
xún luó jǐnɡ chá
  • Patrol police;patrolman
  1. 巡逻警察做手势要他们停下。

    The patrolman signed for them to halt .

  2. 我们打算增加巡逻警察的数量。

    We intend to increase the number of police on the beat .

  3. 今晨两点钟左右,巡逻警察忽见该处有灯光,

    Our man on the beat saw a light there about two in the morning ,

  4. 浅议巡逻警察评估中建立巡逻勤务记录制度的作用

    Brief Discussion on the Function of Establishing the Register Mechanism in Evaluating the Patrol Duty

  5. 当我还是一个年轻的巡逻警察时,我便开始观察科技以及罪犯们利用科技的方式。

    I started observing technology and how criminals were using it as a young patrol officer .

  6. 当地一位巡逻警察递给他一张传票,要他上交通法庭。

    A police patroman of the local force handed him a ticket with a summons to traffic court .

  7. 墨西哥与美国边境一名少年被杀,墨西哥政府下令对此事进行全力调查,据悉该少年似乎是被一名美国边境巡逻警察枪杀。

    Mexico has demanded a full investigation after a Mexican teenager died after apparently being shot by a US border patrol agent .

  8. 第三章概述交通巡逻警察勤务的历史沿革,接着对当前已成功运行的重庆市交巡警进行分析。

    Chapter Overview History of the traffic patrol police duty , followed by analysis of this has been successfully running Chongqing Traffic Patrol .

  9. 据报道,他还说自己害怕加州高速公路上的巡逻警察,并且不明白为什么自己会被警察追捕。

    Allegedly , he also said that he was afraid of the California Highway Patrol and did not understand why he had been chased .

  10. 她表示,在北京会觉得自己没有任何危险,因为她看到了职业人士--包括街上的志愿者、巡逻警察和地铁里的安保人员在努力维持秩序。

    She said she didn 't feel like she was in any danger in Beijing , as she saw efforts from professionals , including volunteers on streets , police officers on patrol and security staff in the subways , to keep order .

  11. 许说道,巴黎大部分地区正常运作,即使增强了安全检查和巡逻警察,在老佛爷百货商店和各大遗址的中国购物者的数量保持不变。另一个在海涛旅行社的巴黎导游告诉全球日报,巴黎的行程不会改变。

    Paris is mostly functioning as normal , and the number of Chinese shoppers at the Galeries Lafayette store and visitors at major sites remains constant , even as security checks and police patrols are enhanced , added Xu.Another guide in Paris with the Haitao Travel Agency also told the Global Times that tour schedules for Paris will not change ,

  12. 增加巡逻的警察可能有助于减少罪行。

    More police officers out on the beat may help to cut crime .

  13. 现在很少能看到巡逻的警察。

    These days , the bobby on the beat is a rare sight .

  14. 查克要他弟弟坐下来开始教他怎么摆脱警察他们会肩并肩坐在他们房后的走廊望着公共小巷的深处查克会叫提姆怎样辩认出伪装的警车怎样和深夜巡逻的警察交涉,还有哪里能躲避

    Chuck sat his little brother down and began teaching him how to run from the police . They would sit side by side on their back porch looking out into the shared alleyway and Chuck would coach Tim how to spot undercover cars , how to negotiate a late-night police raid , how and where to hide .

  15. 这些是在首都城市巡逻的警察。

    These are police officers on patrol in the capital city .

  16. 两名巡逻的警察看见小偷在逃跑。

    Two policemen on patrol saw the thief running away .

  17. 那年夏天,在城市大贫民区巡逻的警察如同置身于火山口上。

    The policemen who patrolled the big city slum area that summer were sitting on a volcano .

  18. 像其他在巡逻的警察一样,鲍勃配备的武器只有一只小型的无线电对话机。

    Like other policemen on the beat , Bob is armed only with a small , two-way radio .

  19. 塔利班宣称对这起爆炸负责,并表示,他们的目标是步行巡逻的警察部队。

    The Taliban claimed responsibility for that bombing , saying they were targeting Police troops on a foot patrol .

  20. 骑警指在骑马或骑骆驼执行巡逻任务的警察。

    Mounted police are police who do patrols on horseback or camelback .

  21. 大楼的看守人进行巡逻。那警察在执行巡逻任务。

    A watchman in a building makes rounds . The policeman was on his beat .

  22. 步行巡逻的一般警察。

    The ordinary policeman on foot patrol .

  23. 巡逻警车(警察巡逻车)有灯和报警器还有官方标志的警车

    Cruiser ( or squad car ) a police vehicle with lights and sirens and official markings

  24. 巡逻作为现代警察的最基本勤务方式,在全部警务活动中居于基础和先发的地位,如何建立一套行之有效的巡警体制和巡逻勤务模式,成为各国警务理论研究的重要课题。

    As the basic duty mode of modern policing , patrol is the basic and the starting point of all policing activities . And how to build an effective patrolman system and patrol duty mode has become the important subject of all countries ' policing theory research .

  25. 那里干净、安全,有私人警卫巡逻,他们比警察有更大的自由度。

    They 're clean and safe and patrolled by private security guards who have far broader latitude than publicly funded police .

  26. 上街参加巡逻的“溜冰警察”身穿蓝色制服,膝盖和手肘都戴上保护装备,头戴钢盔。

    The roller blading officers , who patrol the streets of Paris in blue uniforms , wearing knee and elbow pads and crash helmets .

  27. 尽管这次日本有所准备,但通常情况下,并非每艘海上保安厅的巡逻船都配有警察。船上是否配有警察会影响到处理海上违法者的速度。

    Though Japan was prepared this time around , typically , not every coast guard patrol boat has a police officer on deck , which effects the speed with which maritime violators are handled .

  28. 总而言之,我们碰上了一连串不同的警察力量,包括美国海岸巡逻队、西雅图警察、巴莱恩警察、州巡逻队、土著印第安人保护区警察以及来自各个基地的陆军和空军警力。

    All in all , the list of different police forces that hit us included the Naval Shore Patrol , the Seattle police , the Blaine police , the state patrol , the Native Indian reserve police as well as military and air force police from various bases .