
  • 网络architectural pattern;architecture pattern
  1. 一个组织通常有许多Web应用程序遵循相同的架构模式。

    An organization typically has a number of web applications that follow the same architectural pattern .

  2. DL:如我前面所说的,SOA是一个架构模式。

    DL : SOA is an architectural pattern , as I stated above .

  3. 它被设计用来帮助你快速而又一致地构建Web服务,并在其中引入广为人知的架构模式和设计模式。

    It is designed to help you quickly and consistently construct Web services that adhere to well known architecture and design patterns .

  4. MVC架构模式在Java开发中的应用

    Application of MVC Framework in the Development of Java

  5. 目前,对于Web应用程序的开发已经出现了很多基于SOA架构模式的开发方法。

    At present , the development of Web applications for has appeared many based on SOA model development methods .

  6. NET平台为基础,采用C/S和B/S相结合的四层架构模式。

    NET , we combine the C / S and B / S technology to build up a four-layer architecture model .

  7. 在面向组件之后,我们迎来了一种全新的架构模式,这就是面向服务架构(SOA)。

    After component-oriented , a new architecture model is coming to us which name is service-oriented architecture .

  8. 三层架构模式的烟草行业CIMS体系研究

    Research on Tobacco Industry CIMS System Based on Three Layers Architecture

  9. 信息管理系统的发展经历了两层和三层架构模式,逐渐被多层软件架构和Web软件架构所取代。

    Information management system has experienced the stage of two and three layer frame modeling , which has been replaced by multilayer and Web software framework .

  10. SOA的架构模式具有高可重用性、松耦合性等特点,使企业能够按照市场需求快速的做出应变。

    The high reusability and loose coupling characteristics of SOA make enterprise adjust to the market demand immediately .

  11. UNIX也推广了架构模式,比如导管和过滤器。

    UNIX also popularized architectural patterns , such as the pipe and filter .

  12. 对J2EE目前最新技术进展与架构模式进行了分析介绍。

    There are also introduction and analysis on new technologies and architecture module of J2EE . 3 .

  13. 基于MVC架构模式下校园网站建设的研究与探讨

    Research and Discuss on the Building of Campus Website based on MVC Construction

  14. 出于功能的考虑,多数Web2.0架构模式都依赖于SOA。

    Most Web2.0 architecture patterns rely on Service Oriented Architecture in order to function .

  15. 具象状态传输(RepresentationalStateTransfer,REST)是用于访问和更新网络资源的软件架构模式和调用样式。

    Representational State Transfer ( REST ) is a software architecture pattern and invocation style for accessing and updating resources on a network .

  16. 帮助用户/垂直行业详细说明需求、用例、最佳实践指导及SOA架构模式

    Help users / vertical industries to specify needs , use cases , best practices guidelines , and architectural patterns for SOA

  17. 基于EAI技术的银行服务整合架构模式研究

    Research on EAI Technology in Framework Model of Service Integration in the Bank

  18. 本文试图澄清与SOA架构模式企业服务总线相关的许多主题和术语,从而提高术语的准确性。

    This article attempted to bring precision and clarity to a broad range of topics and terminology around the SOA architectural pattern enterprise service bus .

  19. 本文参考推荐系统的架构模式,设计并提出了基于J2EE的精准营销系统企业级架构方案。

    This paper design and realize a Java based enterprise level precision marketing system architecture , referenced on the traditional recommendation system solution .

  20. 服务计算的核心思想是软件的广泛复用和松散的耦合形式,采用面向服务的软件架构模式(SOA),使用Web服务充当软件的功能模块。

    The kernel thoughts of services computing are software reuse and loose coupling . It bases on SOA ( Service-Oriented Architecture ), and takes web services as functional modules of software .

  21. 提出了一种C/S与B/S并存的混合模式,作为现代企业MIS系统的架构模式。

    The Hybrid Mode of C / S and B / S is presented and applied in the management information system of modern corporation .

  22. 这些解决方案经常会处理大量的事件,并且对于性能有一定的要求,这会给出一个关于BusinessEventProcessing(BEP)解决方案的具体的体系架构模式建议。

    These solutions frequently process a high volume of events and have requirements for performance that suggest a specific architectural pattern for Business Event Processing ( BEP ) solutions .

  23. InfoQ:面向文档的数据库支持哪些数据持久和数据管理的架构模式?

    InfoQ : What are the data persistence and data management architecture patterns a Document oriented database supports ?

  24. NET和SqlServer2000为技术支持,基于B/S架构模式,用软件工程的指导思想开发科研信息管理系统。

    NET and SQL Server 2000 as technological tools and B / S mode as architecture to develop scientific research management system based on the guiding principles of software engineering .

  25. 这个框架遵循著名的MVC软件架构模式。

    The framework follows the popular model-view-controller ( MVC ) software architecture pattern , which is a huge selling point for many developers .

  26. 因此,课题采用了SOA面向服务的架构模式,它与传统开发方式相比,其具有标准化、松耦合、粗粒度和共享服务等特点。

    So this design has employed service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) pattern , which is advanced in standard , loose-couple , coarse-grained and sharing compared to the traditional development mode .

  27. 运用目前功能非常强大的.NET技术和三层架构模式,数据库使用了microsoftSQLserver2000使得系统有良好的扩容性和安全性。

    By using the powerful NET technology and three layer architecture , and using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 in database it makes the system obtain good capacity and safety .

  28. 架构模式提供构造mashup应用程序的高级设计,并显示解决方案组件之间的事件流。

    Architectural patterns provide the high-level designs for constructing mashup applications and show the flow of events between solution components .

  29. SOA为大型分布式系统的解耦提供了良好方案,SOA以松耦合、粗粒度的服务、高复用性成为新一代软件架构模式。

    SOA is the decoupling of large distributed systems provide a good solution , SOA in a loosely coupled , coarse-grained services , a new generation of high-reuse software architecture model .

  30. 针对反恐维稳及抢险救灾事件发生的时间、接受指挥的对象,以及接受指挥的位置的不确定性,系统采用C/S和B/S相结合的架构模式。

    Considering the uncertainty of happening time of terrorism and emergency disaster releasing events , command objects , places of command objects , this system uses the frame that combining C / S and B / S structure .