
fǎn yóu tài zhǔ yì
  • anti-Semitism;hate Jews
  1. 艾尔热还曾被指控为反犹太主义。

    Herge 's reputation is also marked by charges of anti-semitism .

  2. 对抗反犹太主义是所有德国公民的职责。

    And that fighting anti-Semitism is every German citizen 's duty .

  3. 他们把各方的批评归咎于正在抬头的反犹太主义。

    They attribute criticism to anti-Semitism , which is rising again .

  4. 关于反犹太主义的,或有其特点的;憎恨犹太人的。

    Relating to or characterized by anti-Semitism ; hating Jews .

  5. 欧洲的反犹太主义最终发展成一场史无前例的浩劫。

    And anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented holocaust .

  6. 我是否有偏见的态度或反犹太主义?

    Do I hold attitudes of prejudice or anti-semitism ?

  7. 反犹太主义对犹太人或犹太教思想敌视或抱有偏见。

    Hostility toward or prejudice against Jews or judaism .

  8. 在中世纪的反犹太主义者们有一个很奇特的观念——犹太族的男人也会来月经!

    A very weird element of medieval anti-Semitism was the notion that Jewish men menstruated .

  9. 他的政权还带有一种反犹太主义的潜在倾向。

    His regime had an anti-semitic undertone .

  10. 许多人指责加沙冲突造成的紧张局势加剧了德国和欧洲境内的反犹太主义。

    Many blame the rising anti-Semitism there and across Europe on tensions over the Gaza conflict .

  11. 简言之,就连极右分子也正在抛弃只会让自己名誉受损的反犹太主义。

    In short , even far-rightists are ditching anti-Semitism , which was only tarnishing their brand .

  12. 尼尔森:反犹太主义出现上升势头在很大程度上要归咎于穆斯林移民和右翼极端主义者。

    NELSON : That rising tide is largely being blamed on Muslim immigrants and right-wing extremists .

  13. 撇开泛日耳曼的反犹太主义来说…

    But despite the pan-Germanic anti-Semitism ...

  14. 犹太人的铺子关闭了。那旗子取代了六角星旗。反犹太主义的包围圈一天紧似一天。

    Jewish-owned shops were shut down . Swastikas replaced six-pointed stars . The walls of anti-Semitism were closing in .

  15. 他是反犹太主义的狂热分子,但却不怎么受纳粹同僚的待见,他一直活到了上世纪八十年代。

    ' He was hugely anti-semitic and wasn 't liked by his fellow Nazis , but lived until the1980s .

  16. 在勒庞发现穆斯林是一个更好的靶子之前,法国国民阵线曾坚定地宣扬反犹太主义。

    The National Front in France was rooted in anti-semitism before Ms Le Pen judged Islam a better target .

  17. 东欧犹太移民的涌入与美国反犹太主义的激化(1880&1920)

    The Flow of Eastern European Immigrants and the Intensification of Anti-Semitism in the United States ( 1880 & 1920 )

  18. 在文章里,尼采似乎对犹太人说重话,事实上却是轻蔑反犹太主义论。

    Nietzsche seems to have harsh words for the Jews in this text but he was in fact scornful of anti-Semitism .

  19. 今年夏天,过去70年来的所有进步因近期爆发的反犹太主义浪潮而变得暗淡。

    This summer , all that progress over the last 70 years has been darkened by the rising tide of anti-Semitism .

  20. 艾略特性格忧郁,胆小,而庞德则凶狠残暴,总是制造事端,而且还是位反犹太主义者,拥护法西斯主义。

    Eliot was a somber and timid individual while Pound was an outrageously flamboyant troublemaker , an anti-Semite , and a fascist .

  21. 抗议者卡琳·勃兰特表示,她希望集会的高参与度能向德国人表明,反犹太主义已经不再被接受。

    Protester Karin Brandt says she hopes the large turnout will show Germans that it 's no longer acceptable to be anti-Semitic .

  22. 1880&1920年间,两百多万东欧犹太人的迁入,使美国社会中潜伏的反犹太主义激化。

    But things changed between 1880-1920 , when about two millions of Eastern European Jewish Immigrants flowed into the United States , which intensified the latent Anti-Semitism .

  23. 多名高层离职,前雇员对新闻台内部存在性别歧视和反犹太主义的两起诉讼又起风波。

    There was an exodus of top executives , along with a pair of lawsuits from former employees that included complaints about sexism and anti-Semitism at the news channel .

  24. 非穆斯林对穆斯林的恐惧、IS等组织的威胁,乃至他们在欧洲招募成员的行为以及反犹太主义的崛起,这些现象令这种焦虑进一步升温。

    Fueling this anxiety for many French are the fears of non-Muslims about Muslims , the threat posed by groups like the Islamic State and their recruiting in Europe , and rising anti-Semitism .

  25. 接受捐赠的慈善界对极端且不招人待见的反犹太主义的批评力度不够。这令人非常担忧,我认为我们所有人都从中学到了一些东西。

    The community of institutions that was represented there did not strongly enough criticise the extreme and unattractive anti-Semitism . It was very disturbing and I think all of us learnt something from that .

  26. 苏联针对苏联物理学家维克托•斯特垆坶发起的反犹太主义,在他的刻画之下令人特别心寒,堪比前线另一边快活运行的毒气室。

    His portrait of the state-sponsored anti-Semitism directed against the Soviet physicist , Viktor Shtrum , is especially chilling , set against the jovially run gas chambers on the other side of the front-line .

  27. 这是欧洲反犹太主义困境的一个令人好奇的特点,在这里太多人不愿意指出受害者和肇事者,即使他们承认这类人的存在。

    This is a curious characteristic of Europe 's anti-Semitism predicament , in which too many are hesitant to identify victims and perpetrators , that is , when they even concede that such categories exist .

  28. 对于鲍博来说,第一个学期不出所料就像地狱一样,但他和艾伦一样,坚强地挺过来了,而且至少没有遇到一般公学都有的反犹太主义。

    It had been the usual hell for Bob in his first term , but , like Alan , he had survived the year , and at least had not encountered the usual public school anti-semitism .