
  • 网络hyperplasia
  1. 我的慢性病引起了组织增生、贫血和淋巴水肿。

    I had hyperplasia , anemia , and lymphedema from a chronic disease .

  2. 接种疫苗后皮肤淋巴组织增生及边缘带B细胞淋巴瘤

    Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia and marg - inal zone B - cell lymphoma following vaccination

  3. 猪妊娠过程显示,复合皮组有较好的组织增生能力和弹性回缩力(P<0.01);

    During pregnancy , CS had good growth ability and elasticity ( P < 0 01 ) .

  4. B组处理侧浆膜面有大量异物巨细胞反应及肉芽肿形成,并伴有程度不同的纤维组织增生。

    In group B , the main changes were foreign body giant cell and granuloma reactions and fibroplasias in different degrees .

  5. A组神经缝合段的结缔组织增生和与其外周组织粘连程度均较B组轻(p<0.01)。

    Proximal suture region of A group was less adhesion to peripheral tissue than B group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 胃粘膜萎缩与Hp感染淋巴组织增生的关系

    Relationship between gastric MALT hyperplasia and Hp induced atrophy

  7. 通过常规的MRI矢状位及横轴位颈椎图像,比较两组软组织增生情况。

    The routine sagittal axis and abscissa axis MRI imagings of cervical vertebrae and upper thoracic vertebrae were compared .

  8. B细胞特异性激活蛋白与CD20在淋巴组织增生性疾病中的表达

    Expression of B cell - specific activator protein and CD20 in lymphoproliferative disorders

  9. 促结缔组织增生型成釉细胞瘤中CK、PCNA和MMP-2的表达

    Expression of CK , PCNA and MMP-2 in desmoplastic ameloblastoma

  10. Waldeyer环淋巴组织增生及恶性淋巴瘤的MRI和CT研究

    CT and MRI diagnosis of the lymph tissue proliferation and malignant lymphoma of Waldeyer ′ s ring

  11. Ki-67在眼眶淋巴组织增生病中的临床意义

    The Study and Significance of Ki-67 on Orbital Lymphoproliferative Diseases

  12. c-myc蛋白表达可能为组织增生的标志并非肿瘤特异性标志物;

    The expression of c-myc was a marker of cellular proliferation but not of malignancy ;

  13. DDP组癌巢周围可见少量纤维组织增生、局灶性坏死,并可见炎细胞浸润;

    Proliferation of fibrous tissue 、 necrosis and infiltration can been seen in DDP group ;

  14. 目的探讨EB病毒与我国各类淋巴组织增生性疾病的关系。

    Objective To study the relationship between Epstein Barr virus and various lymphoproliferative diseases in China .

  15. 轻度系膜组织增生组与中度系膜组织增生组TM、TNFα、VEGF在肾组织中均有阳性表达,但两组阳性表达率均无统计学差异。

    The positive expression of TM 、 TNF α、 VEGF in nephridial tissue is not different from moderate and mild mesangial proliferation groups .

  16. 结论:GH可使心肌细胞、骨骼肌细胞肥大而不是间质组织增生。

    Conclusion GH can induce hypertrophy of cardiac muscle cells and skeletal muscle cells but not interstitial proliferation .

  17. CHB患者血清IGF-1水平异常与肝脏的损害相关,而且可能与CHB患者肝脏纤维组织增生相关联。

    IGF-1 might be related with liver damage and hepatic fibrosis in patients with CHB .

  18. 用IgH、TCR基因重排技术检测疑难淋巴组织增生性病变

    Detecting Problematic Proliferative Lesions of Lymph Tissue by IgH and TCR Gene Rearrangement Technique

  19. 目的:研究Waldeyer环淋巴组织增生及恶性淋巴瘤的MRI和CT表现及应用价值。

    Objective : To investigate the CT and MRI findings of the lymph tissue proliferation and malignant lymphoma of Waldeyer ′ s ring .

  20. 病理切片显示双歧杆菌组幼兔肝小叶完整,细胞形态基本正常,个别存在轻度炎症细胞浸润和纤维组织增生。而PN组则出现明显肝细胞变性(主要为脂肪变性)、胆管增生和胆汁淤积。

    Histologically , hepatic lobules were almost normal with occasionally low-grade inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrous tissue proliferation in PN + Bif group ;

  21. 目的探讨丝裂霉素C(MMC)在泪道阻塞激光成形术后抑制纤维组织增生的作用,为难治性泪道阻塞激光成形术后应用MMC提供依据。

    Objective To study the effect of mitomycin C ( MMC ) on the prevention of cicatrisation in laser treatment of the lacrimal passage obstruction .

  22. 滑膜炎症,滑膜组织增生和血管翳形成,关节软骨和骨组织结构的破坏,是RA的主要病理组织学改变。

    Synovitis , the hyperplasia of synovium , pannus formation and the destruction of cartilage and bone are the main pathohistological properties of RA .

  23. 禽网状内皮组织增生症病毒(REV)是禽网状内皮组织增生症(Reticuloendotheliosis)的病原,属逆转录病毒科的C型病毒。

    The reticuloendotheliosis viruses ( REVs ) are a group of oncogenic and immunodepressive type C avian retroviruses which cause reticuloendotheliosis .

  24. 结缔组织增生性黑色素瘤和黑色素痣的Melan-A与Ki-67的表达

    Expression of Melan-A and Ki-67 in desmoplastic melanoma and desmoplastic nevi

  25. 结论:Ki-67可以鉴别眼眶淋巴组织增生病的良恶性及指导临床治疗。

    Conclusion : Ki-67 can be used to differentiate benign from malignance of orbital lymphoproliferative diseases and direct a curative programme .

  26. 移植后8周:B组肾单位周围有较多淋巴细胞、浆细胞浸润及纤维组织增生,A组无此变化;B组Hb和Epo降至种植前水平(P>0.05)。

    Much more lymphocyte and plasmocyte infiltration and fibroplastic proliferation were seen around nephron with 8 weeks after implantation in group B , while no significant change was found in group A.

  27. NPY样免疫反应神经元位于大白鼠输精管粘膜固有层内。④小肠固有层血管充血,粘膜上皮坏死,肠壁淋巴组织增生;

    Hyperaemia of blood vessel , necrosis of mucosal epithelial cells , and proliferation of submucosal lymphatic tissue in small intestine ;

  28. 重视区分髓核脱出及纤维组织增生对提高LDH的CT诊断率和疗效有重要意义。

    It is st ~ cauce to enhance the accurate rats of CT diagnosis and the affect of treatment by distinguish nucleus pulposus and fibrous scar tissue from CT finding of LDH .

  29. B组部分肺泡Ⅱ型上皮细胞表面微绒毛有脱落现象,肺泡隔胶原纤维组织增生,上皮细胞基底部变窄。

    Rabbits of group B had the following changes : microvillus of some type ⅱ epithelial cell surface of pulmonary alveoli developed shedding , the collagen fibers tissue of pulmonary alveoli compartment proliferated , and the base of endothelial cell narrowed .

  30. 血管淋巴组织增生伴嗜酸细胞浸润与Kimura病

    Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia and Kimura 's Disease