
  • 网络artistic conception
  1. 第三部分阐述艺术意境与人格的关系。

    The third part discusses the relationship between Artistic Conception and personality .

  2. 中国画的研究首先是对其艺术意境的研究。

    The study of Chinese painting is a study of its artistic conception .

  3. 对意境的研究早已是学界的一个老话题,如何对艺术意境进行研究,并总结运用到室内设计中是本文所要研究的内容。

    Research of artistic conception is an old topic in educational circles .

  4. 试论文学翻译中艺术意境的再现

    On representation of the artistic conception in literary translation

  5. 陶瓷绘画艺术意境浅谈

    Elementary introduction of artistic conception in ceramic painting

  6. 中国宇宙意识与艺术意境论

    The Chinese Cosmological Sense and Artistic Conception

  7. 艺术意境是中国艺术的独特表现,也是人们研究最充分的课题之一。

    As a unique artistic expression of China , artistic conception is a fully studied subject .

  8. 建筑设计草图的艺术意境

    Design Artistic Conception in Architecture Sketch

  9. 对艺术意境的追求,涵容着宗白华的人格精神追求。

    His pursuit of artistic mood is realistically linked with his pursuit of the spirit of personality .

  10. 美学思想和造园法则极为重视艺术意境的创造;

    It is very attach importance to create artistic conception in the aesthetics of idea and means .

  11. 因此,功力因素对于书法艺术意境的生成具有决定性的作用。

    Therefore , proficiency plays a decisive role in the process of creating artistic conception of Chinese calligraphy .

  12. 艺术意境的迁移是造成古汉语诗歌英译困难的因素之一。

    The paper states that transference of artistic ideorealm is one of factors resulting in the difficulty of poetry translation .

  13. 在文学作品中,作者常常使用模糊语言以获得特定的表达效果及艺术意境。

    Fuzzy language is usually used in literary works by experienced writers to obtain unique expression effect and artistic value .

  14. 中国文化中的传统意识和艺术意境,促成了书法成为中国传统艺术的一个重要象征。

    The traditional ideology and artistic atmosphere in Chinese culture lead calligraphy to be an important symbol of traditional Chinese art .

  15. 论艺术意境与审美场&审美场研究系列论文之一论巫术对审美关系和审美心理建构的意义

    ON ARTISTIC MENTAL SENSE AND AESTHETIC FIELD ; Discussion on the Witchcraft 's Significance for Constructing Aesthetic Relations and Aesthetic Psychology

  16. 它与中国艺术意境的屈、庄精神的构成密切相关。

    It is closely related with construction of Chinese artistic conception , which is composed of Qu Yuan and Zhuang Zi 's spirit .

  17. 文学翻译中,译者在传递原文意义的同时,要尽可能传达原文的艺术意境。

    In literary translation , a translator should convey the artistic conception of the original work as well as the meaning of the original .

  18. 首先是引入了新的表现题材并加以扩大,其次发展到兴寄,进而发展到物我融一的艺术意境。

    First it introduces a new subject , then develops into an artistic conception in which one is in perfect harmony with the world around him .

  19. 且又具有“淡如菊”的特点,即朴实平淡、自然无饰的语言以及清澄深远的艺术意境。

    Second , his works embody a kind of esthetic taste of " refined simplicity ", such as plain and simple language , clear and profound art .

  20. 观念形象化在感性和理性两个向度的双向实现,使平面广告的图形创意最终在形式、形象、色彩等方面都拥有了深刻而含蕴丰富的艺术意境。

    The realization of artistic visualization from both emotional and rational dimensions creates a deep and rich artistic flavor to its design , image and color in the print advertising design .

  21. 本文主要从中国古典美学的角度对《诗经》艺术意境加以阐释,分别从“意”与“境”的生成,“虚”与“实”的调配以及接受方法几个方面加以说明。

    The author expounds its artistic conception in terms of Chinese classical aesthetics and interprets it in the creation of artistic conception , balance of illusion and reality and accepting methods .

  22. 体道精神的自由超拔和了无牵挂,在古代艺术意境当中皆有显现,同时也成就了国人艺术化和审美化的人生。

    The nature of Dao theory on " being free from care " not only exists in the artistic mood in ancient China also make Chinese achieve an artistic and aesthetic life .

  23. 艺术意境即一间审美场:主、客体三层面双向交互作用发生共振效应生成的四维空间形态。

    Artistic mental sense , an aesthetic field , is a four-dimension space form generated by the resonant effect via three_layer , two_way interaction between the aesthetic subject and its , object .

  24. 他关于形质不分的新诗艺术意境创构理论,以及对于诗人人格的修养要求,体现了辩证的艺术精神,对中国新诗运动的健康发展产生了重要影响

    His new poetry art artistic conception composing theory on confusing form and quality , and his demand for poetry personality , embody dialectic art vital spark , brought important influence on Chinese new poetry movement

  25. 本文主要是从“艺术意境”、“艺术表现”、“艺术情境”、“诗歌艺术”这五个方面来论述艺术的审美本质。

    The text will mainly discourse upon the sensitivity of beauty inheres in art from the five aspects of " artistic concept "," artistic expression "," artistic situation " and " the art of poesy " .

  26. 中国艺术意境的情景交融反映了中华民族独与天地精神往来或天人合一的宇宙精神。

    The mood of " fusion of setting and feeling " advocated in Chinese art reflects Chinese people 's universal spirit of " communication solely with the essence of the universe " and " the harmony between man and nature " .

  27. 时显时隐、时松时紧、时动时静的委拉斯凯兹式边线使得有形的形式与内容和无形的形式与内容相互衬托,相映成趣,创造出更为完美而神妙的艺术意境。

    Significant implicit , disengagement , dynamic static " Velasquez " line makes tangible and intangible forms and contents of the form and content of each other , gain by contrast , to create a more perfect and wonderful artistic conception .

  28. 第一部分阐述空灵与意境理论的建构,它体现在节奏化音乐化的意境空间理论、艺术意境结构的特点、意境中的虚实相生三个方面。

    The first part discusses the construction between " kongling " and Artistic Conception , which is reflected on four aspects , such as , rhythmical and musical Artistic Conception , the characteristics of Artistic Conception structure and the combination of xu and shi .

  29. 重视情景交融、意境统一,乃是中国古典美学的一个传统。作为意境理论的标识和核心,情景交融集中体现了艺术意境的审美特质,是中国古代文学家艺术家孜孜以求的审美理想的境界。

    As the identification and core of theory of artistic conception , the union of feeling and setting embodies a concentrated reflection of the aesthetic specialty , and it is the aesthetic and ideal realm that the ancient writer and artist of China seek assiduously .

  30. 酒包装文字设计中书法艺术的意境表现

    Expression of artistic conception of calligraphy art in wine package design