
  • 网络revenue sharing;Gain sharing;gainsharing
  1. 本文对收益分享计划的内涵、产生和功能特点等做了简要介绍,并结合收益分享计划在国外的实践,对相关的理论研究做出归纳与评价。

    This paper firstly gives a brief introduction of the meaning , origin and functional features of gain sharing plan , then sums up and evaluates the theories concerned combining with its practice in foreign countries .

  2. 人力资本投资的收益分享问题研究

    A Study on the Gain Sharing of Investment into Human Capital

  3. 库存竞争性产品的VMI收益分享合同模型

    Inventory competitive products ' revenue-sharing contract under VMI

  4. 基于收益分享契约的VMI模型研究

    Study on VMI Model Based on Revenus-Sharing Contract

  5. 此部分引入Hamiltonian方程求最优解,取得了最优收益分享比例。

    The introduction of Hamiltonian equation for this part is the optimal solution , and achieved optimal benefit-sharing ratio .

  6. Google一直和报业之间关系复杂,而这一收益分享模式被视为Google伸向内容制作者们的一根橄榄枝。

    The relationship between Google and the newspaper industry has always been somewhat tumultuous , so this revenue-sharing model can be seen as Google extending an olive branch to content producers .

  7. 占主导地位的生产商与零售商进行Stackelberg博弈,并通过收益分享合同来协调供应链。

    The dominant producers play the Stackelberg game with retailers , and through revenue-sharing contract to coordinate the supply chain .

  8. 人力资本收益分享问题的探讨

    Study on the Problem of Income Sharing by Human Capital

  9. 基于二次消费且电信运营商占主导地位的收益分享合同

    Twice-consuming Goods Based on Revenue Sharing contract with the Telecom-operator as a Leader

  10. 剩余收益分享制与现代企业制度

    System of sharing surplus income and modern enterprise system

  11. 使用收益分享合同获得渠道协调

    Using Revenue Sharing to Achieve Channel Coordination for a Newsboy Type Inventory Model

  12. 基于二次消费的收益分享合同研究

    Study on Twice-Consuming Goods Based on Revenue Sharing Contract

  13. 收益分享制与养老基金管理

    Profit - shared Arrangement and Pension Fund Administration

  14. 收益分享是实现逆供应链成员双赢目的的有效策略。

    The profit sharing contract is an efficient policy to realize " win-win " between the producer and the retailer .

  15. 医学样本提供者的知情权与专利收益分享权&基因医学研究中一个亟待解决的重要问题

    The medical samples providers ' rights to know and to share profits of patent : a burning issue in gene medical research

  16. 本文假设供求双方约定使用收益分享和数量折扣这两种契约来协调供应链。

    In this paper , the supplier and retailer agree to adopt either revenue-sharing contract or quantity-discount contract to coordinate the supply chain .

  17. 城市土地国有要求得到经济上的实现,但现行中央政府对土地收益分享制度安排引发种种弊端,进而威胁到土地市场化的终极改革目标。

    State-owned urban land calls for economical realization , but abuse brought by present way of land income participation threatens ultimate aim of land market allocation .

  18. 常用的方法有利润分享、收益分享、员工持股、股票期权等,在这里结合普通员工和高层管理人员分别讲了这些方法。

    The main methods are profit sharing , income sharing , employee sharing stock and so on , here elaborates them individually linking with employees and managers .

  19. 公司财务控制的本质是一个以公司所有权安排为基础的财务控制权和财务收益分享权的特别合约。

    The essence of companies ' financial controlling is a special contract of financial controlling and benefit sharing which are based on the companies ' ownership arrangement .

  20. 风险企业内部知识传授者的知识存量与企业价值增长相关系数越大,则其收益分享比例与努力程度也越高。

    The increase of the correlation coefficient between knowledge carrier and enterprise ′ s value-increase would improve the sharing proportion and the diligent degree of knowledge carrier .

  21. 要保障工人的工资收入权,应当实行合同工资与风险共担、收益分享相结合的分配制度。

    So to protect the labor 's right , we must actualize the contractual salaries combined with a distribution system sharing both risk and income . Employee Contract performance related pay ;

  22. 确立法人产权共享制的关键是认识法人产权主体,法人产权主体根据收益分享权界定。

    The key to establishing the system of the corporation sharing property is to identify the main body of the corporation property , which is defined in terms of the profit sharing right .

  23. 因此文章提出了基于收益分享和回馈与惩罚策略的联合契约,研究证明该联合契约可获得供应链协调,并给出了供应链协调时的最优契约参数设置。

    Hence the paper proposes a contract model based on revenue-sharing and channel rebate and penalty . The research indicates that the contract can coordinate the supply chain , and also demonstrate the optimal contract parameters .

  24. 在制定合同时,供应链上游企业确定批发价格,下游企业确定订购数量,收益分享比例是外生变量,由供应链双方通过讨价还价设定。

    In the revenue-sharing contract , upstream enterprises decide the whole-price , and downstream enterprises decide order quantity . The revenue-sharing ratio is exogenous variable , which is decided by the upstream and downstream enterprises together .

  25. 考虑单周期库存(报童)类型的供应链协调问题,制造商将采用两种方式销售给零售商:直接销售方式(也称批发价合同)和收益分享方式。

    This paper considers a single period inventory ( newsboy ) channel coordination problem in which a manufacturer will sell the items to the vendor with two kinds of contract strategies : Outright and revenue sharing ( consignment ) .

  26. 从国际社会通用的费用补偿和收益分享两种方法着眼,建议我国在追缴中采用新的措施和手段,以长远的眼光看待费用补偿和收益分享问题。

    Aiming at the international universal practice of expenses compensation and profit participation , proposes that new measures should be adopted in recovering in China . The problems of expenses compensation and profit participation should be considered from a long-term point of view .

  27. 被投资单位以后实现净利润的,投资企业在其收益分享额弥补未确认的亏损分担额后,恢复确认收益分享额。

    If the invested entity realizes any net profits later , the investing enterprise shall , after the amount of its attributable share of profits offsets against its attributable share of the un-recognized losses , resume to recognize its attributable share of profits .

  28. 在该模型中,制造商和零售商都是风险中立的,制造商确定批发价格,零售商确定订购数量,收益分享比例是外生变量,由双方共同确定。

    In the model , the manufacturer and the retailer are risk neural . The manufacturer decides the whole-price , and the retailer decides order quantity . The revenue-sharing ratio is exogenous variable , which is decided by the manufacturer and the retailer together .

  29. 摆脱“股东至上”逻辑,按照利益相关者理论,在我国上市公司财务方面建立共同治理机制,包括共同的财务收益分享机制、共同的财务决策机制和共同的财务监督机制。

    In order to get rid of the " shareholders coming first " logic , according to stakeholders theory , the paper established the common governance mechanism , including common financial earnings sharing mechanism , common financial decision-making mechanism and common financial supervision mechanism .

  30. 其结论是随着生产力的发展,人力资本所有者对剩余收益的分享比例不断上升。

    The conclusion is that human capital owners will enjoy an increasing proportion of surplus income with the development of productivity .