
  • 网络Small and medium;Konaka;just take it;NELLIE CHI
  1. 62%的运动员来自普通高中或田径传统项目学校,46.02%的运动员从小学就开始训练,这说明小中大学一条龙训练体系已初步形成。

    62 % athlete originate from the ordinary high school or the track and field tradition project school , 46.02 % athletes since childhood starts to train , this explains Elementary school middle school university training system preliminary formation .

  2. 村子坐落在一个幽静的小山谷中。

    The village lay secluded in a hollow of the hills .

  3. 我们新的小册子中振奋人心的妙计比比皆是。

    Our new brochure is crammed full of inspirational ideas .

  4. 小农场主中可能还会有人破产。

    There could be further bankruptcies among small farmers .

  5. 这些帽子分小、中、大三个尺码。

    The hats are made in three sizes : small , medium and large .

  6. 他在贝克斯利的住宅坐落在一片小森林中。

    His home in Bexley is tucked away in a miniature forest .

  7. 在小公寓中摆放过多室内植物会让人觉得很压抑。

    An excess of house plants in a small flat can be oppressive

  8. 他们在各自的小社区中抱成一团。

    They banded together in their own small communities .

  9. 荷兰警方对一帮小混混中的两个人进行了训诫,他们一个10岁,另一个11岁。

    Dutch police told off two of the gang , aged 10 and 11 .

  10. 其特点在我们的小册子中有详细介绍。

    Its features are detailed in our brochure .

  11. 雕像建造在奥林匹亚潮湿的小树林中。

    The statue was erected in a damp grove at olympia .

  12. 在合用的小样本中高等真菌的一种惊奇性状是同形种或姊妹种的数量。

    A surprising feature of the higher fungi , in the small sample available , is the number of cryptic or sibling species .

  13. 我们经常用这个词来形容某事在长期的小阶段中如何进展,而不是立即完成。他逐渐使公司渡过了危机,现在被认为是CEO职位的最佳人选。

    These things take time . He gradually moved the company through the crisis and is now considered the best candidate for the CEO position .

  14. 当厌倦狩猎时,阿尔特弥斯常常在小山泉中淋浴。

    When she was tired with hunting artemis used to take abath in a little mountain spring .

  15. 因而,他沉溺于甜美的自我欣赏之中,远离所有的人,在苍翠蓊郁的小山谷中终日闲逛,他成了一位自恋狂。一天,那西塞斯在树林中愉快地游荡。

    Thus given up to sweet thoughts of self , Narcissus avoided all company . He roamed the wooded little valleys every day , madly in love withhimself .

  16. 结果经皮射频消融治疗52例复发性小肝癌中,肿瘤<3cm者38例,MRI或CT显示全部瘤灶完全凝固性坏死;

    Results MRI or CT after PRFA revealed complete coagulative necrosis of the tumor in 38 cases ( tumor size < 3 cm ) .

  17. 在左侧小部件中选择范围级别后,右侧标签为Mediationpolicyadministration的小部件指出它正在加载中介策略的附加。

    Next , when the scope level is selected on the left-hand widget , the right-hand widget labeled Mediation policy administration indicates that it is loading attachments .

  18. 小肝癌中CD82和VEGF表达与术后复发关系

    Expressions Relationship Between CD82 and VEGF and Postoperative Recurrence in Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma

  19. 而在肾小球和小血管中均未见CTGF表达。

    There was no expression of CTGF in glomeruli and vessels .

  20. 小秦艽中汞、砷微波消解ICP-AES测定法的建立

    Establishment a method of determination mercury and arsenium in Gentiana dahurica Fisch by ICP-AES with microware digestion

  21. Dojo数据API从显示用户界面的小部件中抽象出惟一数据格式概念。

    The Dojo data APIs abstract the concept of unique data formats from the widgets that display the user interface .

  22. 结果:正常的小肠组织中均有Ecadherin的表达,小肠癌中阳性率为40.26%。

    Results : E cadherin expressed in normal small intestine tissue , while the expression rate was 40.26 % in small intestinal carcinoma .

  23. 半升正弦函数(HalfRaised-SineFunction,HRSF)倒谱提升技术可以降低易受噪声干扰的低阶分量值,同时提高数值相对小的中高阶分量值。

    Half raised-sine function cepstral lifting technique can reduce the low-order component which is vulnerable to noise interference and increase the middle and high order component .

  24. 在这个基础的小部件中,指向Google服务的URL直接硬编码到iWidget的标记(iw:content)部分。

    In that case , the URL to the Google service was hard-coded directly in the markup ( iw : content ) section of the iWidget .

  25. 本文也向您显示了一个应用程序中的所有iWidgets如何从一个基本小部件中继承。

    This article also shows you how all the iWidgets in an application can inherit from a base widget .

  26. 我们在封装标签的NoteBook窗口小部件中使用pageconfigure()函数来完成这一任务,传入的第一个参数为被引用的标签的符号名。

    We do this using the pageconfigure () function on the enclosing NoteBook widget , passing the symbolic name of the referenced tab as the first argument .

  27. 与模型组比较,连翘提取物小、中、大剂量及连翘苷均有降低大鼠血清及脑组织5-HT和5-HIAA含量的趋势,但无统计学差异。

    Compared with the model group , Forsythia suspensa-low , Forsythia suspensa-median and Forsythia suspensa-high doses can reduce 5-HT and 5-HIAA content in rats ' brain in the trend , but there were no statistical difference between them .

  28. 利用方式中,母质层和荒地土壤的大团聚体消散系数(RSI)最大,其次是耕地。而小团聚体中,耕地的RSI最小。3不同测定方法获得的稳定性指标,土壤稳定性排序不同。

    In addition , the big aggregate of parent material layer and bare soils had the biggest slaking index ( RSI ) and the cultivated soils ranked the next place . 3 .

  29. 由于缺乏KD的特异性实验室诊断指标及金标准,KD主要是临床诊断,其中不完全川崎病在小婴儿中发生率较高,早期诊断困难,并发冠状动脉损害的可能性较大,受到人们重视。

    Due to the lack of KD specific laboratory diagnosis index and the gold standard , KD is primarily a clinical diagnosis . The incomplete KD in an infant has a higher incidence rate , is likely complicated with coronary artery damage . Early diagnosis is difficult .

  30. 同时随着是SOHO(小型办公)的出现,越来越多的人希望在家中或小公司中办公,对于他们,主要的就是节约办公成本。

    At the same time , with the appearance of the Small Office Home Office , more and more people want to do their jobs at home or small office s. For them , the main motive is saving their working cost .