . 05 ) .

  5. 目的:建立大鼠下尿路梗阻引起逼尿肌不稳定(DI)的模型。

    Objective : To establish the rat model of bladder outlet obstruction leading to detrusor instable ( DI ) .

  6. 结果:大鼠膀胱下尿路梗阻6周后DI发生率为57.4%。

    Results : The rate of DI after 6 weeks ' obstruction of lower urinary tract was 57.4 % .

  7. 有下尿路症状的前列腺增生人群临床症状参数与血清PSA值之间的关系

    Relationship between prostatic specific antigen and clinical symptomatic parameters in benign prostatic hyperplasia with lower urinary tract symptoms

  8. 结论尿动力学检查发现CP患者有不同程度的下尿路功能障碍。

    Conclusion The different level dysfunction of the low urethral tract of the patient with CP was discovered in the urodynamics study .

  9. 方法建立Wistar大鼠膀胱下尿路梗阻动物模型,6周后以充盈性膀胱测压的变化检测逼尿肌不稳定的发生率。

    Methods Cystometry was performed to observe the occurance of detrusor instability ( DI ) after 6 weeks of Wistar rats LUT .

  10. 结论PBS患儿尿动力学主要表现为下尿路梗阻,剩余尿增多。

    Conclusions The primary manifestation of children with PBS is lower urinary tract obstruction and increase in residual urine .

  11. 除了下尿路梗阻症状外,TURP手术后反复发作的肉眼血尿是患者再次实施TURP的一个重要原因。

    Gross hematuria is one of the main causes for repeat TURP besides the low urinary tract symptoms .

  12. CP的临床表现可分为五大类:①下尿路刺激症状:尿频,尿急,尿痛等;

    The clinical signs and symptoms of CP can be divided into 5 parts : 1 , the stimulation symptoms of lower urinary route : frequent micturition , urgent micturition , painful micturition .

  13. 目的了解老年勃起功能障碍患者的下尿路症状程度,评估ED与LUTS之间的相关性。

    Objective To investigate the degree of lower urinary tract symptoms in elderly people with erectile dysfunction and evaluate the correlation between ED and LUTS .

  14. 目的了解成年男性人群下尿路症状(LUTS)的年龄分布与变化规律。

    Objective To assess the prevalence and presentation of low urinary tract symptoms ( LUTS ) in Chinese men .

  15. 结论:PCT可用于鉴别上、下尿路感染,并与肾受累程度相关(P<0.01)。

    Conclusion : PCT values could be used to differentiate APN from lower UTI and to predict the degree of severity of renal lesions , P < 0.01 .

  16. 目的:探讨α1A受体阻滞剂坦索罗辛对改善前列腺癌患者下尿路梗阻症状的作用。

    Objective [ WT5,5BZ ] : To evaluate the clinical efficacy of alpha 1A antagonist ( Tamsulosin ) for prostatic cancer ( PCa ) patients with low urinary tract symptoms ( LUTS ) .

  17. 结果47例患者治疗后下尿路梗阻症状、转移性骨痛均得到明显改善,血清PSA在治疗后3个月内均显著下降,其中16例降至正常范围。

    Results The symptoms of urethral obstruction and metastatic bony pains were alleviated in all 47 patients . The serum PSA were significant reduced 3 months after the treatment and in 16 cases were reduced to the normal range .

  18. 背景目的:神经源性膀胱功能障碍(neurogenicbladderdysfunction,NBD)是指某种原因引起支配下尿路的神经病变或损害所致的膀胱尿道功能障碍,即膀胱的贮尿和排尿功能障碍。

    Background and objective : Neurogenic bladder dysfunction ( NBD ) refers to some kind of reason caused bladder urethra dysfunction , such as neuropathy , or damage that dominates the urinary tract namely urine storage and micturition dysfunction .

  19. 目的应用交感皮肤反应(SSR)评价脊髓损伤(SCI)患者的下尿路(LUT)传入神经通道的功能状况。

    Objective To evaluate the function of afferent neuronal pathways ( ANP ) from the lower urinary tract ( LUT ) in patients with spinal cord injury ( SCI ) by use of sympathetic skin response ( SSR ) .

  20. 目的探讨前列腺移行带增生与下尿路症状(LUTS)及急性尿潴留(AUR)的关系。

    Objective To study the relationship of prostate transition zone ( TZ ) with lower urinary tract symptom ( LUTS ) and acute urinary retention ( AUR ) .

  21. 结果意向性治疗(ITT)分析显示,治疗1周后试验组和对照组在下尿路感染综合疗效的总有效率方面分别为92·43%和91·31%;

    Results ITT ( intention-to-treatment ) analysis showed that the total effective rates of the treatment group and the controlled group were 92.43 % and 91.31 % , respectively ( P > 0.05 ) .

  22. 在动物试验的基础上,应用尿道型90Sr/90Y(β)腔内治疗器对125例良性前列腺增生继发下尿路完全性梗阻和下尿路不完全性梗阻患者进行了尿道前列腺腔内照射治疗。

    N the basis of animal tests , 125 cases of BPH with complete or imcomplete obstruction are treated by " urethra-type " 90Sr / 90Y intracavitary applicators .

  23. 方法:伴有下尿路症状(LUTS)的糖尿病患者35例,年龄42~88岁,男20例,女15例。

    Methods : Urodynamic studies were performed in 35 diabetic patients with lower urinary tract symptoms ( LUTS )( 20 men and 15 women ; age range of 28 to 88 years ) .

  24. 结论:α1A、α1D-AR在大鼠下尿路均有表达,并且主要表达在大鼠膀胱、尿道上皮、上皮下结缔组织以及平滑肌组织和前列腺基质。

    Conclusion : α 1A-AR and α 1D-AR were both expressed in the lower urinary tract , mainly in the urothelium , smooth muscle and connective tissue of bladder and urethra , and prostate stroma .

  25. 单用抗精神病药与抗精神病药合并心理社会干预对精神分裂症认知功能的影响氨氯地平、特拉唑嗪及联合用药改善高血压合并下尿路综合征患者IPSS评分比较

    Antipsychotic Alone and Antipsychotic Combination with Psychosocial Intervention on Cognitive Function of Schizophrenia ; The study of amlodipine , terazosin and their combination effect on reducing IPSS scores in the patient with both hypertension and lower urinary tract symptoms

  26. 盐酸特拉唑嗪对代谢综合征大鼠血液流变学及部分凝血检测项目的影响氨氯地平、特拉唑嗪及联合用药改善高血压合并下尿路综合征患者IPSS评分比较

    The Approach of Terazosin on Hemorheology and Part of Blood Coagulation Items of Rats with Metabolic Syndrome The study of amlodipine , terazosin and their combination effect on reducing IPSS scores in the patient with both hypertension and lower urinary tract symptoms

  27. 结果药物组患者服药后下尿路症状改善,平均IPSS评分降低11.2%,平均前列腺体积缩小16.7%,平均最大尿流率提高35.6%。

    Results Patients in the treatment group reported improvement of low urinary tract symptoms , the mean IPSS decreased by 11.2 % , the mean volume of the prostate reduced by 16.7 % , and the mean maximum flow rate increased by 35.6 % .

  28. 由动物实验与临床试验证实,增生的前列腺组织经90Sr/90Y(β)腔内治疗器照射后出现萎缩,使尿道前列腺段的梗阻得以解除,下尿路恢复了排尿功能。

    Animal tests and clinical experiments indicate that the atrophy of hyperplasia prostate tissue is taken place after irradiating by the 90Sr / 90Y intracavitary applicator . Consequently , the urethra obstruction which lies to the prostate is released and the function of lower urethra is recovered .

  29. 方法1990年4月~2004年8月,收治下尿路梗阻患儿26例,年龄18d~12岁,其中后尿道瓣膜23例,前尿道瓣膜2例,外伤性后尿道狭窄1例。

    Methods Twenty-six boys suffering from lower urinary tract obstruction underwent the balloon dilatation operation . These patients included 23 cases of posterior urethral valves , 2 cases of anterior urethral valves and 1 case of traumatic urinary tract stricture . Their ages ranged from 18 days to 7 years .

  30. 双氯灭痛直肠给药治疗下尿路术后并发的膀胱无抑制性收缩

    Rectal diclofenac for the management of postoperative uninhibited contraction of bladder