
  • 网络Redemption fee;back-end load
  1. 监管机构还应考虑将赎回费用作为危机期间控制减价出售资产的一项举措。

    Watchdogs should also consider redemption fees as an attempt to limit fire sales during a crisis .

  2. 在这种情况下,投资者最理想的选择无疑是那些允许短期交易,不收取赎回费用的指数基金。

    That most likely means using a no-load mutual fund that allows for lots of short-term trades without charging redemption fees .

  3. 最低赎回费用与高流动性需求投资者的风险和低流动性需求投资者的相对稀缺性正相关。

    The minimum exit fee correlates positively with the relative volatility of the liquidity needs of type high investors and the relative scarcity of type low investors .