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  1. 重点介绍了巡按御史的运作方式。

    I make an emphasis on presenting the modes of operation of Circuit Supervisor .

  2. 巡按御史制度作为一种独特的监察制度,在明代政治生活中占有相当重要的地位。

    The system of imperial itinerant inspector ( Xun'an yushi ) as a unique supervising system played a very important role in the political life in the Ming Dynasty .

  3. 它包括的面很广,大体上看,主要有都察院、监察御史、巡按御史和督抚四大监察体系。

    It includes the surface is very broad , looked on the whole , mainly has observe the courtyard , to supervise the censor , the inspector censor and the imperial inspector four big supervision systems .

  4. 本文试图以巡按御史权力的变化为线索,探讨巡按御史在明代地方政治小的地位和作用,从而加深对明代中央集权政治的理解。

    The paper intends to explore the role of the imperial itinerant inspector in the local politics of the Ming Dynasty so as to deepen the understanding of the centralized polity in the Ming Dynasty in the light of its change in power .