
fǎn yìng lùn
  • theory of reflection
反映论 [fǎn yìng lùn]
  • [theory of reflection]唯物主义的认识论。认为人的全部感性、理性认识过程都是客观事物在人脑中的反映。反映过程是能动积极,辩证发展的,社会实践是认识的基础和检验真理的标准

反映论[fǎn yìng lùn]
  1. 反映论是揭示良心的哲学基础

    Theory of Reflection is the Philosophic Base of conscience Discovering

  2. 完善与发展:文学反映论的当代课题

    Perfection and Development : Issue of Literature Theory of Reflection

  3. 开放的圆环:从《蚌壳》的叙事结构看格非小说对反映论的颠覆

    Open Circle : The Revolting Structure of Ge Fei 's Novel Mussel-Shell

  4. 文学的意识形态与话语实践&马克思主义文学反映论的反思

    Literary Ideology and Discourse Practice & A Reconsideration of Marxist Literary Representation Theory

  5. 完善与深化:文学反映论的必由之路

    Perfection and Development : A Necessary Road to the Literary Theory of Reflection

  6. 从理论上溯源:一是由于单一局面反映论的文学观;

    One is the sense of literature single from the theory of reflection .

  7. 对传统反映论的心理学反思

    A Psychological Reflection on Traditional Theory of Reflection

  8. 从读者反映论见英译《西厢记》中的文化因素的应对策略

    From Readers ' Response To Explore Cultural Factors in Translation in Romance of the Western Bower

  9. 受其世界观矛盾的影响,其认识论存在着反映论与先验论的矛盾。

    For his incompatible world view , his epistemology has a contradiction between theory of reflection and apriorism .

  10. 事件与故事之差异折射出发生认识论与能动反映论两种哲学观的分野。

    The differences of the event and the story reflect the dissimilarity of the two Schools of Philosophy .

  11. 归其一点,他们是从社会反映论的角度出发,阐释文本的社会历史意义和认识价值,只涉及了写什么的问题。

    In a word , they interpreted its socio-historical meaning and value from the perspective of social reflection theory .

  12. 它是对政治功利论和认识&反映论阐释模式的反拨。

    It sets " the theory of political utility " and " the theory of cognition - reflection " to rights .

  13. 马克思主义认识论是能动的反映论,它是辨证唯物主义在认识论领域中的体现。

    Marxism epistemology is a motile theory of reflection , which is the instantiation in the field of dialectical materialism epistemology .

  14. 评文艺反映论与审美反映论&就《感应美学》答客难

    Evaluation on Artistic Reflection Theory and Theory of Aesthetic Response & Difficult to Respond to the Reader of the Book Aesthetics of Response

  15. 恩格斯在《反杜林论》中阐发了唯物主义的反映论原则,批评了杜林的原则在先论。

    Engels elaborated the principle of the theory of reflection , criticized Dulling 's theory of'Principle first'in his work Against Dulling 's Theory .

  16. 作为文学创作的一个主要理论,审美反映论是马克思主义反映论在文学艺术中的延伸。

    Aesthetic reflection theory is the result of development of Marxism 's materialist theory of reflection into the field of literature and art .

  17. 列宁“反映论”将意识看作一种辩证运动:它不仅反映物质世界,而且还能改变它。

    Lenin 's " Theory of Reflection " regards consciousness as a dialectical motion-it not only reflects the material world , but also transforms it .

  18. 马克思主义哲学由辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义两部分组成,包括唯物论、辩证法、反映论、历史唯物论和科学社会主义理论。

    Marxist philosophy is composed of dialectical materialism and historical materialism , including materialism , dialectics , theory of reflection , historical materialism and scientific socialism .

  19. 海明威小说明显跳出了摹仿说、反映论的传统,并与典型化方法无缘。

    Hemingway ' novels clearly moved away from the traditional theories of imitation and reflextion , and have nothing to do with the technique of typification .

  20. 荀子的认识论是唯物主义的反映论,提出了“虚壹而静”的命题。

    Xun-tse 's epistemology is a theory of reflection of materialism , he puts forward a proposition of " achieving calmness by modesty and concentration " .

  21. “心理距离”是艺术创作与欣赏中一个非常重要的问题,它涉及的不仅是审美心理问题,而且是一个超越了客观反映论审美的自主性审美问题。

    It concerns not only the problem of aesthetic psychology but also the initiative aesthetic , which transcends the aesthetic attitude bases on objective reflection theory .

  22. 新时期之前,由于受机械反映论的影响,艺术的本质被认定为是对现实的直接反映,忽视了主体的创造作用。

    Art is regarded as the direct reflect to reality under the influence of the theory of mechanical reflection before New Period , which neglects the subjective creation .

  23. 以马克思主义能动的反映论为指导,侦查心理结构建构的过程,是侦查实践和主体能动创造作用相互转化的过程。

    Directed by Marxist 's initiative reflection theory , the course of the psychological structure configuration in criminal investigation is one mutually converting between investigative practice and initiative creativity .

  24. 他们都坚持了唯物主义的反映论原则,认为世界是可以认识的,人们的认识来源于客观世界。

    They both insisted on the principles of materialistic theory of reflection , holding that the world could be known and that people 's knowledge came from the objective world .

  25. 2000年第2期《文艺研究》曾发表了《审美意识形态论的再认识》一文。作者指出:审美反映论是文学的第一原理。

    In Re-understanding of Aesthetic Ideology published in volume 2,2002 of Literary Studies , the author points out ," The theory of aesthetic reflection is the first principle in literature " .

  26. 传统的反映论和再现说不是文艺研究的惟一方法,也不足以揭示艺术本质的全貌。

    Traditional theory of reflection and representationalism is not the only method for study of literary and art and not adequate enough to reveal the essence of art and literature either .

  27. 马克思主义哲学把实践引入认识论,把辩证法运用于反映论,正确地解决了主客体的本质和属性问题。

    Marxist philosophy takes practice into the theory of knowledge , applied dialectics to the theory of reflection and has correctly solved the problem of the essence and property of subject and object .

  28. 在列宁的反映论思想中,人的意识不仅反映客观世界,并且创造客观世界是一个核心命题。

    In the Theory of reflexion of V.I. Lenin ," the person 's consciousness not only reflects the objective world , but also creates the objective world " is a core to set question .

  29. 以马克思主义实践论思想为基础的中国实践论美学学派,在近半个世纪的发展历程中,先后经历了认识论反映论和二元对立的思维模式。

    The School of Chinese Practical Aesthetics , on the basis of Marxism 's Theory of Practice , has undergone the mode of epistemology , the theory of reflection and dualism in about 50 years .

  30. 特别是以教条化的唯物主义的建构视角,形成了以反映论为前提以意识形态为指归以典型论为典范要求的现实主义理论。

    Especially deal with the dogmatic materialism , the theory take the theory of reflection as a premise , the value of ideology as a goal , " typical " theory as a model of realism theory .