
  • 网络Oblate Organization Structure
  1. 美国高校图书馆扁平化组织结构对我国的启示

    Enlightenment of Flattening Organizational Structure of American University Library on Our Country

  2. 扁平化组织结构抗风险的分析

    Resistance to a type of risk of flat organization structure

  3. 扁平化组织结构作为一种对金字塔式组织结构的改进形式,可以避免一些问题的出现。

    Flattening organizational structure which improved form pyramid organizational structure could avoid some problems .

  4. 企业扁平化组织结构的研究

    Enterprise Flat Organizational Structure

  5. 扁平化组织结构和跨职能工作团队在提高行政效率和员工积极性方面具有独特作用。

    Work team characterized by flat organization and multi-function plays an important role in improving the efficiency and enthusiasm .

  6. 并结合电信行业的市场状况,提出了面向客户的扁平化组织结构框架,同时,也对信息管理系统的设计提出了要求。

    Combined with the telecommunications industry and market conditions , it presents the customer-facing flat organizational structure framework , but also the design of information management system requirements .

  7. 本文试图从组织结构形式的转变入手,分析在扁平化组织结构形式下如何进行柔性的人力资源管理。

    In view of the organization structure transformation , this paper attempts to analyze how the flexible human resources management is carried out within the flat organization structure .

  8. 笔者从财政分权理论、扁平化组织结构理论、区域非均衡发展理论、委托代理理论四个理论视角论述了改革的必要性。

    This paper quotes fiscal decentralization theory , flattening organizational structure theory , regional imbalance development theory and the principal-agent theory to prove the feasibility of the reform .

  9. 与此组织特点相适应,本论文认为扁平化组织结构是适合于武汉光电国家实验室(筹)的理想组织形式。

    Adapting to the characteristics of this organization , the paper shows flat organizational structure is suitable for the ideal form of organization of Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics ( raise ) .

  10. 为了适应环境的快速变化,许多企业都放弃了这种与传统科学管理相适应的金字塔模式管理,逐步发展变革转向更加适应新时代的扁平化组织结构。

    In order to adapt to rapid changes in the environment , many companies have abandoned the traditional pyramid of scientific management model suitable for management of change to the more gradual development of the new age of flat organizational structure .

  11. 随着市场竞争的剧烈化,越来越多的企业围绕战略进行面向客户的业务流程再造,面向流程的扁平化组织结构应运而生。

    Nowadays more and more enterprises , faced with fierce competition in the global market , began to undertake business process reengineering ( BPR ) toward the enterprise strategy , which often result in the flat organization structure based on business processes .

  12. 在此基础上,改变传统税务管理以职能为导向的组织结构,建立以税务流程为导向的扁平化组织结构,以实现税务组织内部结构机制的改革。

    On this basis , we change the traditional tax institutional framework and take functions as our direction , set up the flat institutional framework and take procedure as our guidance so as to realize the goals of reforming tax structure within the tax organization .

  13. 公司实行扁平化的组织结构——“没有层级,”乌鲁卡亚说。

    The organization is flat - " no layers , " Ulukaya says .

  14. 扁平化的组织结构有利于教师领导的有效开展。

    The parallel school system is good for teachers to complement leading action effectively .

  15. 在组织结构上,通过建立扁平化的组织结构来提高管理的效率。

    In terms of organizational structure the efficiency of management can be improved by establishing a flat organizational structure .

  16. 近年来,为了适应经济全球化所带来的激烈竞争,金字塔式的组织结构逐渐被扁平化的组织结构所取代。

    In recent years , in order to adapt to fierce competition brought by economic globalization , the organization structure has changed from pyramid to flat gradually .

  17. 在平台中设计了的极其扁平化的组织结构,鼓励与促进所有成员参与到知识的共享与管理中去。

    The primary research work is as follows : ( 1 ) A tubular organizational structure is built in the platform , which could encourage members to share and manage their knowledge .

  18. 提出信息化环境下组织结构创新的一系列发展趋势:扁平化是组织结构优化的基础;

    At the same time , a series of development trend in organization structure innovation under the information environment has been put forward : Flat model is the basis of organization structure optimization ;

  19. 大学要实现知识共享应建立扁平化的组织结构、灵活多样的人力资源管理办法、张扬特长的人才培养体系、建立相互信任的共享文化和开放的共享知识库。

    The precondition of achieving knowledge sharing in the university are the establishment of flat organization structure , flexible human power management , specialty developing and talent training system , the mutual trust culture and the open knowledge sharing repository .

  20. 该方案主要包括宏观层面上的扁平化的组织结构方案和微观层面上的处于组织底层的、该院收入和利润主要来源的、以团队建设为核心的组织结构方案两个基本部分。

    It includes two main parts , one is a flat organization structure system and another is a building scheme of work teams or groups that are the income and profit maker of the institute standing in the substrate of the organization .

  21. 在此基础上归纳总结了组织结构变革的三个发展趋势:组织结构扁平化、组织结构网络化、组织结构无边界化。

    At the same time , I take deep study on the main elements of organization structures , On this basis , the author summarizes the trend of change in the organization structure : flat organization structure , network organization structure , Non-boundary Organization structure .

  22. 根据功能取向的思维方法,大学图书馆的总体发展应该是基于学科导向型的收藏、基于项目导向型的管理、基于扁平化的组织结构和最终提供分布式信息资源和集成化服务管理的模式。

    According to the approach of the functional orientation , the overall development of the university library should be based on the discipline-oriented collection , the project-oriented management , the flat organizational structure and the mode that ultimately provides distributed information resources and an integrated service management .

  23. 其次,组织结构要得以优化,扁平化的组织结构是提高管理效率的有效模式之一:减少管理层级,提高各个层级的工作效率,增加员工工作量。

    Secondly , the framework of organization needs to manage to optimize , the flat-rization framework of organization is one of the effective pattern improving efficiency of management : Cut down the level managing a tier , improve each tier of level availability , increase employee amount of work .

  24. 虚拟制造组织(VirtualManufacturingOrganization,VMO)作为先进制造模式的一种发展形式依赖于网络信息技术的大量运用,具有分布、扁平网络化的组织结构以及分布和并行的管理与控制机制。

    As one kind of advanced manufacturing system , virtual manufacturing organization ( VMO ) relies on the intensive application of network and information technologies , and processes the properties of distributed and flat networked organization structure as well as decentralized parallel mechanism of management and control .

  25. 推论了理论的启示作用,即网络化,虚拟化和扁平化是未来企业组织结构的基本特征。

    These theories also foresee future trends such as networking , virtualization , and flattening as the basic characteristics of future company organizational structure .

  26. 组织的扁平化管理⑦精减政府机构,建立扁平化组织结构,建立一体化政府;

    The Flating Management of Organizations ( 7 ) simplifying the government institution , building flat ones and establishing the incorporate government ;

  27. 本文通过分析,阐述知识经济时代企业组织结构扁平化的必要性,并对企业实施扁平化组织结构提出建议。

    This paper illustrates the necessity of flattening of enterprise organizational structures in the era of knowledge-based economy era and puts forward some suggestions as to how an enterprise will adopt flattened organizational structures .