
xún hánɡ sù dù
  • cruising speed
  1. 这种新型战斗机的巡航速度为声速的二倍。

    The cruising speed of this new type of fighter is twice the speed of sound ( or is Mach two ) .

  2. 这种LiliumJet不会产生有害排放物,比传统飞机更安静,飞行距离大概约为300公里,最大巡航速度为300公里/小时。

    The Lilium Jet , which creates no harmful emissions and is quieter than conventional aircraft , is estimated to have a range of about 300 kilometers and a maximum cruising speed of 300 kilometers per hour .

  3. 其它考虑:CessnaCitationMustang最高巡航速度为每小时340海里,价格为276万美元

    Also consider : Cessna Citation Mustang , max cruise 340 knots , from $ 2.76m

  4. 上周我试驾了A6,它应该有能力让奥迪以巡航速度保持高速增长。

    The A6 , which I drove last week , should enable Audi to remain at cruising speed .

  5. 但就在过去几天,北京方面启动了经济杠杆,其敏捷性令人想起“企业号”(starshipenterprise)飞船的轮机长史考特(scotty)将飞船由巡航速度调整为全速前进。

    But in the past few days with the alacrity with which Scotty used to shift the Starship Enterprise from cruising speed to full thrust ahead Beijing has cranked up the economic levers .

  6. 我们的巡航速度现在达到了400公里。

    Our cruising speed is now up to400 kms .

  7. 这个结论称为正常巡航速度时舰船噪声的三亮点模型。

    This conclusion is named three highlight model of ship radiated noise at cruise speed .

  8. 没有什么比把自己绑在一股滑翔伞下,尽可能的快的进入巡航速度。

    There is nothing like strapping into a hang glider and cruising as fast as you can go .

  9. 经济巡航速度续航力

    Economical cruising speed range

  10. 但随着高超声速飞行器巡航速度的大幅提升,其服役环境也更加恶劣。

    However , as the cruising speed of hypersonic vehicle has improved significantly , its service environment is even worse .

  11. 这种新型战斗机的巡航速度为声速的两倍。喷气式战斗机、班机等

    The cruising speed of this new type of fighter is Mach two . a jet fighter , airliner , etc

  12. 一个更简单的方式是找一个长片直路,你可以很容易的驾驶在到达巡航速度。

    An easier way is to find a long stretch of straight road that you can easily drive on to reach cruising speeds .

  13. 由于地效翼船不同于普遍意义上的飞行器,它的巡航速度低,航空涵道螺旋桨相对的设计速度较高,而国内缺乏对涵道螺旋桨的系统研究。

    WIG Craft differs from aircraft , it possesses the low cruising speed . So far there is less research work on it domestically .

  14. 漫游太阳系,并在数年内返航,你需要一艘巡航速度为每秒160公里的航天器。

    To scoot around the solar system and return within a few years , you need a spacecraft that will cruise at 160 km a second .

  15. 飞机发动机的设计优化着眼于飞机以巡航速度在同温层水平飞行,用这样的发动机在地面上为飞机加速会浪费大量燃料。

    Aircraft engines are optimised for level flight at cruising speed in the stratosphere . Using them to accelerate a plane on the ground wastes a lot of fuel .

  16. 超声光栅测声速的方法运用到液体表面波波速的测量这种新型战斗机的巡航速度为声速的两倍。

    Measuring wave velocity of liquid surface wave by the method of ultrasonic grating measurement for sound velocity The cruising speed of this new type of fighter is Mach two .

  17. 目的为便于目标识别和捕获,并避免碰框,研究在低巡航速度的条件下,减小图像导引头的需用框架角;

    Aim To be advantageous to target identification and acquisition and avoid frame collision , the frame angle of image seeker should be reduced under the condition of lower cruise speed .

  18. 高新技术的发展,可以导致飞行汽车能综合满足具有汽车的舒适性及方便性和飞机的高巡航速度及效率等要求。

    It is possible that high technology advances may lead to a flying automobile that will satisfactorily combine the comfort and convenience of the automobile with the high cruise speed and efficiency of the airplane .

  19. 它的机翼上集成了200平方米供锂离子电池蓄电的太阳能电池面板,其作用是夜间也能保障飞行。而四个电机使得这架飞机的巡航速度达每小时140公里,在平均海拔8500米的高度。

    The wings provide about 200 square meters of space for solar cells that charge lithium-ion batteries , needed to keep it flying at nightIts four electric motors allow it to cruise at a speed of up to 140 kilometers per hour , at an average altitude of 8500 meters .

  20. 而在15℃和20℃水体中,花鲈和许氏平鲉由各自的最大巡航游泳速度差异不显著。

    The MSSS of Lateolabrax maculates and Sebastes schlegeli at20 ℃ were not significantly different from those at15 ℃ .

  21. 巡航控制也称为速度控制,目前汽车上使用的巡航控制系统主要有机电式巡航控制和电子巡航控制。

    At present , two kinds of cruising control system are mainly used in the automobile , i. e. the mechano - electronic type crusing control system and electronic cruising control system .