
zǔ hé jiàn
  • key combination;combination key
  1. 使用相同的组合键来退出bashshell。

    This is the same key combination to exit from the bash shell .

  2. 该组合键无效。组合键必须由零或多个组合键和一个单键组成。

    This key combination is not valid . Key combinations must consist of zero or more modifier keys and a single key .

  3. 使用xml编辑器时可以使用下列快捷组合键。

    The following shortcut key combinations can be used when you are working in the XML editor .

  4. 这些注释用于定义组合键列:分别是“STREET”和“CITY”。

    These annotations are used to define the composite key columns : " STREET " and " CITY " respectively .

  5. 最常用的Windows徽标组合键

    Common Logo Combined Keys in Windows

  6. 按Alt-F2组合键并在RunCommand对话框中输入它的名称。

    Press the Alt-F2 key combination and enter its name into the Run Command dialog .

  7. 按下该组合键之后,将搜索各个不同的位置(由“complete”选项指定),查找与光标之前的字符开头的任何单词。

    When you do , it searches various locations ( as specified by the " complete " option ), looking for words that start with whatever sequence of characters immediately precedes the cursor .

  8. 本文所阐述的这种方法让我们可以处理另外一些难以获得的组合键,例如TAB键或其他组合的快捷键。

    The technique shown here allows you how to handle otherwise unavailable key combinations such as the TAB key or access key combinations .

  9. 此外,组合键倾向于将您的数据库和ORM设计绑定到原始领域。

    Also , they tend to tie your database and ORM design to the original domain .

  10. 要关闭OCAPRI,找到并选择命令行窗口,然后按Ctrl+C组合键。

    To shut down the OCAP RI , find and select the command-line window , then press Ctrl-C.

  11. 而在按住CTRL组合键时,用户可以选择列表中的多个选项。

    While holding down the CTRL key , the user can choose multiple options in the list .

  12. 如果要用ins键代替ctrl+v组合键来粘贴文字,可单击“工具”菜单中的“选项”命令,然后单击“编辑”选项卡。

    To use ins instead of ctrl + v to paste text , click options on the tools menu , and then click the edit tab .

  13. 首先,通过使用Ctrl+C组合键来停止Solr守护进程(如果它仍在运行)。

    First , stop the Solr daemon ( if it 's still running ) by using Ctrl + C.

  14. 如果需要从Sugar导航回主机,使用Ctrl-Alt组合键。

    If you need to navigate away from Sugar back to the host , use the Ctrl-Alt key combination .

  15. 找出在后退按键之前常用的字符,或者监视哪些vi或emacs组合键最常用。

    Consider measuring which characters are commonly used before a backspace , or monitor which vi or emacs key combinations are used most frequently .

  16. 只需在命令提示下按Ctrl-C组合键就可以再次停止服务器。

    To stop the server again , just press Ctrl-C at the command prompt .

  17. 如果在shell中按组合键Ctrl-C或脚本退出,将执行清除进程,这将导致卸载模块并退出所有相关的实用程序。

    If you press Ctrl-C in the shell or the script exits , the cleanup process is performed , which unloads the module and causes all associated utilities to exit .

  18. 这是用于管理Solr的接口(要停止Solr服务器,请在命令行中键入Ctrl+C组合键)。

    This is the interface for administering Solr . ( To stop the Solr server , use Ctrl + C at the command line . )

  19. 注意,[Ctrl-v]表示按组合键Ctrl-V。

    Note that [ Ctrl-v ] means to click the key combination Ctrl-V.

  20. 如果cnee识别出一个键盘组合键(比如Ctrl+t),但是最后一次地址栏文本变化发生在X秒之前,那么Flash播放器已获得键盘焦点。

    If a keyboard combo ( such as Ctrl + t ) is recognized by cnee , yet the last location bar text change was X seconds ago , the Flash player has grabbed the keyboard focus .

  21. 您可以通过熟悉的Ctrl-Alt-Delete组合键来启动它,或者右击任务栏。

    You can access it with the familiar Ctrl-Alt-Delete key combination , or by right-clicking on the Taskbar .

  22. 在执行您想要捕获与它的交互的任何命令时,可以键入exit命令(大多数系统上也可以按Control-d组合键)来终止shell。

    When you 're done executing any commands that you want to capture your interaction with , you can type the exit command ( or the Control-d key combination on most systems ) to terminate the shell .

  23. 通常的命令Ctrl-Alt-Del就是组合键的一个例子。

    The common command Ctrl-Alt-Del is an example of such a chord .

  24. 使用组合键CRTL-S保存数据池。

    Use CRTL-S to save the data pool .

  25. 例如,一个精巧的Emacs脚本允许您运行您正在编辑的XQuery代码并测量代码的执行时间,您需要做的只是突出显示相应代码并敲击一个组合键。

    A short and clever Emacs script , for example , will allow you to run and time XQuery code that you are editing merely by highlighting the code and hitting a key combination .

  26. 此时,键入Control-p组合键,将屏幕内容写到输出文件。

    At that point , typing the Control-p key combination writes the contents of the screen to your output file .

  27. 不用多说(我认为),在游戏中你可以用ALT-TAB组合键回到桌面使用“renice”命令。

    Also , it goes without saying ( I think ), that you must be able to ALT-TAB out of the game to run the renice command .

  28. 有时,组合键也称为自然键或业务键。

    Sometimes , composite keys are called natural keys or business keys .

  29. 再次使用组合键CTRL+S保存改变。

    Use CTRL + S again to save the changes .

  30. 这样的重复是创建组合键所必需的。

    This duplication is required to create the composite key .