
  • Drum;Drum Set
  1. 午夜时分,不要在居民区敲打你的架子鼓。

    Don 't ② lay into your drum kit at midnight in a residential area .

  2. 我对架子鼓和电影制作特别有兴趣,能来中国我感到很高兴。

    My main hobbies are playing the drum set and Filmmaking . I am very grateful to be able to come to China .

  3. 另一部音乐游戏RockBand更是将吉它、麦克风和架子鼓都弄成了控制器。

    Another music hit , Rock Band , goes even further with guitar , microphone and drum-kit controllers .

  4. 本公司主要品牌是SPARKLE架子鼓配件等,质量优、价格低

    The company 's main brand is SPARKLE lips , accessories , superior quality , low price

  5. 用旧了的架子鼓,两把吉他,乡村西部之类的玩意。

    Old drum kit . Couple guitars . Country and Western kind of stuff .

  6. 想想在日常生活中平凡普通的事物里所蕴含的无限可能吧:锅碗瓢盆就是架子鼓;

    Think of the limitless possibilities in the mundane and practical : pots and pans become drums ;

  7. 这是一支来自挪威的非主流三人乐队组合,主要乐器为风琴、钢琴、口琴和架子鼓。

    This Norwegian trio is based upon the uncommon line up Hammond B3 organ , piano and drums .

  8. 此镲在中国传统镲的基础上加以改进,现普通用于架子鼓上配镲。

    The cymbal is improved on the basis at China traditional cymbals . it 's used now as Drum-Set cymbals very common .

  9. 海言琴行提供各个品牌的吉他、贝司、架子鼓、电子琴、合成器及民族乐器;

    Haiyan musical instrument store provides guitars , basses , drums , electronic organs , synthesizers and ethnic instruments of all kinds of famous brands .

  10. 我第一次开端练习架子鼓是在11岁,由于没有排练的处所所以那时我并没有怎么真正的往练习。

    First I started to play drums in the age of11 but couldn 't really practise since I didn 't had a place to rehearse in .

  11. 第二节是幼儿园艺术课程教育的分析:列举和分析了幼儿园对教师的要求和古筝、架子鼓、钢琴、舞蹈的教学。

    The second section is the analysis of kindergarten art curriculum education . Enumerates and analyzes kindergarten requirements for teachers and zither , drums , piano , dance teaching .

  12. 特别是一到晚上,超市电玩厅里的顾客一多,带音乐的电玩加上跳舞机、架子鼓一起上,‘震’得我们楼上居民无法休息。

    Especially in the evening , the supermarket 's customers more than one gaming hall , with Dance Dance Revolution game with music , with drums on the'shock'was our upstairs residents can not rest .

  13. 死亡金属的常用装备是两把电吉他、一把低音吉他(贝司)、一位主音歌手(主唱)和一套爵士鼓(即架子鼓,普遍使用两个低音鼓或底鼓双踩踏板)。

    The setup most frequently used in death metal is two electric guitars , a bass guitar , a vocalist and a drum kit almost universally using two bass drums or a double bass drum pedal .

  14. 过去一年该舞团凭藉其不同寻常的豪华装备而日渐成名:多台音箱、麦克风、一套架子鼓,还有萨克斯和其他乐器,以及一系列令人印象深刻的舞服和道具。

    Over the past year , it has become famous for its unusually elaborate set-up : a sound system comprised of multiple speakers , microphones , a drum kit , saxophone and other instruments , plus an impressive array of costumes and props .