
pínɡ děnɡ yuán zé
  • principle of equality;equal basis
  1. 如何在刑事诉讼中落实控辩平等原则

    How to Implement the Principle of Equality between Prosecution and Defense

  2. 在我的家庭中,平等原则非常重要。

    In my family the principle of equality is very important .

  3. 他担心,这种状况会阻碍美国的共和实验,因为它有损美国这个建立在平等原则基础上的共和国的声誉,而平等原则白纸黑字地写在美国《独立宣言》(DeclarationofIndependence)之中。

    And this , he feared , would undercut America 's republican experiment - for it would discredit a republic founded on the egalitarian principles eloquently set forth in the American Declaration of Independence .

  4. DSB的强制管辖权仍然是以尊重国家主权为基础的,可以说是国家主权平等原则的体现。

    The compulsory jurisdiction of the DSB is on the basis of the respection for state sovereignty and embodies the equality of state sovereignty .

  5. 民事诉讼平等原则的法哲学思考

    On the Legal Qualities of the Equal Principle of Civil Lawsuit

  6. 如平等原则,倾斜保护原则和合理有度原则。

    Like equal principle , Inclines the protection principle and reasonably principle .

  7. 第二部分介绍了平等原则在域外行政法中的实践,具体包括法国、英国和美国。

    Part two introduces the foreign practice of the principle of equality .

  8. 税收公平原则源自宪法所定平等原则。

    This principle comes from the equity principle of constitution .

  9. 但另一方面,平等原则又需要拘束立法归类。

    For another , legislative classification needs to be supervised .

  10. 没有严格执行法律面前人人平等原则;

    The principle of everyone being lawfully equal isn 't performed strictly .

  11. 简论诉讼权利平等原则

    A Simple Discussion on the Principle of the Equal Right of Action

  12. 关于刑法面前人人平等原则的再思考

    Rethinking on the Principle that Men are All Equal before Criminal Law

  13. 论图书馆平等原则与区分服务

    On the Equality Principle and Distributed Service of Libraries

  14. 债转股与股东平等原则。

    The SEC with the principle of shareholder equality .

  15. 刑法平等原则辨析

    Analyses on the Principle of Equality Before Criminal Law

  16. 公共负担平等原则的具体化&论特别财产限制的补偿

    Details of Equality in Public Burden & On Compensation for Restrictions on Special Property

  17. 股东表决权行使的原则是股东平等原则,股东平等原则是以股份平等原则为基础的。

    Principle of equality is its guiding principle , and reflects the equality of shares .

  18. 论民事诉讼的平等原则

    On Principle of Equality in Civil Action

  19. 在具体制度的设计上,对原、被告区别对待,违背了平等原则,法院依职权启动缺席审判程序,违背了处分原则,片面追求实体公正,而有违程序公正。

    Violation of the principle of equality , the principle of disposition and procedure justice .

  20. 论刑法平等原则的理论基础

    The Theory of the Criminal Equality Principle

  21. 民族平等原则是平等权中的应有之义,经历了由观念到法定的嬗变。

    The ethnic equality principle refers to the right of equality from conception to the law .

  22. 控制股东滥用控制权是破坏股东平等原则的重要来源。

    Controlling shareholders ' misuses of their controlling rights undermine the principle of equality of shareholders .

  23. 再次,股东平等原则也是相关案件审理的裁判准则。

    Furthermore , the principle of equality of shareholders is the case to the referee guidelines .

  24. 平等原则;辩论原则;

    The principle of equality ;

  25. 行政法上之平等原则包括两大子原则,即禁止恣意和行政自我拘束原则。

    The principle is constructed of two parts , the principle of inhibit orgy and administrative abnegation .

  26. 代位权人直接受偿并不违背债权平等原则。

    Subrogator 's right to discharge directly does not violate the claim on the principle of equality .

  27. 试论合同平等原则

    On the Equality of Contract

  28. 可以说,平等原则是太平天国成败的双刃剑。

    So the equality principle was the double edged sword for the success and failure of the movement .

  29. 法院严格公告此计划违反了宪法承诺的法律面前人人平等原则。

    The court narrowly declared that the plans were against the constitution 's promise of equality before the law .

  30. 同案同判应当是法律适用平等原则的体现。

    To accord consistent judgments to similar cases is the requirement of equity principle in the application of law .