
  • 网络Patrol boat;Patrol Vessel;patrol ship;OPV;Yonakuni
  1. 据韩国海洋警察厅称,周六,一艘中国渔船在韩国水域与一艘韩国巡逻船相撞后倾覆。

    According to the South Korean coast guard , a Chinese fishing boat capsized after ramming a patrol vessel in South Korean waters on Saturday .

  2. 以33m巡逻船螺旋桨的设计工况优选为例,验证了优化模型的有效性。

    The design working-condition of the propeller of 33m patrol ship is taken as an example in the paper , which proves the effectiveness of the optimal models .

  3. 海事系统60m级巡逻船总体设计

    Design of the 60m patrol craft

  4. 介绍交通部海事局60m级巡逻船的主尺度、总体性能、总布置、主要设计特点及主要论证过程。

    This paper introduces the principal dimensions , general performance , general arrangement , main design specialties and main process of demonstration about the 60 m patrol craft of the marine safety administration .

  5. 日本公共广播机构日本广播协会(nhk)播出了海上保安厅巡视船用高压水枪对付台湾渔船的画面,并称,台湾方面的巡逻船也对日方喷水回击。

    NHK , the Japanese state broadcaster , broadcast footage of Japanese coast guards using water cannon against Taiwanese fishing boats and said Taiwanese patrol boats had responded by spraying water toward the Japanese vessels .

  6. 单滑道式快速收放系统在海事巡逻船上的应用

    Application of the Rapid Single-Launching-Way Derrick in the Maritime Patrol Boat

  7. 日方巡逻船实施了“高度警惕”。

    Japanese patrol boat had implemented " high alert " for it .

  8. 30米级高速巡逻船设计开发评估及存在问题的改进建议

    Design assessment of 30 m high speed patrol boat and the improvement proposal for its problems

  9. 所以我们的渔船和我们的海岸巡逻船在绕到后返回。

    So our fishing boat and our Coast Guard ships circled the island and then they came home .

  10. 周六晚上,日本海上保安厅得到火灾通报后,马上派出飞机及巡逻船前去救援。

    The Japan Coast Guard has dispatched aircraft and patrol vessels Saturday night after it was informed of the fire .

  11. 2010年,在日本逮捕一名用自己的渔船冲撞一艘日本海上保安厅巡逻船的中国渔船船长后,两国关系陷入冻结状态。

    In 2010 , bilateral ties froze after Japan arrested a Chinese fishing boat captain for ramming a Japanese coast guard ship .

  12. 不少国际媒体都注意到这样一个事实即中国派出的是民间巡逻船而不是军舰,这显示了中国的克制。

    Quite a few international media have noted that the fact that China sent civil patrol ships instead of warships shows China 's restraint .

  13. 本月初,詹其雄因其渔船在中国东海有争端的岛屿附近与两艘日本巡逻船相撞而获捕。

    Zhan Qixiong was arrested earlier this month after his trawler collided with two Japanese patrol vessels near disputed islands in the East China Sea .

  14. 中日两国的紧张关系有所升级,原因是一艘中国渔船与日本海上保安厅巡逻船相撞,事发地点位于有争议的钓鱼岛水域。

    Tensions between the two countries have increased after a Chinese fishing boat collided with Japanese coast guard patrol ships in waters claimed by both sides .

  15. 2010年,一艘中国渔船在争议岛屿附近冲撞日本海上保安厅巡逻船后,日方逮捕了渔船船长,对此中国作出了愤怒反应。

    China reacted angrily when Japan arrested a fishing boat captain in 2010 after his ship struck a Japanese coast guard patrol boat near the islands .

  16. 俄方巡逻船开炮警告,随后对准中国渔船开火,不过在炮击时无人伤亡。

    The Russian ship fired warning shots and then opened fire on the Chinese fishing boat , though no one was killed or injured from the shelling .

  17. 詹其雄的渔船与日本两艘海上保安巡逻船在钓鱼岛附近的水域相撞,之后,他同其他船员于9月8日被日方非法扣留。

    Zhan and his crew were detained by Japan on Sept.8 after his trawler collided with two Japan Coast Guard patrol ships in waters off the Diaoyu Islands .

  18. 2010年再度出现紧张,原因是日本警方逮捕了在有争议岛屿附近与两艘日本海上保安厅巡逻船发生碰撞的一艘中国渔船的船长。

    Tensions flared again in 2010 when Japanese police arrested the captain of a Chinese fishing boat that collided with two Japanese coast guard vessels near the islands .

  19. 第二,有中国媒体报道称,中方将向南海有争议的海域派出更多的巡逻船,你能否证实这个消息?

    Second , Chinese media reports that more patrol boats have been sent to the disputed territory in the South China Sea . I wonder if you could confirm that .

  20. 海上保安厅说,在收到台湾相关部门发来的搜寻一名失踪男子的请求后,日本海上保安厅位于冲绳县那霸的地区总部派出两艘巡逻船及一架直升飞机。

    It said that the regional headquarters in Naha , Okinawa Prefecture , sent two patrol ships and a helicopter after receiving a request from Taiwanese authorities to search for a missing man .

  21. 尽管这次日本有所准备,但通常情况下,并非每艘海上保安厅的巡逻船都配有警察。船上是否配有警察会影响到处理海上违法者的速度。

    Though Japan was prepared this time around , typically , not every coast guard patrol boat has a police officer on deck , which effects the speed with which maritime violators are handled .

  22. 其中,中国政府对外声明领海基线,派遣2艘海洋侦察巡逻船在钓鱼岛附近海域巡查,国内天气预报开始播报钓鱼岛天气。

    They include a government declaration of territorial sea baselines , two China Marine Surveillance patrol ships sailing near the islands , and weather forecasts for the Diaoyu Islands being included in its domestic broadcast .

  23. 从2012年末开始,中日两国就陷入对峙,中国巡逻船经常进入争议岛屿附近海域,双方也都曾紧急出动战斗机摆开拦截阵势,尽管迄今并未交火。

    The confrontation has been fraught since late 2012 , with Chinese patrol ships regularly entering waters near the islands and both sides scrambling fighter jets , though so far there has been no violence .

  24. 为此交通部在广东海事局建造了目前我国吨位最大、设备最先进的3000吨级海事巡逻船海巡31。

    Therefor , under the support of Ministry of Communications , Guangdong Maritime Safety Administration has built the largest tonnage with most advanced equipments 3000-ton marine patrol craft in China at present , named Patrol craft 31 .

  25. 同一年,在东京方面扣留在日控海域与两艘日本巡逻船相撞的中国拖网渔船的船长后,北京方面实施了禁止向日本出口稀土的禁令。

    And when in the same year Tokyo detained the captain of a Chinese trawler that had collided with two Japanese military vessels in Japanese-controlled waters , Beijing imposed an embargo on the export of rare earths to Japan .

  26. 尽管目前我国沿海各海事局都配备了相应的海事巡逻船,但是多数船舶吨位较小,装备落后,已经不能满足当前海事监管的需要。

    Despite all our Maritime Safety Administration are equipped with corresponding maritime patrol crafts , however , many of them are smaller tonnage with outdated equipments . This has been unable to meet the current requirments of marine supervision .

  27. 中国渔政船将继续保护附近渔民的作业。日方媒体报道称日本海岸警卫队已经集结多艘巡逻船并加紧对钓鱼岛附近海域的巡视。

    Fisherman will continue to be protected by China 's fishery administration ships in the area . Japan 's media reported that Japan 's Coast Guard has assembled many patrol ships , and tightened watch in waters near the Diaoyu Islands .

  28. 2010年,在日中争议岛屿附近水域,日本巡逻船与中国船只相撞,并导致中国船长被捕。此后有报道称,中国切断了对日本重要制造业矿物原料稀土的出口。

    In 2010 , the detention of a Chinese fishing-boat captain involved in a collision with Japanese patrol boats in waters near the islands led to reports that China had cut off exports of key manufacturing minerals known as rare earths .

  29. 据日本海上保安厅法律部门的一位官员说,提出这项法案的起因是2010年一艘中国渔船与两艘日本海上保安厅巡逻船相撞的事件。当时此事引发了近几年来中日之间最激烈的一场外交争端。

    The bill 's proposal was prompted by the 2010 collision between a Chinese fishing vessel and two Japanese coast guard patrol boats that sparked the hottest diplomatic tiff in recent years , according to an official at the Japan Coast Guard 's legal department .