
xún lǐ
  • tour;pilgrimage;sight-seeing;go on a pilgrimage;visit a sacred land;make a pilgrimage to a holy place
巡礼 [xún lǐ]
  • (1) [pilgrimage;sight-seeing;tour]∶参观名胜古迹,或凭吊怀古,或参加特殊活动,或有特定目的的旅行

  • (2) [visit a sacred land]∶佛教称到各地礼拜

巡礼[xún lǐ]
  1. 每个月,CNN的《新国界巡礼》要带您到一个新的国家,看看改变这个世界的人物与地方。

    Well , each month CNN 's i-list takes you toa new country and shows you the people and places changing the world .

  2. 中国养猪业及其文献资源巡礼

    Grand View on Chinese Swine Industry and Swine Industry Bibliographic Resources

  3. 经典动漫巡礼(2)火影忍者

    CLASSIC CARTOON SHOWS ( 2 ) NARUTO Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

  4. 第七届巴西家庭用品设计大奖巡礼

    Prized Works of 7 ~ ( th ) Brazil Housewares design competition

  5. 不是整装待发的巡礼阅兵。

    Not the tour parade dressing up and prepare for the journey .

  6. 攀登的足迹&生命科学基础研究成果巡礼

    Retrospect of the achievements in basic research of Life Sciences

  7. 四川省遥感地质20年巡礼

    Sight seeing of remote sensing geology for 20 years of Sichuan Province

  8. 美学苑囿一洞天&2002年国内宗教美学思想研究巡礼

    View of 2002 Religious Aesthetic Ideology Study in China

  9. 欧洲的中国观:一个历史的巡礼与反思

    The European Perspective on China : A Historical Retrospection

  10. 伯明翰的挑战&1992年英国国际汽车展巡礼

    Challenge from Birmigham & A Report on Visiting The British International Motor Show 1992

  11. 世界名校巡礼(之三)布朗大学气浮技术在长焰煤加压气化废水中的应用

    Application of strip off technology in treating the phenolic wastewater of brown coal-pressure gasification

  12. 无线网络技术与市场巡礼

    The Technique and the Market of Wireless Network

  13. 调整格局实施跨跃式发展&CCS2002年工作会议巡礼

    Adjust the Structure to Stride Forward & A View of CCS Working Meeting 2002

  14. 历史的跨越盛誉京城&大涌红木家具进京展巡礼

    Be Famous in Beijing City beyond History & Da Chong Mahogany Furniture Expo Beijing

  15. 杰出基金育杰出人才&国家杰出青年科学基金实施10周年巡礼

    Excellent funds Forster excellent SCIENTISTS-THE 10th anniversary of the National Excellent Young Scientists Fund

  16. 孙子兵法与企业经营管理研究30年巡礼

    Military Science of Sun Tzu and Thirty Year Research on Enterprise Operation and Management

  17. 香港金融百年巡礼

    The Survey on the Experience of Hong Kong 's Financial System in Last Century

  18. 万家灯火处处情广州供电局企业文化巡礼

    The corporate culture of Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau

  19. 经典动漫巡礼(1)犬夜叉

    Classic Cartoon Shows ( 1 ) INUYASHA

  20. 澳门园林文化巡礼

    General Survey of Macao 's Garden Culture

  21. 构建21世纪的实验大平台&东南大学实验室建设年、实践教学年巡礼

    To Constructing the 21st Century Experiment Platform

  22. 世界名校巡礼之耶鲁大学

    World famous universities study in Yale University

  23. 2002年全球软饮料市场巡礼

    Global soft drinks round up in 2002

  24. 收藏文化感知大家风范&济南市博物馆捐赠文物巡礼

    Donation Culture of Jinan Municipal Museum

  25. 敦煌艺术美学巡礼

    Perspectives on Esthetics in Dunhuang Arts

  26. 中国艺术院校巡礼

    Tour in arts colleges of China

  27. 绿色核电之路&大亚湾核电运营管理有限责任公司环保工作巡礼

    The Green Road of Nuclear Power

  28. 寂寞天外的绝响&古格王国艺术巡礼

    The Art of Ancient Guge Kingdom

  29. 第二届亚洲钢铁大会巡礼

    2nd Asia Steel International Conference

  30. 名城苏州打造立体化职教产业平台&2006中国首届职业教育博览会巡礼

    Solid vocational education industry terrace