
  • 网络Hedge Fund;arbitrage fund
  1. 10年前的复杂金融操作指令,对于今天的套利基金和投资银行来说,也许只是小玩意。

    The complex financial instruments of10 years ago would seem quaint to the hedge funds and investment banks of today .

  2. 腐化的抵押经纪人、无能的放贷者和热衷于冒险的套利基金所组成的队伍中,有相当一部分让投资者和政策制定者一天忙到晚。

    Between corrupt mortgage brokers , feckless lenders , and risk-happy hedge funds , there 's plenty to keep investors and policymakers up at night .

  3. 统计套利基金(statisticalarbitragefunds)的问题更为严重。

    Statistical arbitrage funds have run into particular problems .

  4. 让德国和其他国家以任何方式,完全投身于欧盟的压力是巨大的,也是迟钝的,极象套利基金。亿万富翁GeorgeSoros说道,“看吧”。

    The pressure forGermanyand others to fully commit to Europe in everyway is strong and blunt and many like hedge fund billionaire George Soros aresaying : Look !

  5. 从某种程度上说,他在为一种早期版本的套利基金做广告。

    In a way , he was advertising an early version of an arbitrage fund .

  6. 导致问题恶化的因素是,为买进股票,许多统计套利基金经理大举借贷。

    Compounding the problem is that many stat ARB managers have borrowed heavily to buy shares .

  7. 因此,前景不看好的企业股价上涨,而前景看好的企业反而股价下跌,这破坏了“统计套利基金”模型的逻辑。

    Thus , companies with poor prospects have seen shares rise and vice versa , undermining the logic of " stat ARB " models .

  8. 城堡这样的可转债-套利基金引领了行业的复苏。它们利用企业可转换债券和股票之间的价格差异赚钱。

    Convertible-arbitrage funds , such as Citadel , have led the industry 's resurgence , exploiting pricing discrepancies between corporate convertible debt and equity .

  9. 尽管对西方经济体健康状况的担忧不断加剧,但投资者仍赶在并购活动预期的复苏之前,纷纷将资金投入并购套利基金。

    Investors are rushing to put money into merger arbitrage funds ahead of an expected recovery in dealmaking in spite of growing fears for the health of Western economies .

  10. 当某些价值导向的套利基金甚至捐赠基金使用财务杠杆来提高他们的收益,我倾向于不要因为保证金债务而增加风险。

    While some value-oriented hedge funds and even endowments use leverage to enhance their returns , I side with those who are unwilling to incur the added risks that come with margin debt .

  11. 尽管流动性危机使杠杆收购活动陷于停滞,但合并套利型基金(mergerarbitragefunds)获得了正收益:上涨0.6%。

    Despite the liquidity crisis bringing leveraged buyout activity to a halt , merger arbitrage funds recorded a positive number : up 0.6 per cent .

  12. 专门从事风险套利的对冲基金可能发现,交易前景很难判断。

    Hedge funds specializing in M & A risk arbitrage may find this is one deal that is too hard to call .