
guān xì lèi xínɡ
  • relationship type
  1. 关联类型属性定义了关系类型,比如:contains、cleared、causedBy、multiPart或correlated。

    An associated type attribute defines the relationship type , such as : contains , cleared , causedBy , multiPart , or correlated .

  2. 删除一个关系类型时要特别注意:删除一个已有的关系类型可能会导致资产清单的relatedAsset缺失。

    Use caution when deleting a relationship type : deleting an existing relationship may cause the loss of the relatedAsset section of the asset manifest .

  3. 文章还讨论了TP与NP之间的语义关系类型。

    The paper studies the semantic relations between TP and NP .

  4. 一些常见的系统元数据(例如资产类型、类别模式和关系类型)在AssetManager存储库中被多个资产共享。

    Some common system metadata ( such as asset types , category schemas , and relationship types ) are shared among the assets in the Asset Manager repository .

  5. 本文揭示了Q分析法是研究同一集合或两个不同集合元素之间的关系类型的一种结构语言。

    This paper indicates that Q analytical method is a structural language to study the relational kind between elements of one set and of two different sets .

  6. RationalAssetManager的InformantionModel部分能使企业指定资产类型、关系类型、资产属性和分类方案。

    The Information Model section of Rational Asset Manager enables the enterprise to specify the asset types , relationship types , asset attributes , and category schemas .

  7. URI对中的第一个URI标识关系类型;第二个URI指定相关消息的唯一MessageID。

    The first URI in the pair identifies the type of relationship ; the second URI specifies the unique Message ID of the related message .

  8. 资产类型、关系类型,和资产属性都是在存储库级定义的,并且受到其他RAM配置项的引用。

    The asset types , relationship types , and asset attributes are defined at the repository level and are referenced by other RAM configuration items .

  9. 利用正反例样本对支持向量机(SVM)抽取器进行训练,以此来判断候选命名实体对的关系类型。

    Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) classifier was trained by the positive and negative cases and used to judge the relation of the potential named entity pairs .

  10. 关系类型的业务数据存储库数据库比数据集市中非正规(denormalized)和汇总性(summarized)的数据库更易于伸缩和集成。

    The relational style business data repository database is much easier to scale and integrate than denormalized and summarized databases in a data mart .

  11. 但是,由于RAM中的资产类型可以使用/引用关系类型和资产属性,所以在输入资产类型之前开始它们是有用的。

    However , since the asset types in RAM can use / reference the relationship types and the asset attributes , it is useful to begin with these before entering asset types .

  12. 在语料库的构建过程中,本文参考了ACE评测会议的标注并加以扩展,定义了六种社会关系类型,接着从互联网上搜集格式化语料并加以标注。

    In the building process of corpus , the ACE evaluation corpus become an important reference . We defined six social relation types and collected the format corpus from the Internet .

  13. 关系类型描述资产之间关系的性质。

    Relationship types describe the nature of a relationship between assets .

  14. 关系类型对服务失败后顾客反应的影响

    The Impact of Relationship Type on Customer Responses to Service Failure

  15. 以及他所希望的关系类型。

    He describes what kind of relationship he would like .

  16. 两个初级关系类型为:动态和静态。

    Two primary relationship types exist : dynamic and static .

  17. 中古诗歌异文关系类型初探

    On the Relationship Between Different versions of Middle Ancient Poetry

  18. 可是当一方采用某一种关系类型

    Now , mismatches -- when one person assumes one relationship type ,

  19. 领域概念语义关系类型的半自动提取技术

    Semiautomatic Extract Technology of Semantic Relation of Domain-specified Concepts

  20. 这些不同的因果关系类型都有自身的一些特点,但也存在着相似之处。

    These different types have their own features , but they also have similarities .

  21. 模型较之代码支持一个更加丰富的关系类型的集合。

    Models support a richer set of relationship types than those found in code .

  22. 依存关系类型识别任务转换为多分类问题。

    The recognition of dependency relationship type can be regarded as the task of classification .

  23. 丽江市人地关系类型划分

    Division of human-land relationship types in Lijiang

  24. 供应链企业间关系类型对关系品质的影响研究

    Study on the Effects of Relationship Types among Enterprises of Supply Chain to Relationship Quality

  25. 传统的农村社会关系类型是以亲缘和地缘为基础。

    They play an important part in the harmonious stability of eth traditional village society .

  26. 叙事模式是叙事者与故事之间的关系类型。

    Narrative mode is about type of relations between narrator and his / her story .

  27. 边缘旅游地有着特定的内涵和形成机理,并且可以按现有的资源赋存状况,划分出核心旅游地与边缘旅游地的两种关系类型。

    There was the core element and the mechanism of the formation of peripheral tourism area .

  28. 亲子关系类型与幼儿社会行为也呈现出了一定的相关。

    The type of the parent-infant relationship and the infants ' social behavior show some correlation .

  29. 对于简单的关系类型使用属性;否则,你将会使你的图混乱。

    Prefer attributes for simple types to relationships ; otherwise , you will clutter your diagrams .

  30. 应该根据词汇属性或词汇关系类型排除或包含的任何词汇

    Any terms that should be excluded or included based on term attributes or term relationship types