
  1. 图书馆Web站点服务的开展,对图书馆的各个层面都产生了一定的影响:在网络环境下,图书馆应采用新的的领导模式和矩阵式组织结构模式;

    Library website service influences various levels of library : library should adopt new leadership modle and matrix organization structure ;

  2. 研究结果:CUBA形成了稳定的组织结构模式。

    The results of research : CUBA has formed a stable organizational structure model .

  3. 集成管理的组织结构模式研究

    The Research on the Modes of Organizational Structures of Integrative Management

  4. 零售企业经营国际化的组织结构模式的研究

    Research on the Mode of Organization Structure of Retail Enterprises Management Internationalization

  5. 大型文化项目组织结构模式探析

    An Exploration of the Organizational Framework of Large-scale Cultural Projects

  6. 知识经济下企业组织结构模式探索

    The search for organizational structure based on knowledge - economy

  7. 用户视角下图书馆组织结构模式之设计

    The Organizational Structure Designing Based on the Perspective of Users

  8. 一种新的多项目管理模式&流程导向型组织结构模式探讨

    A New Model of Multi-project Management & a Research on Project-oriented Organization Structure

  9. 基于流程的组织结构模式研究&以施乐公司为案例

    Study on Mode of Process Based Organization Structure & A Case from Xerox

  10. 高校科技开发的组织结构模式

    Organizational Structure Organizational Framework of the Development of Science and Technology in Universities

  11. 国内成品油流通企业组织结构模式发展方向研究

    The Research on Organizational Structure Pattern of Finished Oil Circulating Enterprises in China

  12. 汽车整车产业和零部件产业组织结构模式探讨

    Discussion on Organization Structure Mode of Automotive Complete Vehicle Industry and Component Parts Industry

  13. 创新组织结构模式深化国有企业改革

    Innovating the Mode of Organization Structure and Deepening the Reform of State Owned Enterprises

  14. 在组织结构模式方面,分析了面向大规模定制的住宅企业的两种模式,分别为住宅产业集团和虚拟住宅企业。

    In the organization mode aspect , this paper analyses two mass customization corporation modes .

  15. 我国高等院校营销组织结构模式探讨

    The Discussion About the Pattern of Marketing Organizational Structure of the Colleges and Universities in China

  16. 江苏省中学生健美操比赛组织结构模式和参赛情况的调查与分析

    Research and Analysis on Organizes Mode and Contestants of Aerobics Competition of Jiangsu Province ' High Schools

  17. 本文对我国建设工程监理组织结构模式及其有效性进行了研究。

    The thesis makes a research on the organizational construction pattern of domestic construction project supervision and its feasibility .

  18. 战略的价值在于实施。为了战略的顺利实施,必须对企业的运作平台&组织结构模式,进行必要的再设计。

    For practicing the strategy , the operating platform of the enterprise , Organization Structure , must be redesigned .

  19. 最优的组织结构模式必然是最能适应企业发展需要的模式。

    The optimum institutional framework mode must be the mode of meeting the needs of enterprise 's development most .

  20. 因此,很有必要探讨一种适合零售企业经营国际化的组织结构模式。

    So , it is very necessary to probe into one organization structure being suitable for Retail Enterprises internationalization management .

  21. 在组织结构模式上,分析了工程咨询企业实行项目管理和化小内部组织的必要性。

    On the question of organizational structure , analysis the necessary of implementing engineering manage and " small internalorganization " .

  22. 这就要求我们必须按一种新的思路来认识原来的企业组织结构模式,建立一种新的企业组织结构模式。

    Therefore , a new way of thinking is required of and a new organizational structure model is to be established .

  23. 传统组织结构模式在适应新环境变化过程中暴露出很多的缺陷。

    The process of adapting to the new environment changes , the mode of traditional organizational structure have exposed many defects .

  24. 流程导向型企业组织结构模式初探第一部分主要针对业主方项目组织内部的流程再造和构建流程型组织结构进行了系统研究。

    An Exploratory Research on Process-Oriented Organization Structure The first part mainly discusses reengineering the owner 's business process and establishing Process-Oriented Organization .

  25. 因此,我国体育产业投资基金的发展模式是:①在组织结构模式上,按公司形式构建设立;

    Therefore , the development mode of China 's sports industry investment fund may be is : ( 1 ) established in form of company ;

  26. 在系统设计中,作者首先以系统的观点,根据大型信息系统的组织结构模式设计了层次化、自适应的分布式控制结构。

    The author design a hierarchical , distributed , multiple model control based on the architecture of large information system by taking a system-wide view .

  27. 项目群的组织结构模式、资源优化配置和目标协同控制等管理思想和方法都可以借助信息集成平台来实现。

    Information integration platform will be used for organization and management of the project group , optimal allocation of resource and cooperative control of target .

  28. 简要介绍了提出实施国家汽车创新工程的历史背景,系统研究了实施这一庞大工程的组织结构模式和组织运行管理系统。

    The historical background of National Automotive Innovation Program ( NAIP ) is introduced and the organization structure and its operation management system are studied .

  29. 随后,笔者为中国国有独资商业银行设计了两种可供选择的新型组织结构模式并详细阐述了它们的设计思路、特点以及和传统组织结构相比所具有的优势。

    Then , the article provides two kinds of new structures for them and describes their designing methods , their characteristics , their advantages in detail .

  30. 在企业的发展的过程中,每个生命周期阶段,企业都应采取相应组织结构模式与之特点相适应。

    In the process of enterprise development , each stage of life cycle , the enterprise should adopt corresponding to the characteristics of organizational structure mode .