
  • 网络Organizational Boundary
  1. 如果员工能够获得难得的机会,跨越组织界限而做出贡献,他们往往会在组织中晋升到精英阶层。

    And when employees are given the rare opportunity to contribute across organizational boundaries , they are often designated in an elite class of their own .

  2. .NET服务包含用于创建应用程序和服务之间安全链接的访问控制,还有一个跨网络和组织界限的通信服务总线。

    Access control to help create secure connections between your applications and services , as well as a service bus for communicating across network and organizational boundaries .

  3. TTC染色法可清晰显示白色脑梗死灶范围,与正常深红色脑组织界限清楚。

    TTC staining can clearly show the range of the white infarction . The brain tissue of sham-operation group had no infarction .

  4. 村社组织界限较模糊,多有交叉。

    The bounds are relatively vague between village and community organization .

  5. 结论多数原发性非霍奇金乳腺淋巴瘤的超声特征表现为椭圆形低回声肿物,部分可见小分叶,与周围组织界限清楚。

    Conclusions Most primary non-Hodgkins lymphomas of the breast present as single hypoechoic masses with circumscribed or microlobulated margins and parallel orientation on sonography .

  6. 电子政务最重要的内涵是运用信息及通信技术打破行政机关的组织界限,构建一个电子化的虚拟机关,使得人们可以通过不同的渠道得到政府的信息及服务。

    The most important meaning of the electronical government affair is breaking the limitation of government organizations , and then trying to build a electronically fictitious government . People will be able to get information and service from the government in many ways .

  7. 虚拟团队是由跨越空间界限、时间界限及组织界限的成员所组成的利用现代信息技术密切协作以完成工作任务的一种新型团队,是人力资源虚拟化管理的代表性模式。

    The virtual team is a new organizational form which consists of members who are separated in space , time and organization , the members collaborate closely depending on the telecommunications for completing work , the form is a representative pattern of the human resources virtualization management .

  8. 目的:观察非心脏外科手术病人应用急性等容血液稀释(ANHD)的组织缺氧界限及机体对ANHD的代偿机制。

    Objective : To study the acceptable limitation of acute normovolemic hemodilution ( ANHD ) and its compensatory mechanisms in non-cardiac surgery .

  9. 椭球与周围淋巴组织之间界限明显,其间的强嗜酸性物质主要由纤维构成;

    The demarcation line between ellipsoids and peripheral lymphatic tissue is obvious , and the acidophilic matter is mainly made up of fiber .

  10. 目前,肌肉组织坏死界限的判定主要包括有创方法检查,包括电生理学方法、病理学方法等,无创检查方法包括肉眼大体观察法、经皮氧分压测定法等。

    At present , thededuction of muscle necrosis includes some following methods , electrophysiological method , pathological method and noninvasive method , such as visual inspection , percutaneous oxygen partial pressure method .

  11. 企业开始超越现有的组织机构界限而注重外部关系,将供货商(提供成品或运输服务等)、分销商以及用户等纳入管理的范围,第三方物流开始兴起。

    The enterprises started surmount the existing organization boundary and paid more attention to the exterior relation , the suppliers and retailers were brought into the scope of logistics management , the third part logistics started to rise .

  12. 枕骨破坏,枕部肌肉、硬膜表面及小脑内均有肿瘤侵润,与脑组织无明显界限。额枕部VEP的相位不一致。

    MCC can invade occipital bone , occipital muscles , dura and cerebellar tissues . While the fronto-occipital VEP phase showed difference .

  13. 不同的系统可以共同工作,并将跨组织和地域界限的设备和应用程序连接在一起。

    Different systems can work together and link with devices and applications across organizational and geographic boundaries .

  14. 结果表明实验组肌腱愈合好、无粘连,而对照组肌腱与周围组织粘连,界限不清。

    It showed that the tendons in experimental group healed better than that in the control group and no adhesion occurred .

  15. 肿瘤和邻近肾组织交界处界限清楚,呈“推挤边界”和假包膜。

    The interface of the tumor and the adjacent kidney is usually well demarcated , with a " pushing margin " and psuedocapsule .

  16. 首先确定了私营企业建立非系统化竞争情报组织模式的一般界限。

    The first set of private enterprise competitive intelligence establishment the systematic organizational patterns of half boundaries .

  17. 跨组织工作流致力于跨越组织界限的业务重组。

    Interorganizational Workflows apply themselves to re-shape business processes beyond the boundaries of individual organizations .

  18. 难以找到肿瘤组织与健康组织之间清晰的界限。

    A clear border between the cancer and healthy tissue can be difficult to find .

  19. 8,12周再生组织与周围正常软骨组织外观相似,界限模糊。

    The regenerated tissues at 8 and 12 weeks had similar appearance with the surrounding normal cartilage tissue , but vague delimitation .

  20. 混合关系形式的组织形态的出现要求企业开发跨越组织界限的成本管理技术,通过买卖各方的合作努力降低成本。

    As hybrid relational forms come into existence , the introduction of new cost management techniques across organizational boundaries is required , by means of which a cooperative effort of buyers and sellers will be reached for the purpose of reducing costs .

  21. 它侵及组织区为大量交错的肿瘤,恶性组织和正常组织的界限模糊,最终消失。

    It invades a tissue area as a large number of interlocked tumors and the boundaries between malignant tissue and healthy tissue are blurred and , eventually , dissolved .

  22. 涎腺组织内发生的腺样囊性癌大体上似与周围组织界限清楚,但剖面所见肿物无包膜,仔细审视可见其向周围组织浸润情况。

    It seems that there is clear boundary between adenoid cystic carcinoma and peripheral tissue in salivary gland . But there is no envelope around the tumor , and the tumor often infiltrates peripheral tissue .

  23. 术后12周时,A组修复缺损组织与周围正常软骨组织很难区分,与周围正常组织无明显界限,颜色接近,表面光滑,色泽一致,按压弹性一致。

    12 weeks after the operation , repair defects organization and cartilage tissue is difficult to distinguish from the normal surroundings in group A. There were no obvious boundaries compared with the normal surrounding tissue , with similar color , smooth surface and consistent elastic .