
  • 网络arbitrage
  1. 然而,在现实经济中股东的套利空间仍然存在,并对企业的融资方式选择,尤其是对债务资本产生了深远的影响。

    However , in the reality there are still lots of such arbitrage opportunities , which exert far-reaching impacts on firms financing models , especially on debts .

  2. 行为套利空间源于机构投资者的投资行为,而制度套利空间则来源于证券市场制度溢价,本质上是一种制度红利。

    Behavioral arbitrage is caused by investments of institutional investors , while institutional arbitrage is a result of institutional premium in stock market & kind of institutional dividend in essence .

  3. 肖维指出,美元走强和欧元疲软为游客提供了“更大的价格套利空间,并有助于推动组织完善的平行市场的出现,特别是在欧洲地区”。

    A strong dollar and weak euro have offered " greater price arbitrage opportunities for tourists and facilitated the emergence of well-organised parallel markets , particularly in Europe , " notes Mr Chauvet .

  4. 近几个月来,此类套利空间趋于缩窄,因中国下调利率并鼓励银行扩大放贷规模导致香港人民币存款规模增速放缓。

    That arbitrage opportunity has narrowed in recent months , as the growth of Renminbi deposits in Hong Kong has slowed as China has lowered interest rates and encouraged banks to do more lending .

  5. 这意味着在两个市场之间套利的空间仍然有限,因此两个市场可能仍会存在巨大的收益率差距。

    That means the scope for arbitrage between the two markets is still limited , so rates can vary substantially .

  6. 与此同时,英国与美国法律中奇怪的差异似乎依然存在,为未来的跨境套利行为创造了空间。

    Meanwhile , that odd discrepancy between UK and US law appears to remain in place , creating scope for future cross-border arbitrage .

  7. 一般经济行为中的套利是一个很复杂的问题,有很多种套利方式,如空间套利、时间套利、风险套利、税收套利和复合金融工具套利等。

    In the conduct of general economic arbitrage is a very complex problem , there are many kinds of arbitrage , such as arbitrage of space , time arbitrage , risk arbitrage , tax arbitrage and arbitrage and other complex financial instruments .