
  • 网络Copacabana Beach
  1. 但他们说,运动员比赛的地方——比如将举办游泳赛事的科帕卡巴纳海滩周边水域——达到了世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)的安全标准。

    But they say the areas where athletes will compete - like the waters off Copacabana Beach , where swimmers will race - meet World Health Organization safety standards .

  2. 世界杯前的最后一个星期天,科帕卡巴纳海滩。

    Copacabana beach , on the last Sunday before the World Cup .

  3. 他出生并成长于离科帕卡巴纳海滩不远处的贫民窟ChapéuMangueira。过去他曾是一名渔民,现在他正在贫民窟外缘经营着一家广受赞誉的餐馆。

    Born and brought up in the favela of Chap é u Mangueira , not far from Copacabana , and a former fisherman , he now runs an acclaimed restaurant on its edge .

  4. 科帕卡巴纳海滩上的国际足联球迷聚会可是个例外。

    Except the FIFA Fan Fest on Copacabana Beach .

  5. 那时,有人警告我们不要乘坐公共交通或去科帕卡巴纳海滩玩耍。

    Back then , we were warned against using public transport or going on Copacabana Beach .

  6. 在休格洛夫山可以看到里约热内卢的全景,包括这里的科帕卡巴纳海滩。

    Sugarloaf Mountain dominates the skyline from almost all of Rio de Janeiro , including here in Copacabana Beach .

  7. 出于对冠状病毒的担忧,里约热内卢有关部门取消了科帕卡巴纳海滩今年的传统跨年庆祝活动。

    Authorities in Rio de Janeiro have cancelled the traditional New Year 's Eve celebrations at Copacabana this year coronavirus fears .

  8. 这里是世界杯期间的科帕卡巴纳海滩,虽然阴云密布,但却阻挡不了成千上万的来自世界各地球迷们的热情。

    This is Copacabana beach during the World Cup , the skies are cloudy , that doesn 't stop thousands of soccer fans from all over the world .

  9. 在科帕卡巴纳海滩通宵守夜并举行了最终弥撒后,年轻人庆祝了世界青年日,他们冲进海里去除污垢。

    After the long vigil on Copacabana beach overnight and the final mass , young people celebrating World Youth Day , gushed into the sea to wash away the grime .

  10. 科帕卡巴纳海滩的水域将举办马拉松游泳项目。而水域和沙滩的病毒含量也令人担忧。

    Concerns have also been raised over the viral load found in the water off Copacabana Beach , which will host the marathon swimming , and also in the sand itself .

  11. 沿着科帕卡巴纳海滩或者英潘内玛海滩感受下这座“美丽城市”的狂欢节气氛或者在直升机上鸟瞰面包山的全景(也是值得一试的)。

    Take in the Carnival atmosphere of the " cidade maravilhosa " along Impanema or Copacabana beach , or a panoramic flight around Sugarloaf Mountain in a helicopter ( well worth it ) .

  12. 人们可在这座城市的每个角落里举起相机合照,从耸立着的地标救世主基督像到沙滩排球赛举行地及自行车赛终点的科帕卡巴纳海滩。

    There are photo ops at every turn , from the Christ the Redeemer statue that towers over it to Copacabana Beach , where the beach volleyball will take place and the cycling ends .

  13. 拉戈阿体育场位于拉戈阿罗德里戈德•弗雷塔斯湖岸,距离旅游胜地科帕卡巴纳海滩约1.7英里。尽管场馆外看起来乱糟糟,内部据称已经完工。

    Although the exterior of the Lagoa Stadium , which sits on the banks of Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas and approximately 1.7 miles from the tourist hotspot of Copacabana , appears messy , the interior is thought to be complete .

  14. 在纽约、伦敦证交所和里约热内卢著名的科帕卡巴纳海滩,类似的球迷聚集活动并不少见,球迷们希望在大庭广众的氛围下享受世界杯盛事也实属平常。

    With fan gatherings being organised in New York , London 's Exchange Square and Rio de Janeiro 's famed Copacabana beach , it 's no oddity that viewers want to experience football 's biggest tournament in a communal atmosphere .