
  • 网络Ishigaki;Ishigaki Island;Kabira;Ishigaki-jima Island
  1. 虽然夏川里美是个来自冲绳石垣岛的乡下女孩,她的音乐却有能够疗愈人心的力量。

    Although she is a country girl from Ishigaki , Okinawa , Rimi 's music has the power to heal wounded hearts and souls .

  2. 让我们把目光投向南边的石垣岛,它距离冲绳南端250英里,远离东京的喧嚣,有着低廉的物价和慵懒的氛围。

    For low prices coupled with laid-back attitudes , look way south to the island of Ishigaki , 250 miles south of Okinawa Island and far from the bustle of Tokyo .

  3. 另一起事件发生在2004年。当时,一艘中国核动力潜艇进入冲绳县石垣岛(IshigakiIsland)附近的日本领海。

    The second incident took place in 2004 when a Chinese nuclear-powered submarine entered Japanese territorial waters near Okinawa Prefecture 's Ishigaki Island .