
  1. 目的采用多普勒组织成像技术(TDE)测量二尖瓣环收缩期下行速度,评价陈旧性前间壁心肌梗死患者的左室收缩功能。

    Objective To evaluate the left ventricular systolic function of the old antero-septal myocardial infarction by measuring the mitral annular velocity in systole using tissue Doppler echocardiography .

  2. 目前的DSL技术有多种,其中的SDSL由于其速度快,而且上行和下行速度相同,特别适合于上行和下行流量差不多的用户。

    The DSL 's technology at present has many kinds , among which the SDSL is quick speed , and the upstream is identical as downstream speed , and especially is fit for in up and down volume of flow average person user .

  3. 线缆是不对称的:下行速度远远快于上行速度。

    Cable is not symmetrical : Downstream speeds far outpace upstream speeds .

  4. 结论:测量二尖瓣环下行速度可作为一个评价左室收缩功能的新指标。

    Conclusion : the mitral annular descent velocity can be used as a new index to evaluate the LV systolic function in MI .

  5. 此次美联储降息之前,美国房地产市场下行速度加快,在一定程度上证实了央行官员们最坏的担忧,加剧了金融市场的不安情绪。

    The cut follows an accelerated decline in the housing market that has confirmed some of central bankers ' worst fears and exacerbated jitters in financial markets .

  6. 液压机活动横梁空载下行速度的计算凭其惊人的运算速度,计算机能够连走几步妙棋吃掉对方的一个兵,还有时间救驾。

    Calculating at phenomenal speed , the computer was able to make moves that saw it take a pawn and still have time to rescue its king .

  7. 在其活塞杆中心加一个小活塞或柱塞的一种新型快速液压缸,解决了垂直安装使用的一般液压通常存在的停止位置不准、回程速度受下行速度影响的问题。

    It is a new type of hydraulic cylinder which a small piston is added in the center of the piston rod that eliminated the problems of uncorrect stop position and the return speed effected by the down speed in the vertical use .

  8. 周期依照关键路口饱和度的大小由模糊控制算法进行优化,而相位差根据上下行速度进行计算,绿信比基于历史和实时的交通数据确定。

    Public cycle time is adjusted by fuzzy logic according to the saturation degree of key intersection on the arterial . The offsets are calculated by average speeds . The variable splits of each intersection are adjusted based on historical and real-time traffic information .