
  • 网络Carolingian dynasty;Carolingian empire
  1. 他统治下的加洛林王朝被认为是罗马文明的重生。

    The Carolingian empire was considered a rebirth of the culture of the Roman Empire .

  2. 西欧中世纪加洛林王朝的查理大帝在位46年而对外战争有55次之多。

    Charlemagne had reigned for forty-six years and had more than fifty-five wars abroad in Carolingian Dynasty in Western Europe in the Mediaeval .

  3. 查理大帝(742-814年)是法兰克王国加洛林王朝的一位君主,他是欧洲封建社会初期最著名的历史人物。

    Charlemagne ( 742-814 ) was a Kingdom of Frankish Carolingian . He was the most famous historical figures in the beginning of Europe feudal society .

  4. 中世纪教育的复兴经历了三个重要的发展时期:加洛林王朝、大学兴起和文艺复兴,为构建西方教育制度和世界教育体系的完善作出了重大贡献。

    The revival of European education in the Middle Ages had undergone three important periods of development : Renaissance , which made great contributions to the completion of construction of the western and to the world educational system .