
  • 网络artistic emotions
  1. 文学的艺术情感形态

    The Literary Pattern of Artistic Emotions

  2. 艺术情感对健康心理形成的作用

    Effect of Art Emotions on the Forming of Health Mentality

  3. 声乐艺术情感论的本体构成及其关系探析

    Composition of vocal art emotional theory and the relationship

  4. 20世纪西方文论中的艺术情感理论

    Theories on art emotion in 20th-century western countries

  5. 艺术情感治疗法在药物滥用者心理康复中的应用及效果

    Art Feeling Method Used in Clinical Psychological Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers and Its Effect

  6. 论艺术情感的特性

    On the Characteristics of Artistic Sentiments

  7. 这个定义从现代心理学的角度看,涉及的是艺术情感快适度的命题;

    Fromthe point of view of modem psychology , the definition involves the moderation of artistic sentiment .

  8. 艺术情感是对人的情感世界的丰富,可以借鉴;

    The second lends itself to a reference for writing as it is improvement on human emotions ;

  9. 高校图书馆的艺术情感教育功能,对促进大学生的素质教育具有积极意义。

    The education function of art feelings of the college libraries have significance in promoting the diathesis education .

  10. 水的灵动性和所能承载的艺术情感使得水景在景观设计中发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    Inspiration of water and hosts the art of emotion that water plays an important role in landscape design .

  11. 本文着重阐述了陶瓷艺术情感的思考以及情感与色彩之间的关系。

    This paper emphatically describes the emotional thinking of ceramic arts and the relaLic hip between emotion and coloring .

  12. 认为艺术情感与日常生活中的自然情感有很大的区别,文章从四个不同方面对两者进行了区别。

    From four different perspectives , the paper discusses the generally assumed differences between the artistic sentiments and the natural sentiments in our daily life .

  13. 这样,由形式创造而派生出的一些美学意义被忽视了,艺术情感和自然情感的分界仍处在一片混沌中。

    Therefore , a series of aesthetic significances deriving from the creation of forms have been ignored . The boundary between artistic sentiment and natural emotion is still in a chaos .

  14. 要从歌唱语言、理解和分析作品以及歌唱技巧等几个方面进行训练,应重视歌唱艺术情感表达的重要性。

    Attentions should be paid to the training of song language , understanding and analyzing work , and singing skill , etc. , and also to the importance of expressing art sentiment in singing .

  15. 此外,作为一位天才的诗人,庄子所特有的丰富的艺术情感,非凡的想象力,敏锐的艺术感觉,及高超的语言技巧,都对其变形艺术的形成产生了深刻的影响。

    Moreover , as a talented poet , Chuang-Tzu 's abundant artistic feelings , extraordinary imagination , acute artistic sense and superb language skill , all influence the creation of his deformation art deeply .

  16. 应该秉承全面立人的美育宗旨,培养学生丰富而细腻的生活体验,和谐而深刻的艺术情感,以及平等而协作的群体精神。

    Modern music aesthetic education should follow the aesthetic tenet of overall cultivation of man , breed students with rich and exquisite living experiences , harmonious and profound artistic sentiments and equal and collective teamwork .

  17. 一般的文学理论教材对艺术情感的论述限于它所关注的对象上,而对情感的形式强调不够。

    In ordinary textbooks about literary theories , the understanding of artistic sentiment is limited to the subject that they are concerned about , and insufficient emphasis has been placed upon the form of sentiment .

  18. 最后,从艺术情感的普遍原则和规律出发,刻画出作为艺术家的蒲华,其艺术精神的价值所在以及对当代创作的启示。

    Finally , based on the principle of Chinese art in the emotional regularity , the thesis pointed out the high success of Pu Hua ' efforts and the inspiration which he gave us all .

  19. 这种启迪主要通过艺术家对艺术情感的个体化理解来体现、艺术情感不但来源于现实情感,而且是对现实情感的一种穿越,是艺术家经过本体性否定之后的一种创造。

    This enlightenment mainly embodies artist 's personalized comprehension of artistic sentiment , which comes from real emotion but means more than that . It is a kind of creation appearing after artist 's negation of noumenon .

  20. 以音乐鉴赏为手段有效地对学生进行审美教育,提高审美情趣,培养健康向上的艺术情感,.势必对学生的成长有着极为重要的影响。

    Music appreciation as a means to effectively carry out aesthetic education of students , improve the aesthetic taste , cultivating the art of healthy emotions , bound to the growth of students has very important implications .

  21. 中国绘画中线描在传神上的独立的审美价值,以及中国在用色上特点,从体会画家创作的艺术情感以及学习他们在表现人物形神方面的独特的手法。

    Chinese painting in the independence of god while the aesthetic value , as well as in China , the characteristics of colors from the experience of feelings and art painter in learning their performance figures portraits of unique technique .

  22. 在确定了艺术情感是不同于自然情感的一种高级情感后,又专门提出了它与众不同的幻真性、情象性、情理性、创生性四种特征,从而对艺术情感作了创造性的阐述。

    After the establishment of the fact that artistic sentiments , as an advanced sentiment , are different from natural sentiments , the paper presents four unique characteristics : fantasy , visualization , emotional rationality and animation , thus making a creative explanation of the artistic sentiments .

  23. 充满艺术,情感及奢华氛围的城市。

    All are cities enriched with art , exuberance and luxury .

  24. 论本雅明对机械复制时代艺术的情感

    Benjamin 's Emotion on the Art in Mechanical Reproduction Period

  25. 设计与激情&论视觉艺术的情感因素

    Design and Passion , Emotional Factors Discussion on Visual Arts

  26. 解读现代设计艺术中情感诉求的体现

    Interpretation of Modern Design Art the Embodiment of Emotional Appeal

  27. 艺术是情感的客观表现。

    Art is the object of feeling , and the subject of nature .

  28. 艺术是情感的表达正如语言是思想的表达一样。

    Art is the mold of feeling as language is the mold of thought .

  29. 音乐是情感艺术,情感是歌曲之源。

    Music is the origin of songs .

  30. 艺术的情感是无我的。

    The emotion of art is impersonal .