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xiǎo shù lín
  • grove;spinney
  1. 雕像建造在奥林匹亚潮湿的小树林中。

    The statue was erected in a damp grove at olympia .

  2. 克莱尔小树林的男孩子们看着头儿挨揍,转向林肯。

    The Clary 's Grove boys looked at their beaten leader and turned on Lincoln .

  3. 小树林是鸟儿的乐园。

    The small woods are a haven for birds .

  4. 我们的房子后面有一个小树林。

    There is a wood behind our house .

  5. 还有这只叫Molly的,到离家两小时路程的一个小树林里去捣鸟窝。

    and Molly , who travelled two hours from home to hunt from a birds " nest in a wood .

  6. 一天,我记得是个下午,我和小伙伴们在小树林里玩;

    One day , I remembered it was in the afternoon .

  7. 横穿小树林的那条小径常有人走。

    The trail that cut across the woods was often trodden .

  8. 高山坡上的小树林都笼罩在一片薄雾中。

    The woods on the mountain sides were clad in mist .

  9. 警察在小树林里寻找了一天,已经精疲力竭。

    The police have spent an exhausting day searching the woods .

  10. 只是一块黑云,像一片浓郁的小树林。

    Is but a cloud , and like a shady grove .

  11. 警察搜遍小树林,寻找失踪的男孩。

    The police combed the woods for the missing boy .

  12. 在附近的小树林里发现了她半裸的尸体。

    Her partially clothed body was found in woods nearby .

  13. 眼前的定居点包含在一片松树小树林中。

    The actual settlement was contained inside a grove of pine trees .

  14. 金黄色的田野和小树林在近处闪闪发亮。

    In the foreground lay golden fields and copses glittering in the sun .

  15. 大约在中午时分,有两个人走进了小树林。

    At around noonday two people entered the grove .

  16. 仅存的散片小树林对我们来说也是重要的。

    Even shards of woodlands are vital to us .

  17. 鸟儿在公园小树林里的树枝间飞来飞去。

    The birds flitted from branch to branch in the woods of the part .

  18. 两人默默无声地沿着一条通到小树林的鹅卵石铺道往前走。

    They proceeded in silence along the gravel walk that led to the copse ;

  19. 没有下层林丛的小树林。

    A small growth of trees without underbrush .

  20. 他跟她走进小树林时,并没想到要试一试。

    He had followed her into the shrubbery with no idea of trying it .

  21. 在古希腊,人们将庄严的小树林奉为神的住所。

    In ancient Greece , sacred groves were preserved as the habitats of divinities .

  22. 我们经常在那个我们童年玩耍的小树林里散步。

    We often walks in the woods , where we played in our childhood .

  23. 不过,又有两个小树林里比较实际的居民来了。

    Presently , however , two more practical people arrived in the little wood .

  24. 柠檬香味充满了小树林。

    The scent of lemons filled the grove .

  25. 再见,绿色的田野,欢腾的小树林,

    Farewell , green fields and happy groves ,

  26. 我带孩子们到小树林里去散步,两个小时后

    I took the children on a walk in the woods and , after two hours

  27. 一走进小树林,咖苔琳夫人便用这样的方式跟她谈话

    As soon as they entered the copse , Lady Catherine began in the following manner

  28. 在小树林会面。

    Meet me at the grove .

  29. 我们所有人聚会的那块地方是我们住宅附近的一片小树林。

    The spot where we could all convene was a small wooded patch near our houses .

  30. 这有一片小树林。

    Here is a little forest .