
yì shù jié
  • art festival
  1. 房地产开发商、ReMap艺术节创始人。

    Real-estate developer and founder of the ReMap art festival

  2. 五月的科技艺术节,是想唱就唱的舞台。

    The science and Art Festival of May is a stage for singing and dancing .

  3. 她的演出使她在艺术节中备受推崇。

    The performance made her the toast of the festival .

  4. 北美文学是今年艺术节的主题。

    North American literature is the main theme of this year 's festival .

  5. 这个艺术节吸引了四面八方的人。

    The festival attracts people from a wide area .

  6. 爱丁堡国际艺术节上活动丰富,大多数人都会尽兴而归。

    The Edinburgh International Festival offers enough choice to satiate most appetites .

  7. 为期3天的艺术节在伯明翰的国际会议中心举办。

    Birmingham 's International Convention Centre is the venue for a three-day arts festival

  8. 该艺术节志在不虚负其先锋性活动的声名。

    The Festival aims to live up to its reputation as a trail-blazing event .

  9. 他们在爱丁堡国际艺术节上的表演季一结束,紧接着又要出访。

    The visit follows hot on the heels of their season at the Edinburgh International Festival .

  10. 这个艺术节现在进行到第14届,已经成为国际爵士乐的一大盛会。

    The Festival , now in its fourteenth year , has become a major international jazz event .

  11. 这是世界上最大的艺术节之一。

    This is one of the largest art festivals in the world .

  12. 它最初是作为爱丁堡国际艺术节的一个补充举办的,后来发展得很好。

    It was first held as a supplement to the Edinburgh International Festival.Then it developed very well .

  13. 第一届爱丁堡国际艺术节是在二战期间策划的,旨在让艺术家们寻找希望,相互交流。

    The first Edinburgh International Festival was planned during World War Ⅱ for artists to find hope and communicate with each other .

  14. 这些计划是由我在此次电子艺术节的东道主马丁•霍林耐茨(MartinHollinetz)推出的。

    Those projects were kicked off by Martin Hollinetz , my host for the festival .

  15. 丹吉尔先锋影展CinémathèquedeTanger)和迪拜艺术节(ArtDubai)等活动。

    the Cin é math è que de Tanger ; and Art Dubai .

  16. 程序是个平台,其中内容,The,app,itself,is,a,platform,which,takes,content,可组织成不同形式,比如艺术节的移动指南;,或者手机报纸或杂志。

    Ici and puts it into a format ; that can be a mobile guide to an arts festival ; it could be a mobile magazine or a newspaper .

  17. :购买艺术品时,人们最关注的是交易博览会,但是像哈莱姆艺术节(HarlemArtsFestival)这样的活动也能提供一些机会。

    Trade fairs command most of the art-buying attention , but events like the Harlem Arts Festival can also present opportunities .

  18. CLA开创了纽约艺术节。

    CLA initiated the New York festival .

  19. 7月26日,他的最新作品中国歌剧《凤仪亭》(FengYiTing)将亮相林肯中心艺术节(LincolnCenterFestival)。

    On July 26 his latest project , the Chinese opera ' Feng Yi TIng , ' will open at the Lincoln Center Festival .

  20. 一个新的舞团即将把古代神话重新演绎搬上舞台,或许还将在爱丁堡边缘艺术节上演(EdinburghFringe)。

    a new dance troupe will be re-enacting an ancient myth as interpreted , perhaps , at the Edinburgh Fringe .

  21. 今年4月份,超过15万音乐迷成群结队地来到美国加州印第奥,参加柯契拉山谷音乐艺术节(CoachellaValleyMusicandArtsFestival)。

    Back in April , more than 150,000 music fans flocked to Indio , Calif. , for the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival .

  22. 今年是Ken首次参加爱丁堡艺穗节,也是Ken首次在世界级的艺术节上崭露头角。

    It is Ken 's first time in Edinburgh Festival Fringe which is world 's largest arts festival .

  23. 本月晚些时候,我会和成本中心1号一起重返苏格兰,进行我们一年一度的爱丁堡边缘艺术节(EdinburghFringe)朝圣之旅。

    I will return later in the month with Cost Centre # 1 , on our annual pilgrimage to the Edinburgh Fringe .

  24. 对于文艺的纽约人来说,林肯中心艺术节(LincolnCenterFestival)是每年夏季的惯例活动,它连续三个周末举办艺术表演。通常,这些表演专供成人观看。

    The Lincoln Center Festival , a summer rite for culturally inquisitive New Yorkers that kicked off three weeks of performances over the weekend , is usually an adults-only affair .

  25. 2021年8月7日,第七届iSTART儿童艺术节开幕,《转校生的抉择》赢得了MoreOneGo特别关注奖。

    On August 7 2021 , the 7th iSTART Children 's Art Festival opened and The Choice of Transfer Students won the More One Go Special Attention award .

  26. 其后是上海电子艺术节(ShanghaieArtsFestival),这是中国首届、也是迄今全球规模最大的数码艺术品专门展会。

    This was followed by the Shanghai eArts Festival , China 's first – and the world 's largest – festival dedicated to digital arts .

  27. -JanetLumb,蒙城(Montreal)亚洲文化艺术节艺术总监。

    - Janet Lumb , artistic director , Montreal Asian Heritage Festival .

  28. 那是1979年,他们在爱丁堡边缘艺术节(EdinburghFestivalFringe)上表演了这个小品,那时它演变为描绘一个在教堂里强忍着不睡着的男人。

    That was in 1979 , and the sketch which evolved into a scene of a man struggling to stay awake in church was performed at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe .

  29. 菲亚特500L共有四种版本配置的车型,名字听起来有点像波那罗(Bonnaroo)艺术节的休闲室:大众版(Pop)、舒适版(Easy)、旅行版(Trekking)和富有特色的尊贵版(Lounge)。

    The 500L comes in four trim levels with names that sound like the chill rooms at Bonnaroo : Pop , Easy , Trekking and the feature-laden Lounge .

  30. 在过去的九个月里,悉尼艺术节的制作总监MickJessop一直都在监督着这只巨型萌鸭的制作过程。

    Sydney Festival production manager Mick Jessop has been overseeing construction of the giant toy-like sculpture for the past nine months .