
  • 网络compartment;Small cell
小格 [xiǎo gé]
  • [compartment] 立体空间的分隔,如小室或小容器

  • 在荚壳的许多小格中可以找到种籽

  • 轮盘赌器中的小格

  1. (药水用法说明)每服一小格。

    Dose : one measure each time .

  2. 每次服一小格。

    ( of liquid medicine ) dose one measure each time .

  3. “你是个侏儒,”小格里夫鄙视的说。

    " You 're a dwarf ," Young Griff said scornfully .

  4. 梳妆台的抽屉隔成四小格。

    The dresser drawer was partitioned into four compartments .

  5. 这些设计是正方形的,菱形的,三角形的或六角形的小格区域。

    Such designs were square , diamond , triangular or hexagonal shaped pellet areas .

  6. “我知道如何用剑,”小格里夫坚称。

    " I know how to use a sword ," Young Griff was insisting .

  7. 等到开始上历史,小格里夫变得不耐烦了。

    By the time they turned to history , Young Griff was growing restive .

  8. “前面有光,”小格里夫警告。

    " Light ahead ," warned Young Griff .

  9. 数独盘面是个九宫,每一宫又分为九个小格。

    Sudoku disk is Jiu Gong , every house is divided into nine small cells .

  10. 他举起他的火把,火光照在小格里夫的脸上。

    He held up his torch , so that the light washed over Young Griff 's face .

  11. 好大,比小格间大多了,这才像话!

    Phoebe : Wow ! It 's huge ! It 's so much bigger than the cubicle . Oh , this is a cube .

  12. 这两条规则说明了为什么传统的细条套装几乎受到每一位女士的青睐。小格与大格也是如此。

    These two rules help explain why a classic pin stripe suit flatters almost every woman . The same holds true for small-scaled checks and plaids .

  13. 上边所有的小格都被色彩鲜艳的线填充,图案是两只蝴蝶,来源与中国的一个爱情故事。

    Each column above was filled with colorful threads . The patterns of the picture are two butterflies , which symbolizes a classical Chinese love story .

  14. 每一小格的颜色看上去毫无意义,就像一个“比特”,可当全部的格子填完时,所有的“比特”又被我们的眼睛整合为颇具秩序感的形式。

    The colors in every grid seems totally meaningless , just like a bit , but as a whole are integrated into a quite orderly form by our eyes once all the grids are filled .

  15. 为什么要找信号呢我们不是要发射信号吗是的但要看到小格信号格表示无线电被接收了

    Why do we need to pick up a signal ? Aren 't we trying to send one ? Yes , but what you want to see here is little bars . The bars show it 's getting reception .

  16. 虽然他能轻而易举地嗅出染着蓝发的格里夫和小格里夫背后的真相,杨恩德里和伊西拉看起来也就是他们说的那样,而鸭子也差不多。

    He had sniffed out the truth beneath the dyed blue hair of Griff and Young Griff easily enough , and Yandry and Ysilla seemed to be no more than they claimed to be , whilst Duck was somewhat less .

  17. 对于不可定向曲面上地图的计数,大部分的文献都是集中在小亏格的曲面上,如射影平面,Klein瓶等。

    On the enumeration of maps on the nonorientable surfaces , most of literatures concentrated on such surfaces as the projective plane and the Klein bottle .

  18. 形式背景核用于支持生成子形式背景的小概念格,经过重构小概念格得到最终的概念格。

    The final concept lattice is reconstructed by combining these small lattices .

  19. 从台湾红头小法格界看格的宗教功能

    The Religious Function of " Ge " Reflected in Gejie of Red-headed Small Sorcery in Taiwan

  20. 此算法的优点是生成新节点的范围小,构建概念格的速度快。

    Advantage of the algorithm is that scope of generating new nodes is small , and concept lattice is quickly constructed .

  21. 美国想把一些小国家变成自己的小木偶。格丰,杭州电视台的制片人说。

    " The United States is trying to use the small nations as marionettes ," said Ge Fen , a Hangzhou-based television producer .