
  1. 拿着打火机走上富士山顶。

    Take the lighter and walk up the Fuji mountain .

  2. 湖畔的花园景色怡人,不过厚厚的云层遮住了富士山顶。

    The lakeshore gardens were pleasant though Mount Fuji 's peak was obscured by thick clouds .

  3. 上个月,日本很多地方像往年一样,都下了雪,但是从近来的一些照片上可以看到,以往被白雪覆盖的富士山顶如今已经露了出来。

    Much of Japan has had record snowfall in the last month , but recent photographs of the usually snowcapped Mount Fuji show its slopes looking bare .

  4. 日本气象厅火山研究所的一位科学家说,富士山顶的雪变少和火山运动之间是没有什麽联系的。

    " There is no link whatsoever between the scarcity of snow on Mount Fuji and volcanic activities there ," said a scientist at the volcano section of Japan 's Meteorological Agency .

  5. 两个多小时后,我们抵达富士山的山顶。

    In a little over two hours we reached the top of Mt. Fuji .