
  • 网络Cruising Altitude;cruise altitude;CRZ ALT
  1. 飞机已到达约3.9万英尺的巡航高度。

    The aircraft had reached its cruising altitude of about 39,000 feet

  2. 根据一份波音公司的分析,只有9%的致命事故发生在巡航高度。

    According to a Boeing analysis , only 9 percent of fatal accidents occur at cruising altitude .

  3. cruisingaltitude飞机的巡航高度cabin机舱manually(adverb)手动操作地landinggear起落架

    the distance above sea level ideal for long-range flight ( ~ 35000 feet ) the part of a plane for passengers and crew controlled by a human , rather than automated the wheels , etc , of a plane

  4. 可获得最佳燃油哩程的巡航高度。

    The cruise altitude which results in the best fuel mileage .

  5. 现代飞航导弹的巡航高度一般都低于30米,进行掠海飞行。

    In modern times the flying height of the cruise missile is below 30 meters .

  6. 新规定让民航飞机的巡航高度层增加到13个,与美国的数量相同。

    The number of levels has now increased from seven to13 , the same number as in the U.S.

  7. 那个物体有十千米宽,而十千米是波音747的巡航高度。

    That object was about 10 kilometers across , and 10 kilometers is roughly the cruising altitude of a 747 jet .

  8. 我了解到飞机那时已经到达巡航高度,机舱里已经开始在准备供应早餐了。

    I read that the flight had reached a cruising altitude , and they were already starting meal service in the cabin .

  9. 小姐,在飞机达到巡航高度、安全带指示灯关闭以前,请不要离开座位。

    Miss , please remain seated until the plane has reached a cruising altitude and the seatbelt light has been turned off .

  10. 我们已经到达了巡航高度并且将继续飞3个小时,所以,请各位乘客确保舒适。

    We are at cruising altitude and will be in flight for another three hours , so you 'd better get comfortable .

  11. 当马来西亚航空交通管制中心与这架飞机失去联络时,它正在正常巡航高度飞行。如今,专家们提出了多种可能解释这架飞机为何失踪的理论。

    Experts have suggested various theories that might explain how the aircraft , which was at normal cruising altitude when Malaysian air traffic control lost touch with it , disappeared .

  12. 两名知情人士表示,卫星连接请求在印度洋上方某处中断,当时飞机处在正常的巡航高度。

    The pings ceased at a point over the Indian Ocean , while the aircraft was at a normal cruise altitude , say two people familiar with the jet 's last known position .

  13. 飞机达到巡航高度后,我们将为您提供一小份食物和几种饮料,饮料这个词听起来比“喝的”要好多了,不是吗?

    Once we have reached cruising altitude you will be offered a light meal and a choice of beverages & a word that sounds so much better than just saying'drinks ' , don 't you think ?

  14. 京晶:事实上,进入巡航高度后,飞机上有无线网络,可是已经太迟了,我看上的一些好东西的优惠折扣已经没有了。

    Actually , there was wi-fi on the plane once we were at a cruising altitude . But that was too late for good deals on some of the stuff I really had my heart set on .

  15. 你会发现你仍然以每小时120英里(193公里/小时)的速度坠落,并且整整持续2到3分钟才能到达距离约30000英尺巡航高度的“冰冷无情”的地面。

    to discover you 're still plunging 120 miles per hour ( 193 kilometers per hour ) , and still have a full two or three minutes to go from about a 30000 foot cruising altitude to the very hard and unforgiving ground .

  16. 巡航导弹雷达高度表侦收告警技术

    Reconnaissance and Warning Technique of Radar Altimeter of Cruise Missile

  17. 本课题研究的是飞航导弹在巡航阶段的高度控制问题。

    This dissertation research the altitude control system of the cruise missile when it is cruising .