
yì jì
  • geisha;geisha girl
艺妓 [yì jì]
  • [geisha] 日本一种女艺人,以在宴席上歌舞为业

艺妓[yì jì]
  1. 最早使用金箔纸的是日本京都的艺妓。

    The first to use gold foil is Japan 's Kyoto geisha .

  2. 没有哪个艺妓能有更多的期望。

    No geisha can hope no more .

  3. 相反,艺妓是人们眼中美得让人着迷的精英人士。

    instead , geishas were considered beauty-obsessed elite .

  4. 她最新的角色是即将上映的《艺妓回忆录》中的小百合。

    Her latest role will be as Sayuri in the upcoming movie Memoirs of a Geisha .

  5. 如今,作为受欢迎的旅游目的地,这里还是日本神秘的艺妓们的故乡。

    Now a popular touristdestination , it is also the hometown of Japan 's mysterious geishas .

  6. 今天和两个日本闺蜜一起去京都看艺妓表演的舞蹈。

    Today I went to kyoto again to see geisha dance , with Noriko and Rie .

  7. 但与此相关的新兴服务业在近年来变得尤其受欢迎:艺妓妆容。

    But there are relatively newservices that have become especially popular in recent years : geisha makeover .

  8. “艺妓”指的是一位在音乐、舞蹈和交际艺术方面接受过高度训练的具备技艺的艺术者。

    The word'geisha ' means a skilled artisthighly trained in music , dance , and art of conversation .

  9. 将那些付钱的观光者打扮成艺妓的样子是那里最常见的风景。

    Most common are sightings of tourists who pay a fee to be dressed up as a maiko .

  10. 专业的化妆师和服务员给游客打上白色粉底、戴上假发并让他们穿上传统的和服,将他们妆扮成艺妓的模样。

    Professional makeup artists and attendantstransform visitors into a geisha complete with white foundation , wig andtraditional kimono .

  11. 艺妓文化于18世纪50年代达到巅峰,在二战爆发前逐渐消失。

    The geisha culture rose to its peak in the1750s and gradually disappeared before the Second World War .

  12. 难道她得带着这个小孩风里来雨里去,边跳舞边乞讨,重当艺妓?

    Will she have to carry the child through rain and wind , begging and dancing , a geisha again ?

  13. 附近的田地里,一幅穿着精美衣裳头戴鲜花的艺妓作品也给人带来一种惊艳的感觉。

    In the adjacent field sits a stunning artwork of a Japanese courtesan complete with intricate dress and flowers . -

  14. 这个日记是外曾祖母停止艺妓,嫁给“大野木”家侯开始写的。

    This Diary was started to write when she stopped a geisha job and married then came into " Onogi " family .

  15. 他是那幅画的作者,画的是玛尔特·德佛洛里安的祖母,一位上流社会的法国女演员同时也是一位艺妓。

    He was the artist behind the painting , which depicted De Florian 's grandmother , a high-society French actress and courtesan .

  16. 汽车、摩天大楼,以及叮当作响的弹球房,对于我们所赋予《艺妓回忆录》的梦幻生活是一场浩劫。

    Cars and skyscrapers and clangorous pachinko parlours play havoc with the Memoirs of a Geisha dreams we bring to the city .

  17. 但是,要成为妇人,必须先成为艺妓,这是对雅典家庭的最严厉的非难。

    But that a woman had to be a hetaira before she could be a woman is the worst condemnation of the Athenian family .

  18. 大体源自艺妓屋传统的舞女酒吧按小时雇佣妇女作为客人的陪侍。

    Very loosely descended from the geisha house tradition , hostess bars hire out women by the hour to act as companions for customers .

  19. 吧台尽头,黑暗笼罩之中,酒吧主人吉川八重子(YaekoYoshigawa)开始吹起了笛子。她以前是个艺妓。

    Shrouded in darkness at the end of the bar , the owner , an ex-geisha named Yaeko Yoshigawa , began playing a flute .

  20. 她还出演过亚历山大·索科洛夫2005年导演的《太阳》和罗伯·马歇尔的票房大片《艺妓回忆录》。

    She has also performed in THE SUN ( 2005 ) directed by Alexander SOKUROV and Rob MARSHALL 's block buster MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA .

  21. 在阿尔咖啡馆的当地人身上,他看到日本艺妓与歌舞伎的影子,而那是一个他从未去过的国家。

    And in the locals at Arles cafes , he saw resonances with the geishas and Kabuki actors of a country he had never visited .

  22. 古时候,日本艺妓在上妆前会先用清酒敷脸,以减轻化妆对皮肤的伤害。

    In ancient times , the Japanese geisha on makeup before it with wine apply face , in order to reduce the harm to skin makeup .

  23. 数世纪来妇女能做的一样工作是艺妓,就是用谈话和唱歌来取悦男人。

    One of the jobs that has been available to women for centuries is that of a geisha , who entertain men with conversation and song .

  24. 对于长期以来以艺妓用交谈、歌舞来哄得男性顾客欢心的国家日本来说,这算是一次令人晕眩的传统性别角色转换。

    It 's a dizzying reversal of traditional gender roles in a country long known for geishas pampering male clients with conversation , singing and dancing .

  25. 一个舞女,或是一个艺妓,在京都的大街上漫步。她是一个有名但而日益衰落的剧团的演员。

    A maiko , or geisha-in-training , strolls through the streets of Kyoto . She is a member of a famed , but dwindling sorority of entertainers .

  26. 她使用的竹笛叫做筱笛,是艺妓的基本“工具”之一,多用在日本能剧和歌舞伎剧场音乐之中。

    It was a bamboo flute called a shinobue , much used in Noh and Kabuki theater music and part of the essential " kit " of the geisha .

  27. 我一直觉得能出演《艺妓回忆录》是运气,但运气不会总是眷顾你。

    I always think you are lucky to get offered ( something like ) 'Memoirs of a Geisha ' , but I don 't think it will happen all the time .

  28. 她与巩俐一起演出的艺妓回忆录,使她获得金球奖最佳女演员提名。

    Later on , she co-stared with Gong Li in the movie " Memoirs of a Geisha ", which won her a nomination for Best Actress in that year 's Golden Globe Award .

  29. 通过这一时期的细节和对艺妓回忆录的深深地认同感,这部抒情的和充满感情的小说探究了一个最神秘的人类关系:女性的友谊。

    With the period detail and deep resonance of Memoirs of a Geisha , this lyrical and emotionally charged novel delves into one of the most mysterious of human relationships : female friendship .

  30. 这或许会让我高兴一时,但从长远来看,却加剧了对亚裔的刻板印象:数学呆子、艺妓和恶龙女。

    While that might make me temporarily glad , in the long run , it 's just another step in the gantlet of Asian stereotypes : math nerd , geisha , dragon lady .