
  1. 《南方都市报》(SouthernMetropolisDaily)的一篇社论发问:如果吴英被判死刑,我们应该如何处置其他人?

    If Wu Ying is sentenced to death , how should we deal with all the others ? asked the Southern Metropolis Daily in an editorial .

  2. 吴英:你喜欢在成都工作吗?

    Hu Ying : do you like working in Chendu ?

  3. 2012年1月,浙江省高级人民法院驳回被告人吴英的上诉。

    She lost her appeal to the Zhejiang High Peoples Court last month .

  4. 吴英的律师坚持说,吴英集资来的钱都被投资到真正的企业里去了。

    Ms. Wu 's lawyer maintained that the funds were invested in real businesses .

  5. 吴英的命运引起了社会各界的广泛支持,很多人呼吁罪不至死。

    Wu 's fate has however roused wide public support and pleas to spare her life .

  6. 杨玲擦桌椅,吴英负责暖气片。

    Yang Ling can dust the desks and chairs and Wu Ying will take care of the radiators .

  7. 今年4月,中国最高法院推翻了对浙江另一名女商人吴英的死刑判决,此前中国人对于判处吴英死刑在网上提出了大量抗议。

    In April China 's highest court overturned the death penalty for another businesswoman from the same region following a massive outpouring of protest online .

  8. 吴英出生于一个农民家庭,通过售卖具有除皱功效的羊胎素,她成为了中国最有钱的女人之一。

    Born into a peasant family , Wu Ying became one of the richest women in China by selling sheep placenta extract as an anti-wrinkle cream .

  9. 可就在最高法院今年对吴英的死刑判决进行复核时,她所创建的私人投资公司模式在全国引发了广泛讨论。

    But by the time her death penalty came before the supreme court for review this year , her kind of private investment company had become a nationwide phenomenon .

  10. 在吴英非法集资案中,集资对象是否特定成了争议的焦点,而且单纯依靠刑法已难以得出准确的结论。

    In the case of Wu Yin , these problems became the foci of the controversy , and furthermore , one cannot reach the correct conclusion by merely relying on criminal law .

  11. 此外,中国媒体还报道,据称拥有近5亿美元资产的26岁女商人吴英,因涉嫌非法集资已被警方拘留。

    That news was accompanied by reports that Wu Ying , a 26-year-old businesswoman said to have almost $ 500m in assets , had been detained on unrelated charges of raising funds illegally .

  12. 通过对吴英非法集资案的案情介绍,,交代本文讨论的背景,引出各方争论的焦点。

    Introduced the merits of the case of Wu Ying illegal fund raising , giving an account of the background of the discussion in this article , leads to the focus of controversy between the parties .

  13. 吴英曾经将她经营的一家美甲店发展成她所在地区的一家大型企业,她于2009年被判死刑,此前法庭认定她诈骗了11名投资者人民币3.8亿元的资金。

    Wu Ying , who turned a nail salon into a regional conglomerate , was sentenced to death in 2009 after being convicted of swindling 11 investors out of 380 million yuan ( $ 60.3 million ) .

  14. 发生在浙江省东阳市的吴英集资诈骗一案,经过一审和二审程序,判决被告人吴英犯集资诈骗罪,处以死刑并没收其全部个人财产。

    Ying-financing fraud case in Dongyang City , Zhejiang Province , after the first and second instance procedures , sentenced the accused Wu Ying guilty of financial fraud and sentenced to death and confiscation of all their personal property .

  15. 吴英案的发生对于广大民众和法学界都产生了很大的争议,吴英是否应该判处死刑,以及具体的刑罚适用标准都存在着争议。

    Wu Ying case occurred for the majority of the public and the legal community generated a lot of controversy , there is controversy Wu Ying whether the death penalty should be imposed , as well as the specific penalty standards .