
shú mǎi
  • redeem;buy out
赎买 [shú mǎi]
  • (1) [buy out]

  • (2) 用钱赎身或赎回抵押品

  • (3) 指国家有代价地把私营企业等收归国有

赎买[shú mǎi]
  1. 离开军队后,科罗拉多州土生土长的佩奇又在北卡罗莱纳州生活了几年,他在当地拥有一处房产,但富国银行(WellsFargo)在今年一月份取消其赎买权。

    After leaving the Army , Mr. Page , a native of Colorado , lived for several years in North Carolina , where he owned a property that Wells Fargo foreclosed on in January .

  2. 国家意愿·赎买·国有银行股份制改造

    State Intention . Redemption . Shareholding System Reform on State-owned Banks

  3. 实施渔船报废制度与赎买计划;

    Carry out scrap and buy back scheme of fishing vessels ;

  4. 简论马克思主义和平赎买理论的发展

    Simple discusses on the development of the peace redemption theory of Marxism

  5. 在这儿谁的生命都不值得赎买。

    No man 's life here is worth purchase .

  6. 和平赎买与民族资产阶级的社会心态

    Peaceful Purchase and Social Mentalities of National Bourgeoisie

  7. 针对产权问题提出了工龄赎买、职工入股、完善投资主体结构等对策。

    In view of above-mentioned reason , this paper suggests some approaches and measures to perfect the system of property right .

  8. 我们对资本家的社会主义改造,是采取赎买的政策,不是剥夺的政策。

    For instance , we adopted the policy of redemption instead of that of deprivation in our socialist transformation of capitalist enterprises .

  9. 这种杂婚制直接起源于群婚制,起源于妇女为赎买贞操权利而作的献身牺牲。

    This hetaerism derives quite directly from group marriage , from the ceremonial surrender by which women purchased the right of chastity .

  10. 新中国成立后,国家通过和平赎买的方式完成了对资本主义工商业的社会主义改造。

    After the foundation of new China , the state achieved socialization of the capitalist industry and commerce through a way of peaceful purchase .

  11. 最佳:如何找到一个有利可图赎买你的财产范围内2星期没有你用自己花钱!

    Best : How to find and buy a profitable foreclosure property in your area within 2 weeks - using none of your own money !

  12. 改革实行过程中还颁布了针对性的文件,契约文书、调停吏法规和赎买协议即为代表。

    There were specific files , enacted in the process of the reform performing , which on the behalf of title documents , foreclosure agreements , mediation collectors ' regulations .

  13. 文章最后指出,阻止没有资质的民营企业开采石油是对的,但是不能强制而应该通过公平的价格和平赎买。

    Finally , we point put that preventing the non-governmentally-run firm which has no aptitude for exploitation oil is right , but the private assets must been buy not reclaimed by force .

  14. 实行要求非法移民交付一定罚金来赎买居留权的政策,就不至于让他们白白来个免费旅行,而将使其对非法迁居付出一定代价。

    Requiring illegal immigrants to pay a fine to buy the right to stay would not give them a free ride , but would impose a cost on their being here illegally .

  15. 那些未赎买自己合法地位的移民则将被逮捕并递解出境,这与参议院法案对那些在此居住未满两年的徙入者所定的待遇相同。

    Immigrants who did not buy their legitimacy would be subject to arrest and deportation , in the same way as the Senate bill would treat those immigrants who have been here less than two years .

  16. 时间赎买策略的本质是一种财政机会主义的行为,政府在转型初期财政能力弱化的约束下,以大最积累隐性、或有负债的形式来尽量推延财政支付的时限。

    The nature of time buying strategy is a kind of fiscal opportunism behavior . Under the constraint of fiscal strength weakening , the government inclined to accumulate excessive implicit and contingent liabilities in order to put off the timing of fiscal payment .