
Jiā shā dì dài
  • the Gaza Strip
  1. 以色列国防部长EhudBarak称,加沙地带已经遭遇了一次空袭,至少有6名巴勒斯坦人被杀害。

    Israel 's Defence Minister Ehud Barak said there had already been one air strike on the Gaza Strip .

  2. 据NPR新闻的拉里·艾布拉姆森从耶路撒冷带来的报道,以色列总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡道歉后两国紧张局势已得到缓解,内塔尼亚胡就2010年以色列拦截驶往加沙地带的土耳其船只导致9名活动人士死亡事件道歉。

    From Jerusalem , NPR 's Larry Abramson reports tensions eased after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized for a 2010 Israeli raid that killed nine activists aboard a Turkish ship that was bound for the Gaza Strip .

  3. 加沙地带的暴力事件成为大多数报纸的头版新闻。

    The violence in the Gaza Strip makes the front page of most of the newspapers .

  4. 刚刚过去的一周,加沙地带发生了自两年前以色列的“铸铅行动”(OperationCastLead)结束以来最严重的暴力活动。

    The past week has seen some of the most serious violence in and around Gaza since the end of Operation Cast Lead , Israel 's major offensive here over two years ago .

  5. 这艘“无畏希望号”(theaudacityofhope)是计划向加沙地带运送人道主义援助,挑战以色列对巴勒斯坦领土封锁的舰队的一部分。

    The boat , called the Audacity of Hope , is part of a flotilla planning to take humanitarian aid to Gaza in order to challenge the Israeli blockade of the Palestinian territory .

  6. 以色列政府发言人雷格夫(MarkRegev)表示,以军的行动并不是针对加沙地带的居民,而是针对哈马斯激进分子,因为他们直接威胁到以色列南部的安全。

    Israeli Government spokesman Mark Regev says the military operation is not against the people of Gaza , but against Hamas militants who threaten southern Israel .

  7. 上述事件发生在以方攻势进入更危险的阶段之际,为了追击哈马斯(hamas)武装分子,以色列军方正向加沙地带人口密集的区域挺进。

    The killings came as the offensive moved into a more treacherous phase , with Israeli forces striking deeper into densely populated areas of the Gaza Strip in pursuit of Hamas fighters .

  8. 以色列扩大了针对哈马斯(Hamas)的地面军事行动。昨日超过60人在加沙城(GazaCity)丧生,这是近日加沙地带作战导致死亡人数最多的一天。截至昨日巴勒斯坦的死亡人数已超过400人。

    The Palestinian death toll passed 400 yesterday as over 60 people were killed in Gaza City as Israel extended its ground offensive in its war against Hamas , sparking the most deadly day of fighting in the besieged territory .

  9. 数百名巴勒斯坦人,其中大部分是学生,涌入加沙地带的音乐厅,为了参加由指挥家丹尼尔(DanielBarenboim)率领的阿拉伯-以色列乐队举办的罕见的古典音乐会。

    Hundreds of Palestinians , many of them schoolchildren , packed into a hall in Gaza for a rare classical concert led by the Israeli-Argentine conductor Daniel Barenboim .

  10. 尽管双方交火正在减少,但这次冲突正变得不可调和:加沙地带的哈马斯(Hamas)要求以方放宽经济封锁,而以色列则想继续打击哈马斯挖掘的地道网络。

    Despite the lull in fighting , the conflict is becoming intractable : Hamas in Gaza demands an easing of economic restrictions while Israel wants to continue attacking the network of tunnels that Hamas has developed .

  11. 以色列昨日向哈马斯(Hamas)控制的加沙地带派出更多军队和坦克,将该地区一分为二。以色列不顾欧洲及阿拉伯地区日益高涨的立即停火呼吁,继续对加沙地带展开大规模地面进攻。

    Israel yesterday poured fresh troops and tanks into the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip , splitting the territory in half , as it pursued a massive ground offensive that defied mounting European and Arab calls for an immediate ceasefire .

  12. 他们企图前往加沙地带所搭乘的船只“MaviMarmara”号已经被运送回国。

    The Mavi Marmara , the aid ship on which they were travelling , hoping to get to Gaza , has been transported back to Turkey .

  13. 答:我一连三周坐镇Al-Shifa医院,主持加沙地带各医院的管理工作。我每天大多只能回家呆半个到一个小时。

    A : I led the management of the hospitals in the Gaza Strip from Al-Shifa Hospital for three weeks ; I went home for30 to60 minutes most days .

  14. 我的梦想是向埃及、约旦,甚至叙利亚出售电力,电厂经理摩西·科恩(MosheCohen)在带领一名访客参观时表示,道路上还有加沙地带发射来的火箭弹留下的弹坑。

    My dream is to sell electricity to Egypt , Jordan and even Syria , said Moshe Cohen , the plant manager , as he showed a visitor the site , including a hole in the street left by a rocket from Gaza .

  15. 依传统,加沙地带的谷物将弥补这一缺口。

    By tradition , crops from Gaza make up the shortfall .

  16. 哈马斯想要以色列解除对加沙地带的封锁。

    Hamas wants a lifting of the Israeli blockade on Gaza .

  17. 但是,不管是加沙地带,还是耶路撒冷对这一呼吁都很冷淡。

    But reaction was cool in both the Gaza Strip and Jerusalem .

  18. 此后不久,哈马斯在2006年6月控制了加沙地带。

    Hamas over-ran the Gaza Strip shortly thereafter in June of 2006 .

  19. 联合国(维持和平)部队在加沙地带维持治安很长一段时间。

    United Nations forces policed the Gaza strip for a long period .

  20. 以色列向加沙地带进军。

    Israel has begun moving troops toward the Gaza strip .

  21. 这个具有60年历史的农业社区位于加沙地带800米处。

    This 60-year-old farming community lies 800 meters from the Gaza Strip .

  22. 此前的八次尝试都未能突破加沙地带的封锁。

    Eight previous attempts have failed to break the blockade of Gaza .

  23. 今天,以色列封锁了西岸和加沙地带。

    Israel today sealed off the West Bank and gazza .

  24. 更是和加沙地带的社区群体。

    but also with the communities in the Gaza Strip .

  25. 内塔尼亚胡称,加沙地带是由伊朗控制的哈马斯恐怖主义基地。

    Mr. Netanyahu said Gaza is a Hamas terror base controlled by Iran .

  26. 进行投票的同时,加沙地带的暴力行动在继续蔓延。

    The polling comes as violence continues to flare in the Gaza Strip .

  27. 亲巴勒斯坦的活动分子驾船越过以色列的封锁线,进入加沙地带。

    Pro-Palestinian activists have sailed into the Gaza Strip defying an Israeli blockade .

  28. 以色列将继续袭击加沙地带直到哈马斯停火

    Israel to Continue Gaza Attacks Until Hamas Stops Rockets

  29. 多国呼吁立即在加沙地带停火。

    Several countries are calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip .

  30. 巴勒斯坦在加沙地带的武装组织开始实施24小时停火。

    Armed Palestinian groups in the Gaza Strip are observing a 24-hour ceasefire .