
  • 网络Guanabara Bay;Baía de Guanabara;Bay of Guanabara
  1. 里约热内卢——澳大利亚的丹和安东尼•里格尼(DanandAnthonyRigney)兄弟去看了周日的奥运举重比赛。对于这个项目的受污染情况比瓜纳巴拉湾更甚这一点,他们并不觉得难堪。

    RIO DE JANEIRO - The brothers Dan and Anthony Rigney of Australia attended the Olympic weight lifting competition on Sunday and were not exactly mortified that the sport is more polluted than Guanabara Bay .

  2. 现年45岁的第二代渔民罗马里奥•蒙泰罗(RomarioMonteiro)在瓜纳巴拉湾打了一辈子的鱼。他很怀念那个水质清澈、鱼也很多的年代。

    Romario Monteiro , 45 , a second-generation fisherman who has spent a lifetime plying Guanabara Bay , recalls when the waters were crystalline and the fish were plentiful .

  3. 稍微做一做尽职调查就能发现,净化瓜纳巴拉湾的承诺是几乎不可能兑现的。

    A little due diligence would have revealed that the promise to clean up the bay was near impossible to keep .

  4. 令人担忧的安保、不完备的接待和瓜纳巴拉湾肮脏的水域都给即将到来的2016里约奥运蒙上阴影。

    Concerns over security , incomplete accommodation and filthy water in Ganabara Bay have blighted the run up to Rio 2016 .

  5. 更严重的问题在于瓜纳巴拉湾,那里水质污染严重,可能是最受诟病的一个地方。

    A more serious failure was Guanabara Bay , which has been perhaps the biggest target of criticism because of its high levels of pollution .

  6. 里约热内卢大都市区1200万居民逾一半人产生的污水,都排入瓜纳巴拉湾。

    The Guanabara Bay basin takes in sewage from more than half of the 12m people living in Rio de Janeiro 's greater metropolitan area .

  7. 奥运会主办方承诺过会清理掉里约瓜纳巴拉湾的污染,但事实证明并没有。

    Olympic organisers had pledged that the pollution would be cleared up at Rio 's Guanabara Bay but it has not proved to be the case .

  8. 但是,当局仅做到把该比例提高到了50%,有些独立调查结果表明,瓜纳巴拉湾的毒性仍然太高、无法用于举办比赛。

    But the authorities managed only 50 per cent and some independent studies have said the bay is still too toxic to be used at the games .

  9. 本月,一艘将勾画出21世纪初拉丁美洲与亚洲之间贸易轮廓的轮船,抵达了美轮美奂的里约热内卢港口瓜纳巴拉湾。

    This month the vessel that will come to define early 21st-century trade between Latin America and Asia arrived in Guanabara Bay , the picturesque harbour of Rio de Janeiro .

  10. 在里约热内卢市的瓜纳巴拉湾及其环礁湖,长期以来存在着污染。那里将举行包括帆船和赛艇在内的水上项目比赛。

    There is also the chronic pollution in the city 's Guanabara Bay and its main lagoon , which will be used for water sports , including sailing and rowing .

  11. 在2009年申办奥运会期间,巴西承诺投入40亿美元资金,对80%的未经处理便被排入瓜纳巴拉湾的污水进行净化。

    In its 2009 bid for the games , Brazil pledged to spend $ 4 billion to clean up 80 percent of the sewage that flows untreated into the bay .

  12. 该州的环卫预算大多被花在了垃圾收集船和可移动式护堤上,为的是防止污泥和垃圾进入瓜纳巴拉湾。

    Most of the money in the state 's sanitation budget has been spent on trash-collecting boats and portable berms to stop the sludge and debris that flow into the bay .

  13. 如果主办城市存在一个极大的问题(比如瓜纳巴拉湾的污染问题),仅仅通过举办奥运会是不大可能解决这个问题的。

    If a host city has a problem of Olympian proportions , such as that of the pollution in Guanabara Bay , then it is unlikely to be fixed just by holding the games .

  14. 专家对污水泄漏问题发出警告,瓜纳巴拉湾的病毒水平已经超过欧洲或美国认定的警戒标准的170万倍。

    Viral levels in the bay are said to be 1.7million times over the limit of what would be considered worrying in Europe or the United States , while experts warned of sewage spills .

  15. 他们还说,即便是人体排泄物含量较高的场地,比如瓜纳巴拉湾,对在那里参加帆船和帆板赛事的运动员构成的威胁也微乎其微,因为他们和潜在污染物的接触十分有限。

    Even some venues with higher levels of human waste , like Guanabara Bay , present only minimal risk because athletes sailing or windsurfing in them will have limited contact with potential contamination , they add .

  16. 同时,将承办铁人三项、帆船和一些游泳项目的瓜纳巴拉湾,其水质也备受质疑。周末,水面发现了大量漂浮的垃圾还有一具尸体。

    Meanwhile , the quality of the water in Ganabara Bay , which will host the triathlon , sailing and some swimming events , has raised eyebrows after mounds of floating garbage and a corpse were spotted over the weekend .

  17. 里约热内卢在2009年申办奥运会时承诺,将在奥运会召开前,将排入瓜纳巴拉湾的污水的收集处理率从20%提高至80%。

    In its 2009 bid for the games , Rio promised to increase the amount of sewage that is collected and treated before flowing into the bay from 20 per cent to 80 per cent in time for the Olympics .

  18. 里约广阔的瓜纳巴拉湾及其久负盛名的海滩深受污染之害。尽管政府7年前就承诺要杜绝污染物的排放,但官员们承认,他们在处理未经净化的污水、清理生活垃圾方面做得远远不够。

    Despite the government 's promises seven years ago to stem the waste that fouls Rio 's expansive Guanabara Bay and the city 's fabled ocean beaches , officials acknowledge that their efforts to treat raw sewage and scoop up household garbage have fallen far short .