
jià kōnɡ suǒ dào
  • ropeway;aerial ropeway
  1. 某水泥厂运送矿石架空索道采用的34.5NAT6×7+FC1520重要ZZ钢丝绳,负载运行368天后,在其正绳部位发生整绳破断。

    Z wire rope with 34.5NAT6 × 7 + FC1520 was used for ropeway to transport ore in ? a cement factory . After running 368 days with load , round wire rope fractured at the normal position of the wire rope .

  2. 概述了架空索道对钢丝绳的要求,即结构上以S-W式,填充式线接触为主,捻制钢丝绳的钢丝要避免电接头,力学性能上符合相关标准。

    To outline the requirements of wire rope for ropeway , that is S W or filling structure with line contact , the steel wire for rope avoiding weld connection , mechanical property meeting related standards . Taking famous Co.

  3. 本文以分段悬链线精确计算理论为基础,采用模块化设计方法,使用VISUALBASIC5.0版本编写程序代码,设计并实现了具有相应功能的送变电运输架空索道计算软件。

    This paper is based on the theory of accurate segmented catenaries calculation , adopts the method of modular design and uses Visual Basic 5.0 version to program codes to develop software , which accomplishes the corresponding functions of aerial cableway analysis and calculation .

  4. 单线循环式客运架空索道设计与研究

    Design and Study to Aerial Ropeway for Single-Wire Circular Ski-Lift Conveyer

  5. 架空索道塔架现代设计方法应用研究

    Study on the Tower Structure for Aerial Ropeway via Modern Design

  6. GB/T12739-1991循环式货运架空索道驱动机型式和基本参数

    Types and basic parameters of driving devices for circulating aerial ropeway

  7. 客运架空索道系统动力特性分析方法

    Analysis method for dynamic characteristic of passenger aerial ropeway system

  8. GB/T13677-1992单线固定抱索器客运架空索道设计规范

    Design rules for mono-cable passenger aerial ropeways with fixed grip

  9. 架空索道用牵引钢丝绳

    Traction wirerope for aerial tramway wire drawing , drawbench and steel wire

  10. 浅谈客运架空索道安全营救演习

    A brief talk on rescuing drill on aerial passenger ropeway

  11. 架空索道支柱基础检测与精度评估

    Checking Measurements and Accuracy Evaluation of Pillar Foundation of Ropeways

  12. 架空索道的优化设计&不连续函数的机械系统的一种设计方法

    Optimal Design for Cableways-A Designing Method for Discontinuous Mechanical Systems

  13. 新型架空索道脱挂抱索器的研究设计

    Research and Design of a New Detachable Grip of Cableway

  14. 客运架空索道安全状况综合评价方法研究

    The Safety Comprehensive Evaluation Method Research on the Passenger Ropeway

  15. 这架钢琴声音不好。架空索道用牵引钢丝绳

    This piano is wanting in touch . traction wirerope for aerial tramway

  16. 架空索道是钢丝绳运输的一种特殊形式。

    Aerial ropeway is an especial transportation form of a steel wire .

  17. 架空索道缆索的挠度分析

    Analysis of the Sag of Overhead Cable for Ropeway

  18. 煤矿井下架空索道智能运行装置的应用【采矿】架空索道车

    Application on the Intelligent Operation Device of Overhead Monorail Cableway Underground Coal Mine

  19. 清平磷矿客货两用架空索道设计

    Design of overhead cableways for both personnel and goods in Qingping Phosphate Mine

  20. 架空索道塔架材料和焊接技术的发展

    Progressive materials and technologies for cableway traveling tower welding

  21. 架空索道塔架的有限元分析

    Analyzing the Tower Frame of Cableway with Finite-element Method

  22. 密封钢丝绳在架空索道中的应用

    Application of Locked Coil Wire Rope on Over-ground Ropeway

  23. 架空索道钢丝绳检测中遥测技术的研究

    On the method of telemetering in cableway ropes inspection

  24. 架空索道转弯结构及其应用问题的探讨

    Turning structure and its application of aerial ropeway

  25. 客运架空索道线路支架的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of a passenger ropeway stand

  26. (缆索铁路和架空索道的)线路尽头站本产品适用于架空电力输配电线路。

    Line-end station The cable is designed for aerial electricity transmission and distribution line .

  27. 法国单索循环式架空索道简介无边无际的宇宙

    Brief introduction of France 's single - cable endless suspension ropeways The Endless Universe

  28. 循环式架空索道在建筑施工中的应用

    The application of cycling ropeway to building construction

  29. 利用架空索道输送灰渣

    Utilization of Overhead Rope-way for Ash Conveyance

  30. 架空索道新型脱挂抱索器的结构原理及试验装置研究

    Research on the Structure Principle and Testing Device of New Detachable Grips for Aerial Ropeway