
shú zuì rì
  • Day of Atonement;Yom Kippur
  1. YomKippur是赎罪日的意思,这是犹太宗教中最重要也是最神圣的日子,它就是在今天。

    AZUZ : Yom Kippur means Day of Atonement , it 's the most important and sacred holiday in the Jewish religion and it 's happening today .

  2. 犹太新年,赎罪日,住棚节。

    Jewish New Year , Day of Atonement , feast of tabernacles .

  3. RoshHashanah标志着犹太教圣日的开始,并将在10天以后以赎罪日结束。

    Rosh Hashanah marks the start of the Jewish high holy days , which end ten days later with Yom Kippur .

  4. 阿拉伯石油禁运后接踵而来的是赎罪日战争。

    The Yom Kippur War was followed by an Arab oil embargo .

  5. 上个月赎罪日,你居然把复活节的兔子给摆出来

    Last month , you put out Easter bunnies for Yom Kippur .

  6. 我倒是想看看他们在赎罪日是否严格遵守绝食的规定。

    I 'd like to see them do the black fast Yom Kippur .

  7. 在一年中的最神圣地一天,赎罪日。

    On one day , the holiest day of the year * Yom kippur .

  8. 赎罪日战争是什么时候?

    When was the Yom Kippur war ?

  9. 赎罪日表示着从犹太新年开始的10天忏悔的结束。

    Yom Kippur marks the end of the ten days of repentance , which starts Rosh Hashana .

  10. 没人在赎罪日上为自杀的表兄向我道歉。

    No one apologized to me for the execution-style slaying of my cousins during the festival of redemption .

  11. 1973年以色列在非洲的外交关系网开始崩溃,赎罪日战争后只有莱索托、斯威士兰、马拉维和南非没有与以色列断交,才阻止了以色列在非洲外交关系网的全面崩溃。

    Swaziland , Malawi and South Africa keeping the diplomatic relations with Israel after the Yom Kippur War .

  12. 赎罪日活动以吹羊角号结束,羊角号是一种由公羊角做成的仪式上用的乐器。

    Yom Kippur services end with the blowing of the Shofar , a ritual instrument made out of a ram 's horn .

  13. 每周禁食两次-除了赎罪日以外,摩西律法没有要求其他日子的禁食。

    Fast twice a week – Fasting was not commanded in the Mosaic Law except for the fast on the Day of Atonement .

  14. 在星期五晚举办赎罪日活动前夕,犹太虔诚教徒在耶路撒冷古镇圣庙西墙进行祈祷。

    Jewish worshippers pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem 's Old City , ahead of Yom Kippur , which begins on Friday evening .

  15. 当这日,什么工都不可做,因为是赎罪日,要在耶和华你们神的面前赎罪。

    Do no work on that day , because it is the day of atonement , when atonement is made for you before the LORD your God .

  16. 根据传统,一年只有在赎罪日,大祭司才可以进入令人战兢的至圣所。

    Traditionally , only once a year , on the Day of Atonement ( Yom Kippur ), could the high priest enter the fearsome Most Holy Place .

  17. 犹太赎罪日是一个要我们回转的日子。是要我们对付妨碍我们真实自我发展的错误习惯。

    Yom Kippur is the time for teshuva , to return , the time to work on faulty character traits and habits that have obscured our true selves .

  18. 当年七月初十日,你要大发角声,这日就是赎罪日,要在遍地发出角声。

    Then let the loud horn be sounded far and wide on the tenth day of the seventh month ; on the day of taking away sin let the horn be sounded through all your land .