
  • 网络Lafcadio Hearn;Yakumo Koizumi
  1. 当我打电话到他在英格兰的家中时,他承认自己就像小泉八云一样,对日本思考了15年,最终却还是一样迷惘。

    When I called him at his home in England , he professed to be just as confused after 15 years of thinking about Japan as Hearn was .

  2. 1850年6月27日,日本作家小泉八云出生于希腊伊奥尼亚群岛中的勒夫卡斯岛。

    Japanese author Patrick Lafcadio Hearn was born on June 27 in Lefkada , one of the Greek Ionian Islands .

  3. 在这番尝试一年之后,小泉八云便离开了人世。

    A year after his attempt , he was dead .

  4. 小泉八云是日本明治中后期旅日西洋作家中的代表,在世界文坛占有重要的地位。

    Kozumi Yakumo , a representative of Western Japanese authors in the late Meiji Japan , occupies an important role in the history of the world literature .