
  • 网络Artistic inspiration
  1. 艺术灵感需要科学的诱导方法。

    The artistic inspiration needs the scientific induction method .

  2. 自1974年开始,艾尔莎·柏瑞蒂有时只需要一种艺术灵感。

    Sometimes , it just takes one artistic inspiration Elsa Peretti since 1974 .

  3. 1月31日是激发艺术灵感日。

    January the 31st is Inspire Your Heart With Art Day .

  4. 问题是我们长大后能否继续保有艺术灵感。

    The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up .

  5. 森林和湖水赋予了现代艺术灵感。

    The forests and waters inspire contemporary works of art ;

  6. 陈逸飞曾说他的艺术灵感源自母亲。

    Chen Yifei once said that his mother was the source of his inspiration .

  7. 激发艺术灵感日或许将再次让你创造力蓬发。

    Inspire Your Heart With Art Day may get your creative juices flowing again .

  8. 空间,是建筑艺术灵感的派生。

    Space is derive of inspirational architecture art .

  9. 在创作构思阶段,艺术灵感表现为意象之间的组合与衔接;

    In the period of creative meditation , as the combination and conjugation of images ;

  10. 艺术灵感管见

    My View about Inspiration in Art

  11. 飞舞的艺术灵感&美佳装饰设计公司办公室设计

    The Flying Art Inspiration

  12. 如此,艺术灵感便从神秘中走出,与非线性的艺术思维取得了有机联系。

    Thus artistic inspiration sheds its light of mystery and gains an organic connection with non-linear artistic thinking .

  13. 成功研发复杂的高性能的配方是科学方法和艺术灵感相结合的结果。

    The successful development of a complex , high performance formulation requires a combination of both science and art .

  14. 古老的故事和传说,民间的小调和唱词,都是民族声乐艺术灵感的来源。

    The ancient stories and legends , folk ditties and Changci all belong to national vocal arts , which are all the source of inspiration .

  15. 因此,我知道,如果你是一名演员,你就应该把自己的才智贡献给能够激发艺术灵感的事业。

    So , I know this -- that whether you 're an actor , you offer your talent in the way that most inspires aret .

  16. 戏剧舞台审美意象的形成需要艺术灵感,一直以来,中外关于灵感有多种观点。

    The formation of play stage esthetic image needs the artistic inspiration , the Chinese and foreigners have had many kinds of viewpoints about the inspiration .

  17. 住在村子里的农舍别墅和家庭旅馆里,既可以减少旅行开支,也是发挥创意或是追寻艺术灵感的绝佳方式。

    Cottages and home stays in villages are an ideal way to keep your expenses low and spend some time on your own creative or artistic endeavours .

  18. 试设想苏格拉底的巨灵之眼凝视着悲剧,可是这眼中并无艺术灵感的醉心狂热的光辉;

    Let us now imagine Socrates ' great Cyclops ' eye -- that eye which never glowed with the artist 's divine frenzy -- turned upon tragedy .

  19. 中国历史电视剧的创作是渗透了创作主体现代意识而展开的历史与现实间的对话,从历史的智库中汲取了我们所需的文化智慧和艺术灵感。

    The course of making Chinese historical teleplays is the conversation between history and reality , which penetrates the modernity consciousness of principal part , and absorb necessary culture wisdom and art inspiration from history .

  20. 由此可以看出,面对大自然而激起强烈的审美感兴,也或称为艺术灵感的闪光,才是山水画家进入创作的起点。

    Therefore , as a Chinese landscape painting artist , the beginning of creation is the strong aesthetic point of view facing nature . In other words , it maybe the shinning of art inspiration .

  21. 森林和湖水赋予现代艺术灵感,也赋予了将自己与自然融为一体的芬兰人深沉的性格。

    The forests and waters inspire contemporary works of art ; and the meditative soul of the Finns , who Blend in with nature to the point of camouflage , is nourished by these fresh colors .

  22. 根据弗洛依德的学说,艺术灵感来源于人的潜意识冲动,这种学说对西方现代美术发展具有深远影响,以立体主义和超现实主义为例,说明潜意识与创作、理智之间的关系。

    The theory of Freud , which has exerted great impact on the development of modern west art , shows that the inspiration of art comes from subconsciousness . Those cubism and surrealism explain the relationship between subconsciousness 、 creation and wits .

  23. 得出了中国汉字图形元素在现代室内设计中的重要性、多元性、创新性,我们需要努力的从汉字图形元素中获取艺术灵感,走出一条富有现代感和民族特色的设计之路。

    Application of the Chinese characters graphical element in the modern interior design is of significance , diversity and innovation . It is necessary to draw artistic inspiration from Chinese characters graphical elements to blaze a trail of design with a sense of modernity and ethnic characteristics .

  24. 几乎所有的山水画家都在现实生活中通过写生向生活取材寻找艺术的灵感。

    The nearly all sceneries painters all select material in the real life through the sketch to the life seek artistic the inspiration .

  25. 对于设计而言,艺术的灵感或许是可遇不可求的,而对设计进行定性化、定量化、程序化、系统化的分析与操作却是可以实现的。

    To design , perhaps the artistic inspiration can not be recounted precisely but the quantitative , sequenced and systematized analysis and operation actually can be realized .

  26. 不过,夫妻俩将旅程包装成哈尔托先生的艺术创意灵感之旅,并承诺归来后展览途中的摄影作品和拼贴画等艺术作品,钻了规定的空子。

    But the couple framed the journey as creative inspiration for Mr. Harteau 's art and promised an exhibition of his photography , collages and other artwork upon their return , thereby skirting the rule .

  27. Jessika一直发现她对艺术的热爱灵感,历史,书籍和不同文化对于Jessika。

    Jessika has always found inspiration from her love of art , history , books and different cultures .

  28. 试论艺术创作中灵感的本质

    On nature of inspiration in art creation

  29. 艺术是充满灵感的,它可以改变人们看待世界的角度。

    Art is full of inspiration and can changeour way of looking at the world .

  30. 水是人类生活不可缺少的物质之一,也是自古以来人们进行艺术创作的灵感和源泉。

    As one of the indispensable material to human being , water inspires us in artistic creation for a long time .