
  • 网络Patrol system;guard tour system
  1. 基于GIS的模式识别技术在巡更系统中的应用研究

    GIS-based Pattern Recognition Technology in the Patrol System Application and Research

  2. 基于射频卡的保安巡更系统的研制开发

    Development of a Patrol System Based on Radio Frequency Card

  3. 感应卡巡更系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Patrol Systems Based on Proximity Cards

  4. 一种基于新型信息钮扣的巡更系统

    A Patrol System Based on New Informational Buttons

  5. 新型电子巡更系统的设计

    Design of new type night electro-patrol system

  6. 其巡更系统包括一个手持式数据记录器,检测点和报告软件。

    The system includes a hand-held data recorder , checkpoint stations , and reporting software .

  7. 随着科技的发展,智能化的巡更系统已是现代化管理的重要手段之一。

    With the development of science and technology , intelligent patrol system is a kind of important measure in the modern management .

  8. 最后,对巡更系统的相关软件进行了系统测试,测试结果表明,相关软件能实现相关功能。

    Finally , the test with the relative software was made and the results indicates that the function of the software is normal .

  9. 巡更系统,加强了对巡逻人员的管理,使住宅、工厂、仓库更为安全,减少了不必要的损失。

    Patrol system , strengthen the management of patrol personnel , makes house , store house , factory more safety and reduce loss .

  10. 电子巡更系统是比较有效的安全防范措施,目前电子巡更系统存在一定问题;

    Night electro-patrol system is one of the more efficient security measures . At present , there are some problems in night patrol system .

  11. 因为它含有99项预置事件代码可以下载到巡更系统终端的电脑,因此该系统也减少了文本的操作工作。

    The system minimizes paperwork , because it has99 preset incident codes that can be downloaded to the computer at the end of the tour .

  12. 本文介绍了课题背景、电子巡更系统的现状和发展趋势。

    ( hereinafter referred to as RTEPS ) This thesis introduces the background of the task , status quo and developing trend of economic patrol system .

  13. 本文以北京“东方广场”建筑群为例,详细阐述智能巡更系统在对安保人员管理方面的应用情况,供大家参考借鉴。

    The article takes realistic item as background , which elaborates the design and implementation of Electronic Patrol System in the management of rail transport safety in modernization construction .

  14. 本文论述的电子巡更系统是一种采用非接触式IC卡技术,可利用电话线传输数据,而且巡更仪本身具有汉字显示功能,可用并行接口连接打印机完成打印功能的电子巡更系统。

    The electronic patrol system adopts the technology of contactless IC card and uses telephone line to transmit data . And the electronic patrol instrument itself has the function of showing and printing via parallel interface .

  15. 本课题在对瓦斯监控系统以及瓦斯巡更系统现状及国内外相关产品概况分析的基础上,研制了一套在线式瓦斯检测员考勤系统。

    This subject gives a design on the online gas inspector surveillance system for substation in coal mine on the basis of analysis about existing condition and related production of gas monitoring and patrolling system in domestic and foreign .

  16. 电子实时巡更检测系统基于RFID技术的巡逻管理系统设计

    A Design of Electronic Patrol Management System Based on RFID Technology

  17. 基于CAN总线的非接触式IC卡门禁与巡更监察系统

    A Door Control and Patrol Monitor System Using Contactless IC Card Based on CAN Bus

  18. 给出了一种综合采用射频识别技术、非接触IC卡导航定位及无线局域网等技术的智能化、集成化仓库设计方案。基于CAN总线的非接触式IC卡门禁与巡更监察系统

    Based on the technology of RFID and contactless IC card positioning and wireless local network , a design of an abstemious intelligent warehouse is given . A Door Control and Patrol Monitor System Using Contactless IC Card Based on CAN Bus

  19. 该文介绍了一种基于CAN总线的非接触式IC卡门禁与巡更监察系统方案,重点讨论了节点门禁与巡更控制器的设计,并阐述了系统的特色、主要功能及应用前景。

    One kind of scheme in a door control patrol monitor system using contactless IC card based on CAN bus is presented here , laying emphasis on design of a door control patrol device . And the system 's feature , main function and application perspectives are expounded .

  20. 本文所介绍的巡更管理系统还能够实现一卡多用的功能,有较强的系统扩展性。

    The Patrol System introduced by this paper has preferable expansibility .

  21. 高等级公路路面平整度检测方法电子实时巡更检测系统

    Inspect of Smoothness in Expressway Pavement Realtime Electronic Patrol Inspect System

  22. 电子实时巡更检测系统

    Realtime Electronic Patrol Inspect System

  23. 因此建立一个全方位、多层次、立体化及高效率的巡更管理系统己成为物业管理的一项重要内容。

    Therefore , it is an important task to set up the management information system of stakeout in the management of real estate , which is all-directions , tier and high-efficiency .

  24. 但是巡更管理系统中传统的有线巡更系统有一定的缺陷,需对各个巡查地点进行综合布线,工作量大并且复杂,可靠性低,且安装和维护花费成本高。

    But the traditional wired patrol system has some shortcomings , for instance , the various site inspections needs integrated wiring , heavy and complex workload , and has low reliability and high installation and maintenance cost .

  25. 系统地介绍了智能大厦的保安监控系统的设置及功能,包括:出入口控制系统、防盗报警系统、闭路电视监视系统、停车场管理系统、电梯控制系统、巡更管理系统。

    This paper systematically introduces the arrangement and functions of security monitoring system of intelligent building , including exit-inlet control system , burglar alarm system , closed circuit TV monitoring system , parking lot management system , elevator control system and outwatching management system .

  26. 详细分析了运用TM卡构成智能电子锁系统的安全性和可靠性,以及实现信息化智能小区系统出入口控制和巡更管理子系统的地位、作用和功能特点。

    The security and reliability of intelligent electronical lock system and the station , function trait of the passageway and patrol system using TM in information intelligent community are analysed in detail .

  27. 无线IC卡考勤及巡更计算机管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Wireless IC Card Computer Managing System for Work Attendance Check and Night Patrol

  28. 它由便携式GPS巡更器、数据通信系统和巡更管理信息系统组成。

    It comprises of portable GPS patrolling system , digital communication system and patrolling information administrative system .

  29. 针对这一情况,本文中论述了可真实记录巡更员执行任务时的真实情况的电子巡更系统。

    Based on the case , the true case of the electronic patrol system when the patrolman executes the work is discussed in this dissertation .