
  • Zhang Ying;【人名】Ying Zhang
  1. 张颖是我最好的中国朋友。

    Ying is my best Chinese friend .

  2. 24岁的张颖(音译)曾在一家管理培训公司工作了一年的时间,而那里的老板是个挑剔的人。

    Zhang Ying , 24 , used to work in a management training company for a year , under a picky boss .

  3. 为了令老板开心,张颖在一张海报上尝试了各种大小及颜色不同的字体,为的就是保证最后递交的是一份最佳设计。

    To please her boss , Zhang had tried every possible size and color of the characters on a poster before she handed in the best design .

  4. 天津大学生张颖(音译)表示:我喜欢的电子书太少,而且那里的电子书都可以在别处以更低廉的价格买到。

    There are too few e-books I like , and the ones that are there can be had cheaper elsewhere , says Zhang Ying , a university student in Tianjin .