
  1. 她看着他好像他是加百列天使,然后哭了起来。

    She looked at him as if he were Angel Gabriel and started to cry .

  2. “除了大天使加百列,谁也不会比你更能安慰体贴人了,”思嘉安慰他说。

    " Nobody but the angel Gabriel could have done better ," said Scarlett soothingly .

  3. 他不相信男女会在神圣性上超越天使长加百列。

    He did not believe that men and women could surpass the Archangel Gabriel in sanctity .

  4. 她朝他看着,好像他是天使加百列(替上帝把好消息报告给世人的天使&译者注),然后她哭了。

    She looked at him as if he were the Angel Gabriel and started to cry .

  5. 天使加百列奉神差遣,往加利利的拿撒勒城去。

    In the sixth month , God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth , a town in Galilee .

  6. 在《新约》中,基督的诞生是由天使长加百列向圣母玛丽亚宣告的。

    In the new testament , the birth of Christ is announced to Mary by the archangel gabriel .

  7. 加百列被可兰经描绘为一种精神,但先知有时候能够看到或听到他。

    Gabriel is represented by the Qur'an as a spirit , but the Prophet could sometimes see and hear him .

  8. (基督教)加百列天使向圣母玛丽亚通告基督的化身。

    ( in Christian religions ) the announcement to the Virgin Mary by the angel Gabriel of the incarnation of Christ .

  9. 到了第六个月,天使加百列奉神的差遣,往加利利的一座城去,这城名叫拿撒勒。

    In the sixth month after Elizabeth had become pregnant , God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth , a town in Galilee .

  10. 我的祖父名为拉胡尔.阿明,意为“诚实的灵魂”,同时也是天使加百列的圣名。

    My grandfather 's name was Rohul Amin , which means ' honest spirit " and is the holy name of the Angel Gabriel .

  11. 我又听见乌莱河两岸中有人声呼叫说,加百列阿,要使此人明白这异象。

    And I heard a man 's voice between the banks of Ulai , which called , and said , Gabriel , make this man to understand the vision .

  12. 但最终是她的谦卑,对自己,能力有限的认知,才使得,她接受天使加百列的提议。

    And it 's her only her humility , the sense of not being able to , that allows her space to be able to do what is proposed to her by the angel Gabriel .

  13. 我正祷告的时候,先前在异象中所见的那位加百列,奉命迅速飞来,约在献晚祭的时候,按手在我身上。

    Yea , whiles I was speaking in prayer , even the man Gabriel , whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning , being caused to fly swiftly , touched me about the time of the evening oblation .