
  • 网络art philosophy;the philosophy of art
  1. 对阿瑟·丹托艺术哲学的分析与反思

    The analysis and reflection on Arthur Danto 's philosophy of art

  2. 精神生活的原始地层&丹纳《艺术哲学》研究

    The Primitive Stratum of Cultural Life & A study on The Philosophy of Art

  3. 美学(aesthetics),作为艺术哲学的传统观念,其意义与影响已经远远被超越。

    As a traditional concept of artistic philosophy , aesthetics has not been limited to its original significances and impacts .

  4. 关于海德格尔艺术哲学几个术语的解读

    An Interpretation of Some Terms in Heidegger 's Art Philosophy

  5. 宗白华为中国艺术哲学研究提供了新的思路。

    Zong provides a new way of thinking to Chinese art philosophy .

  6. 作为艺术哲学,黑格尔的《美学》不愧为一部集大成的巨著。

    As art philosophy , Hegel 's is worthy of a great writing .

  7. 方东美和谢林艺术哲学之比较

    A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Art Philosophy

  8. 建设文学理论的中国学派&关于艺术哲学的一些想法

    Building Chinese Own School of Literature Theory & Some Ideas of Art Philosophy

  9. 描述一下你的时装艺术哲学。

    Describe your philosophy about the art of fashion .

  10. 在人类艺术哲学领域中,康德和克罗齐均为承上启下的,具有转折性意义的人物。

    Kant and Crone are the watersheds in the field of human art philosophy .

  11. 布洛克艺术哲学研究

    Study on Gene Blocker 's Philosophy of Art

  12. 从丹纳《艺术哲学》中寻找古希腊体育运动的线索

    In search for clues to ancient Greek sports in Taine 's Philosophy of Art

  13. 论艺术哲学与美学的对立

    Contradiction Between Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics

  14. 当代英美艺术哲学关于艺术定义问题的逻辑结构

    Structure of the Issue about Art Definitions in Contemporary Art Philosophy of England and America

  15. 西方哲学思维训练,异域风物陶冶为他提供了中国艺术哲学研究的参照。

    Western philosophical training and exotic scenery worked as references for his Chinese art philosophy .

  16. 民族性的艺术哲学话语姜耕玉《艺术辩证法中国艺术智慧形式》管窥

    National Discourse of Art and Philosophy & JIANG Geng-yu 's Art Dialectics-Artistic Wit Form of China

  17. 在西方学术界,阿多诺的艺术哲学占有相当重要地位。

    The art philosophy of Adorno occupies an important position in the academic community of the West .

  18. 一般的艺术哲学对于绘画的理解与作为绘画实践者对绘画的理解是存在差异的。

    The understanding of painting between common philosophy of Arts and the painting practitioners has great differences .

  19. 我正在修一门艺术哲学课,希望能找到真理与美的结合。

    Im taking a class called Philosophy of art , to see where truth and beauty connect .

  20. 《关于各民族共同性质的新科学的一些原则》是他的代表作,也是一部对美学或艺术哲学具有标志性意义的著作。

    He major works which is New Science is a mark chapter for Aesthetics and art philosophy .

  21. 应该突破这种局限,发展多元化、多样化的艺术哲学。

    This kind of constraint should be breached for the sake of developing pluralistic and diverse art philosophy .

  22. 本文尝试对西方现代诠释学的艺术哲学向度加以考察与批判,而贯穿于这一考察与批判的核心问题,则是艺术真理的问题。

    This paper tries to study and criticize the dimension of philosophy of art of Western modern hermeneutics .

  23. 艺术哲学,是以艺术作品作蓝本,对人的存在状态进行理性的触摸。

    Art philosophy , based on the art works , rationally grasps the existing situation of human beings .

  24. 在实践美学中,刘纲纪的《艺术哲学》应该说是一部经典性文本。

    The Philosophy of Art should be taken to be a classic in the field of practical aesthetics .

  25. 艺术哲学与美学思维的背景追溯和知识辨析是本文论述的重点。

    This paper focuses discussion on exploration of background of artistic philosophy and aesthetic thinking and differentiation of knowledge .

  26. 分析哲学是这个东西或者那个东西的哲学&物理学哲学,或者经济学哲学,或者艺术哲学。

    It is the philosophy of this or that-the philosophy of physics , or of economics , or of art .

  27. 后时代的艺术哲学重建&丹托艺术终结论述评

    The Reconstruction of Philosophy of Art in the Post-age & A review on " The End of Art " by Danto

  28. 是因为近代中法艺术哲学的共同性,也就是现象学和老庄道家哲学存在对话的空间。

    The very importance reason is that became the philosophy dialogic space between the phenomenology and the philosophy of lao zhuang .

  29. 黑格尔的美学是艺术哲学,因此艺术在其美学中的地位远远高于自然美。

    The aesthetics of Hegel is artistic philosophy , thus art enjoys a much higher position than natural beauty in aesthetics .

  30. 其艺术哲学的主要特征表现为现实世界向理想境界的升华;

    That the philosophy of art is mainly characterized by the distillation of the real world in to an ideal state ;