
Kē wēi tè rén
  • Kuwaiti
  1. 你觉得没人爱你,没人关心你,人人都不理你的时候,你该开始问自己:我是科威特人吗?

    When you feel nobody loves you , nobody cares for you and everyone is ignoring you , you should start asking yourself : Am I Kuwaiti ?

  2. 年轻的科威特人在酒吧里用他们的手机互相发送调情的红外线电子邮件。

    Young Kuwaitis have taken to cafes , beaming flirtatious infrared emails to one another on their cell photos .

  3. 她说入侵的伊拉克人虐待科威特人,许多新生儿被残忍杀害,这吓坏了国会议员和许多美国民众。

    The stories she told about the treatment of Kuwaitis by the invading Iraqis horrified members of Congress and many Americans in general . This included the terrible deaths of newborn babies .

  4. 科威特投资局负责人阿萨德(Al-Sa'ad)说,当时他羡慕地问自己:我该如何改变科威特投资局,让我们的行动也能如此快捷?

    Bader Al-Sa'ad , the head of Kia , says he asked himself enviously at the time : How can I change Kia so we can move that quickly ?