
xià jí
  • subordinate;lower level;below
下级 [xià jí]
  • (1) [lower level]∶较低的级别

  • 下级服从上级

  • (2) [subordinate]∶处于从属地位的人或机构

  • 帮助下级解决工作中的问题

下级[xià jí]
  1. 下级服从上级。

    The lower level is subordinate to the higher level . ; The lower level subordinates itself to the higher level .

  2. 第十八条下级土地利用总体规划应当依据上一级土地利用总体规划编制。

    Article 18 General plans for land use at a lower level shall be compiled according to the general plans for the utilization of land at the next higher level .

  3. 该国最高法院已推翻了下级法院的判决。

    The nation 's highest court reversed the lower court 's decision

  4. 他本应该清楚自己下级们的所作所为。

    He should have been aware of what his junior officers were doing

  5. 他的60个下级官员都以他为榜样。

    Sixty of his subordinate officers followed his example

  6. 他们反对任命一名下级警官担任警务总监。

    They opposed the nomination of a junior officer to the position of Inspector General of Police

  7. 他对下级盛气凌人。

    He domineered over his inferiors .

  8. 在陆军中,中尉是上尉的下级。

    In the army , lieutenants are subordinate to captains .

  9. 高级法院可复审下级法院的判决。

    Superior courts may review decisions of lower courts .

  10. 在这两个官员中,詹姆斯是下级。

    Of the two officers , james is the junior .

  11. 这位下级行政管员急不可待地想晋升,但他知道只有待某人退休后接替其职位,才能获得晋升。

    The junior executive was impatient for promotion but knew that he would only get it by stepping into a dead man 's shoes .

  12. 上诉法院撤销了下级法院的裁决。

    The appeal court overrode the decision of the lower court .

  13. 针对下级政府及公办学校的责任人,主要采取约谈、通报批评、组织处理、移交监察机关或司法机关等问责方式。

    The main administrators7 of lower governments and public schools can be held accountable through having talks , name and shame , administrative punishment , or being handed over to law enforcement authorities and supervisory commissions , it said .

  14. 属性相对应,并且包含该xml文档所在的目录的下级目录。

    Property and contains directories at or below the directory containing the XML document .

  15. 上下级的CA间采用主从协作。

    The superior and subordinate Agents adopted the master-menial cooperation .

  16. 结论CT对血管的上/下级相对比值评估具有较高价值。

    Conclusion CT has high value in calculation of the relative ratio of superior / inferior order .

  17. Pressanddraghandtoselecttestobjects方法选择一个对象以及所选对象的所有下级对象。

    The Press and drag hand to select test objects method selects an object and all the descendents of the selected object .

  18. CA系统的实现遵循了国际上通用的证书标准和规范,并且具有良好的可扩展性,能够随着规模的扩大通过增加下级CA来扩展整个系统的规模。

    The design of the CA system follows the common International certificate standards , and has good scalability .

  19. Alpha稳定分布噪声下级联恒模阵列及其稳定性分析

    A Robust Cascade Constant Modulus Array in Alpha-Stable Noise Environment and Its Steady-State Analysis

  20. 下级子系统以DSP为CPU,完成了数据采集、数据处理、故障判别和保护等功能。

    The lower subsystem with the CPU of DSP perform the function of data collection , data processing and protection .

  21. 利用凸正规化得到了B值狄里克莱级数的下级与其系数和指数的关系

    In this paper , through convex regularization the formulas of the lower order of B value Dirichlet series given by the exponents and the coefficients are arrived at

  22. 复平面上Dirichlet级数的下级

    The Lower Order of Dirichlet Series on the Complex Plane

  23. 目的对离体猪肺血管铸型标本进行测量,计算其1~5级血管的上/下级和同级血管静脉/动脉的相对比值,以评估使用CT测量、计算相对比值的价值。

    Objective To evaluate value of CT measurement and calculation of vessels of isolate pig lung , by compare with measurement and calculation of resin cast of them .

  24. VB6.0下级进模俯视图绘制智能化的研究

    Research on Top View Design Intellectualization of Progressive Die in VB6.0

  25. 特别是,首次应用Newton多边形得到它的下级与它系数间的关系。

    Specifically , the relations between its low order and its coefficients by the Newton polygon are obtained .

  26. 该文研究Alpha稳定分布噪声下级联韧性恒模阵列的稳定性。

    This paper studies the steady-state of a robust cascade constant modulus ( CM ) array in alpha-stable distribution noise environment .

  27. 半平面上无限级Dirichlet级数的上下级

    The order and the low order of Dirichlet series of infinite order on the half plane

  28. 企业高层对于下级管理者持续达不到业绩指标的愤怒,在一定程度上解释了“执行”(execution)这个21世纪初最热门管理术语为何如此风靡。

    Irritation at the persistent failure of managers lower down the corporate ladder to perform partly explains the huge popularity of the hottest management buzzword of the early 21st century execution .

  29. 下级为电力系统运行模拟模型(LP),用于求解每阶段的电力系统运行费用并进行电力电量平衡。

    The lower level is an operation simulation model which is solved for the operation cost of power system in every stage .

  30. 粘着斑激酶(Focaladhesionkinase,FAK)则是整合素信号途径中连接整合素与下级信号分子的媒介,是胞内多条信号途径的交汇点。

    Focal adhesion kinase ( FAK ) is the intermediator linking integrins to downstream signal proteins , and plays a key role in multiple signal pathways .