
tào xié
  • overshoes;galoshes;rubbers;galoshoes;overboot
套鞋 [tào xié]
  • (1) [overshoes]∶套在鞋外面的鞋(如为了增加保暖或防湿)

  • (2) [rubbers;galoshes]∶一种可在湿地或雨天穿的橡胶鞋,有一般的,也有高筒的

套鞋[tào xié]
  1. 他有一双套鞋。

    He has a pair of overshoes .

  2. 不过,当他把帽子,上衣,套鞋一一脱下来,挂在附近的角落里一个小地方,穿上象样的服装后,他就平静地走到讲坛边。

    However , hat and coat and overshoes were one by one removed , and hung up in a little space in an adjacent corner ; when , arrayed in a decent suit , he quietly approached the pulpit .

  3. 瑞摩娜的一只套鞋正躺在落脚处。

    One of Ramona 's galoshes was lying on the landing .

  4. 保护鞋子不受水或雪破坏的一种防水套鞋。

    A waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or snow .

  5. 天在下雨,你最好穿上橡胶套鞋。

    You 'd better wear rubbers , for it 's raining .

  6. 他的衣服变成了羽毛,套鞋变成了雀爪。

    the clothes became feathers , and the galoshes claws .

  7. 对方说。我现在要把这双套鞋放在门口。

    I will put them here by the door .

  8. 旅游鞋,胶鞋胶底轻便运动鞋或橡皮套鞋做得好的皮鞋比两双这种便宜的胶鞋还耐穿。

    Well-made leather shoes will outwear two pairs of these cheap rubber shoes .

  9. 可是在进去以前,她先换上了一双木套鞋①。??①因为怕把她的脚弄脏了。

    however , she drew on wooden slippers first .

  10. 我的套鞋在客厅的壁橱里,但雨伞不见了。

    My rubbers are here in the hall closet , but the umbrella 's disappeared .

  11. 他们在下雨天穿胶套鞋。

    They wear galoshes in wet weather .

  12. 鲍勃的套鞋不见了吗?

    Did bob 's rubbers disappear ?

  13. 在扣套鞋的的鞋扣时,我感到有人站在我面前。

    As I was buckling them , I felt the presence of someone standing over me .

  14. 他们感慨地说:如今的套鞋是普遍不耐穿了。

    They say with all sorts of feelings : The galosh nowadays is general not durable .

  15. 那些放在阳台上的套鞋,绝大部分是打了补丁的。

    Those are put in the galosh on the balcony , the majority made a patch .

  16. 我和妈妈买了票,穿上了厚厚的蓝色潜水衣,黑色的套鞋似的潜水鞋。

    I and mom bought a ticket , put on thick blue dive garment , dive like black galosh shoe .

  17. 你的套鞋带给了人间什么幸福?&解读安徒生的《幸运的套鞋》

    What Happiness Have Your Goloshes Brought to men ? & How to Read The Goloshes of Fortune by Andersen ;

  18. 在这同一天,他得到许可离开医院,不过他的套鞋仍然留在那儿。

    The same day he was discharged from the hospital as perfectly cured ; but the Shoes meanwhile remained behind .

  19. 从外面看,这双运动鞋外表看来像黑色的雨套鞋,拉链把鞋的内部给封住了。

    From the outside , the sneaker looks something like a black rain overshoe , with a zipper that encloses the entire inside .

  20. 这时,也算是他的运气,他的一双套鞋被拉掉了——因此整个的幻景也就消逝了。

    and now , happily for him , off fell his fatal shoes -- and with them the charm was at an end .

  21. 他又坐下来,点点头。这梦并不马上在他的思想中消逝,因为他脚上仍然穿着那双套鞋。

    He seated himself once more and nodded : the dream continued to haunt him , for he still had the shoes on his feet .

  22. 不过他是穿着衣服、皮鞋和套鞋躺在那儿的。热烘烘的水点从天花板上滴到他的脸上。

    but with all his clothes on , in his boots and galoshes , while the hot drops fell scalding from the ceiling on his face .

  23. 那个守夜人,我们一定还没有忘记掉;他忽然记起了自己曾经看到、并且送进医院里去的那双套鞋。

    The watchman , whom we have certainly not forgotten , thought meanwhile of the galoshes he had found and taken with him to the hospital ;

  24. 专利信息保洁套鞋(商品名:甭脱)本专利产品可以很方便地取代入室脱换的拖鞋。

    Patent information protects clean galosh ( trade name : Do not take off ) this patent product is OK very replace conveniently room take off changed slipper .

  25. 起初他只是迈着步子,什么东西也不想,所以这双套鞋就没有机会来施展它的魔力了。他在路上遇见一个熟人——一个年轻的诗人。这诗人告诉他说,他明天就要开始一个夏季旅行。

    In the park he met a friend , one of our young poets , who told him that the following day he should set out on his long-intended tour .

  26. 当他说出了他的愿望以后,他所穿上的这双套鞋就立刻产生效果:这个守夜人在身体和思想方面就变成了那位中尉。

    While expressing his wish , the charm of the shoes , which he had put on , began to work ; the watchman entered into the being and nature of the lieutenant .

  27. 他说完了以后,又掉过身来再看看这双套鞋。这时他就认不清究竟左手的一双是他的呢,还是右手的一双是他的。

    but when he had finished , and his eye fell again on the Shoes , he was unable to say whether those to the left or those to the right belonged to him .

  28. 梅格说完斜靠在沙发上,把橡胶套鞋藏得恰到好处,乔便跌跌撞撞地朝饭厅跑去。

    So Meg reclined , with rubbers well hidden , and Jo went blundering away to the dining room , which she found after going into a china closet , and opening the door of a room where old Mr.

  29. 他把套鞋穿上,在衣袋里塞了几份文件,在胁下也夹了几份文件——因为他要带回家去读,以便摘出其中的要点。

    So he put them on quickly , stuck his papers in his pocket , and took besides a few under his arm , intending to look them through at home to make the necessary notes . It was noon ;

  30. 甚至在你脱去外套(还有帽子、手套、围巾和橡胶套鞋等)之前,你就已经在与天气的较量中赢得了胜利,而这项一大早取得的成就,将使你进入赢者的精神状态。

    Before you even take off your coat ( and hat , gloves , scarf , galoshes , etc ), you have already scored a victory over the weather and this early-morning success puts you in a winning frame of mind .